As soon as this doubt rose in her heart, she saw the young Chong Si Guangzhong smile.

"You dagger, it's time to change it!"

With the voice, but see the young wrist slightly a force.

With a crisp click, the dagger broke.

Not only that, the giant force that followed also took Si Guangzhong back a few steps.

"Who are you? Why intervene in the affairs of our family? " Si Guangzhong stares at the boy and cheers coldly.

The smile on Xue an's face remained the same. He didn't seem to be angry with Si Guangzhong, but sighed.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that you are too heartless to do things!"

"Heartless?" Si Guangzhong sneered, "it's a joke. It's a private matter between our family and the Lou family. What's the relationship with you?"

"People in the world are in charge of the affairs of the world. How can it be said that it has nothing to do with me?" Xue an light way.

Si Guangzhong sneered and said nothing. He just winked at his subordinates.

Bi zuqiang and others will not move the look of the scattered, vaguely surrounded Xue an in the middle.

This scene Lou Yingshi sees in the eye, the face can't help but emerge anxious color, but at the moment her voice pulse is sealed, can't say anything at all.

But Wu Ruiyun on the ground now understood it and could not help shouting.

"Be careful, young man. Si Guangzhong is deliberately delaying time to besiege you!"

But her reminder came a little late. Si Guangzhong said with a grim smile, "since you want to meddle in your own business, go to hell!"

This sentence is the order, including Bi zuqiang, many subordinates immediately launched an attack.

From all sides of the offensive continued together, showing the trend of Taishan to Xue Anhong.

Obviously, these men have been strictly trained, and their angle of attack has reached the peak, blocking all possible retreats of Xue an.

At the moment, he had to wait to die except to fight hard.

A smug smile appeared on Si Guangzhong's face.

Somehow, he was full of caution and jealousy towards the boy in white.

The wariness is that this guy can come to him unconsciously and twist his dagger.

He was awe inspiring by the strength it represented.

Jealousy is that he found that this young man is far superior to himself in both temperament and appearance.

This naturally made him uncomfortable, who was always in the limelight.

But all this will soon pass, as long as he died, then all is over!

Wu Ruiyun naturally also saw the crisis of the situation, but now she can't even protect herself. She can only look at the bright brilliance with regret and lament in her heart.

Is God going to die?

But at this time, in the continuous Guanghua offensive, a bright sword light suddenly rose.

As soon as the light of the sword came out, the original powerful attack broke down.

Then, he saw the light of the sword turning gently.

Poop, poop!

In a few dull sounds, the men who launched the attack immediately broke off.

Blood spatter, a figure rushed out, toward the distance would like to flee.

It is bi zuqiang who betrays the house and sells for glory.

But he just ran out a few steps, a trace of invisible sword from behind, directly through his whole chest and abdomen.


In the dull sound, Bi zuqiang was shocked. Then he looked at Si Guangzhong not far away with despair and panic.

"My lord... Help..."

At last, before the word "I" came out, the sword light broke his whole body.

Blood flow, bone chips flying!

These miserable scenes made Si Guangzhong's face extremely ugly.

But he didn't run away.

Because he knew very well that he could not run away with the cultivation shown by this sword light.

It's better to stand in the same place and see what this young man suddenly means.

With this idea in mind, he looked at it with an iron blue face.

At this time, the sword light converged, and then Xue an walked out slowly.

This scene just let Lou Yingshi and Wu Ruiyun, who were still worried, breathe a sigh of relief.

Wu Ruiyun couldn't help muttering in his heart.

It's a strong young Jian Xiu, but it seems that I haven't heard of such a young and powerful Jian Xiu in Tianwaitian!

And the meaning of his sword seems strange.

When she was puzzled, Xue an had come to Si Guangzhong.

"Well, you men are not obedient, so I'll send them for you. You're welcome!"

Si Guangzhong almost spat out blood.

You killed my people and said you're welcome?

However, the situation is stronger than others, and he can only look at Xue an with an iron face. He didn't say anything until a long time later.

"Your cultivation is powerful, but have you ever thought that this is the territory of the pharmacists alliance!"

"So what?" Xue an said with a light smile.

"It seems you don't know my family yet. I'm Si Guangzhong, the third son of the family, and the family is also one of the top ten families in the pharmacist League," he said

Xue an simply picked up her arms and listened with a smile.

Until he finished, Xue an said, "Oh? And then what? "

There was a touch of anger in Si Guangzhong's eyes. "Then, if you leave now, I can ignore the fact that you killed my subordinates, as if nothing had happened. Even if you like, my family can make a friend with you!"

"Just make friends. I'm not interested in killing people all over the house and plundering friends." Xue an light way.

This sentence made Si Guangzhong's eyelids jump, but he still insisted: "what do you mean?"

"It's very simple. Since you've killed this girl, you're going to kill her again, so now I want to know what this girl wants to do with you! If she lets you go, you can leave, but if she doesn't want to... Then I'm sorry! "

Xue an said this in a soothing tone, but with a chilling chill.

Si Guangzhong's face changed wildly.

Because he knew that if he did as Xue an said, he would definitely die.

After all, the hatred between him and the Lou family can no longer be measured by common sense.

If it is possible, Lou Yingshi even wants to eat him raw. How can she let him go?

As soon as he read this, he suddenly gave a cold hum, and a bright light went straight to Lou Ying's poem behind him. At the same time, the whole person rose up in the sky and was about to flee.

His wishful thinking is very good. If he wants to save Lou Yingshi, he will have to delay for a while, so that he will have a chance to escape.

But the ideal is very full, but the reality is very bony.

As soon as he was out, he felt a flower in front of him, and then a chill came from his throat.

It's a cold that can freeze the soul!

Then, blood splashed out, like flowers in full bloom! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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