Today, the person in charge of Xue an and his party is still the famous shop's junior.

In fact, when seeing Xue an leading the crowd into the herbal food shop, the waiter welcomed them with a bright smile, and then let them into the VIP room on the second floor.

The whole process is very attentive.

Of course, he was also rewarded by Xue an.

This makes him full of sincere respect and gratitude to Xue an.

After all, just the reward of these days is enough for his cultivation for a long time.

you 're right!

On this day, even the bartender will try his best to practice.

After all, in this world, strength represents everything. If you don't want to stay at the bottom forever, you have to rely on strength.

As a result, the little two of the famous shop said respectfully: "my Lord, what are you going to eat? Tell me, I'll let the kitchen get ready now! "

Xue an took a look at the two daughters next to him, and then at the little girl who had been looking around since she entered the medicated food shop. Her mouth was almost watering. She couldn't help laughing.

"Choose the best you can do!"

"Er..." The shopkeeper was a little stunned, and then cautioned carefully: "my Lord, we have no less than dozens of specialty dishes in the herbal food shop..."

Don't wait for the shopkeeper to finish, Xue an then waved his hand, "then do it all over again!"

"Yes... Yes!"

Since Xue an all so ordered, this famous shop small two naturally will behind try to dissuade words swallow back.

Who makes people rich! Maybe it's just the extravagance!

The shopkeeper thinks about it in his heart, and then goes to the kitchen.

Because it's in the morning, there are not many people to eat, so the dishes are served quickly.

However, in the light of tea, all kinds of dishes were served like flowing water.

But what's faster than serving is the speed of removing dishes.

Because no matter what kind of dishes, as long as just one end of the table, the little girl will not hesitate to pick it up, and then pour it into her mouth!

Yes, you're right. It's the meaning of holding up dishes and pouring vegetables into your mouth.

This scene dazzled everyone.

Including think oneself is to eat a goods, think also some see silly eye.

"My God, are you eating or loading?" Niannian could not help muttering.

Then everyone stopped eating at all. They all put down their chopsticks and watched the little girl pour food into her mouth one by one. They wondered how long she would have to eat.

But just under the gaze of so many eyes, the little girl's speed has not changed at all from beginning to end. She is still a dish without any drag.

The key is that the little girl seems to have no sense of coldness. Whether it's steaming soup or cold dishes, it can't stop her from pouring down.

Soon, this wave of several ten specialty dishes will be all finished, but the table is empty, not even a residue, can be described as a lonely.

Now, even the shopkeeper was shocked.

As for thinking and reciting, it's the boss who opens his mouth and looks at it blankly.

After a long time, Niannian could not help saying, "Dad, how long has this little sister not eaten?"

"Yes, I haven't served anyone before, but today I'm really convinced!" Think of also exclaim of say.

Xue an just laughed, because he knew that this was just the beginning.

So he looked at the little girl and said, "how does it taste?"

The little girl shook her head.

Xue an gave a wry smile. "I know it's not as delicious as the alchemy armor you like, but where can I find so many suitable Armor now, so you'd better make do with it!"

Then Xue an turned to the waiter and said, "well, make another dish according to the dishes you just served. No, two!"

The shopkeeper looked at the little girl sitting beside Xue an with a shocked face, and then couldn't help saying.

"My Lord, we all have aura in the medicated food here. It's enough for ordinary people to eat two plates. If this little sister eats like this, is it really OK?"

"If it's OK, you can do it at ease! Remember to add more medicated food

The shop boy went down in amazement.

Soon, the whole kitchen of the medicated food workshop was shocked.

The chef who thought he could have a rest just now thought the shopkeeper was joking.

"No way, it's impossible. Just now, the amount of food is enough for a sports practitioner. How can he not feed a little girl?" The chef didn't believe anything at first.

But after confirming that what the shop boy said was true, he was also a little surprised, and doubted his craft for the first time in his life.

"Did I cook too little today? How can you tell me to add more medicinal ingredients? "

The chef fell into deep self doubt, which also led him to add twice as much food and ingredients as usual.

Then the food went up again like running water.

But this time the situation is still unchanged, the little girl is still a dish to fall.

All in all, when the full three rounds of food, the shop boy's eyes have shown the color of fear.

The little girl just stopped, then put out her tongue and licked the oil stains at the corner of her mouth, and gave a big burp.

The burping sound is not very loud, but it sounds like Lun Yin in the ears of this famous shop's sophomore.

Xue an then asked with a smile, "are you full?"

The little girl nodded.

"Would you like some more dessert?"

The little girl nodded again.

Xue an turned his head and looked at the bartender, "then I'll have some more desserts, and..."

Xue an looked at his daughter again.

"Think about it. What would you like to eat?"

you 're right!

Just that three rounds of dishes, a table of people all stare at, even the opportunity to stretch chopsticks are not.

Until Xue an asked, he subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and then said in a trance: "whatever! Anything will do! "

"I'll trouble you to have some more special dishes!" Xue an said.

The waiter's face wrinkled together and said with a bitter smile: "to be honest, my Lord, the whole ingredients of the kitchen have been eaten up by this little girl, except for some desserts and cold food!"

Xue an was also stunned, and then said: "then you can weigh up what to add! We have to eat at all times


The shopkeeper, with a suspicious look on his face, turned and went out.

Anyan finally couldn't help sighing: "this little girl... Is more delicious than Taotie!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xue an said wrongly, "mother, you're wrong. She can eat more than me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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