The dripping blood splashed on the sky, also dyed Lou Yingshi's eyes red.

At the moment, her voice has returned to normal with the death of Si Guangzhong, and she only gives a sad cry.

"Dad, one of the enemies who killed all the people in our house has already died. Don't let the spirit of heaven go away. Let's see how these enemies were killed one by one!"

With that, she fell down on her knees and kowtowed to Xue an.

Xue Anwei turned aside and avoided her kowtow, but his eyes remained on the body of Si Guangzhong floating in the void.

Because he can clearly feel that although the body is dead, the spirit has disappeared.

To put it bluntly, it was only Si Guangzhong's body that died, but his spirit was saved by an unknown force at that moment.

Xue an was not surprised by this. After all, such as Si Guangzhong, there must be some skills to protect his life.

Xue an gave a slight sneer and waved his hand. His body was completely covered and burned to nothingness in an instant.

After all this, Xue an stooped to pick up the blue jade slip floating in the air, and then gave a smile to Lou Yingshi who was still kneeling on the ground.

"Get up!"

Lou Yingshi only felt that when the young man was laughing, there was a soft force to lift him up from the ground. She was not surprised.

But at this time, only a plop was heard, but Wu Ruiyun fell to the ground with his back on his face, and the blood flowed down her chest and abdomen, and she was already unconscious.

Lou Yingshi was so shocked that she rushed to the front and hugged her, "Grandma! Grandma, wake up

But no matter how she screamed, Wu Ruiyun didn't open her eyes.

Lou Yingshi's tears fell down. Suddenly she thought of something. She turned to Xue an and sobbed, "my Lord, please help my mother-in-law!"

In fact, Xue an has seen Wu Ruiyun's injury for a long time, so he can only shake his head and sigh.

"I'm sorry, her wound is hopeless! But I have a friend who should be able to let her hold on a little longer. As for how long she can hold on, I don't know! "

Despite this, there is still a glimmer of hope in Lou Yingshi's eyes.

"As long as you can hold on a little longer, it's good! Please help me

Xue an nodded, then raised his hand and lifted Wu Ruiyun up with a sword.

"Let's go!"

The distance back to the hotel from here is only fleeting for Xue an, but because of the worry about Wu Ruiyun's injury, Xue an slowed down.

Even so, I just used a cup of tea and went back to the hotel.

Xue an, of course, did not take the two of them to the main entrance. Instead, she fell from the sky and returned directly to the courtyard where she lived.

But after landing, he saw Cha Wenliang standing in the courtyard, as if waiting for them.

When Lou Yingshi saw Cha Wenliang, she was stunned and trembled.

"You... Are you master Cha, the magic doctor of the ghost needle?"

Cha Wenliang laughed. "I didn't expect that young people still remember me."

Lou Yingshi fell down on her knees with tears streaming down her face and said, "Lou Yingshi, the twelfth generation of the Lou family, worships the God doctor of the ghost needle. Please be merciful and save your mother-in-law!"

Zha Wenliang seems to have known what happened to the Lou family. He looks compassionate and sighs.

"I'll have a try, but it's impossible for her to be cured. Even I can only keep her awake for a while!"

With that, Cha Wenliang stepped up to Wu Ruiyun, who was still unconscious. As soon as he turned his wrist, several gold needles appeared in his hand.

I saw him flying with needles, stabbing Wu Ruiyun's body.

Every time, there will be a faint golden light into Wu Ruiyun's body.

In a twinkling, Wu Ruiyun's face, which was extremely pale and looked like a dead man, showed a trace of rudeness.

Cha Wenliang stepped back, "OK! But she can only last another quarter of an hour at most. If you have anything to say, please say it as soon as possible

Lou Ying's face is full of gratitude and sadness, and she comes to Wu Ruiyun.

At this time, Wu Ruiyun slowly opened his eyes.

Although she was just dying, she knew everything that happened outside.

Therefore, she looked at Lou Yingshi, who was full of tears and choked, and shook her head with a smile.

"Miss, don't cry, old slave. I've been ready for this from the moment I rushed home! So don't feel sorry for me, it's all I want! "

Lou Yingshi is out of breath when she is crying. She can only nod her head silently.

At this time, Wu Ruiyun looked at Xue an and Zha Wenliang, who were excited. Then he struggled to get up from the ground and kowtowed heavily.

"Wu Ruiyun, I've met Mr. Cha, I've met Mr. engong!"

Cha Wenliang looked at Wu Ruiyun, who was blushing, and his eyes became more and more compassionate.

"Wu Ruiyun, do you have anything else to say?"

"Wu Ruiyun didn't dare to have any extravagant hopes, but he only wanted to find out that master Cha and Xiao en Gong could take care of the eldest lady as much as possible after I left. After all, she is the only surviving blood of the Lou family now. If anything happens to her, I have no face to go down to see the old man!"

Hearing that Wu Ruiyun was still worried about Lou Yingshi even before he died, Cha Wenliang was moved by his loyalty.

But this matter is of great importance, especially involving the family struggle within the pharmacist alliance, so Zha Wenliang can't help hesitating.

But at this time, Xue an suddenly said: "well, I will promise you with your loyalty!"

Wu Ruiyun's face was full of joy, and he kowtowed to Xue an again.

"Thank you very much! Thank you very much! But I don't know Xiao en Gong's name, so that I can have an account when I see old man Lou after I die! "

"Xue an!"

"OK, thank you very much, Lord Xue."

At this time, the red color on Wu Ruiyun's face became more and more brilliant, and her whole momentum was restored.

But this is not a good omen, because it just proves that she has entered the last moment of dying.

Wu Ruiyun seems to know this. She turns around and smiles at Lou Yingshi.

"Miss, please forgive me. I can only send you here. You need to go on your own the next way."

Lou Yingshi has been crying for a long time. Even Cha Wenliang can't bear it.

Wu Ruiyun's face became solemn. "Miss, I hope you can take care of yourself after I leave. You should think more about everything, and remember to avenge the old man and the whole family!"

"Yes Lou Yingshi stopped her grief and nodded solemnly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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