At this moment, let's pull back the time a few hours ago, that is, when Xue an just saved Yingshi downstairs.

A huge manor stands on a planet in the leading position of the alliance of pharmacists.

Behind the manor is a continuous cemetery, in which the bones of the ancestors of the Si family are buried.

This is the most important place for every family, especially for the famous family.

Therefore, the Si family specially built a temple in this ancestral land, which was specially used to worship the spiritual throne of ancestors.

Not only that, the temple's security is also very strict, seems to have reached an incredible situation.

The reason is that the temple is not only used for sacrifice, but also for a more important purpose.

For example, now, when Si Guangzhong was killed by Xue an, his soul crossed tens of millions of miles in a flash and was reborn in this temple.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the immortal lights in the temple.

This did not prevent him from taking a breath. Although the spirit didn't need to breathe, he still made this action, and his face was full of fear.

He really thought he was dead just now.

Because the sword of the throat was so amazing, he only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and then fell into the endless darkness.

It was not a pleasant memory, and even made him feel cold and sweaty when he recalled it.

At this moment, only a majestic voice came from the void.

"What's the matter? How did you suddenly get reincarnated? What about your body? "

With the voice, just before the spirit of Si Guangzhong, a group of people emerged out of thin air.

The leader was a well-dressed middle-aged man, who was thin, kind-hearted and looked very kind.

But the most striking thing is his two extraordinarily long index fingers and middle fingers.

At the sight of the man, Si Guangzhong fell to his knees in a hurry, "son, worship your father!"

you 're right!

It was Si Daoyuan, the father of Si Guangzhong, the current owner of the Si family!

He said in a deep voice, "what's the matter? What's the task I gave you?"

Si Guangzhong looked helpless. Then he bowed his head to the ground and said in a gloomy tone: "failed!"

Although he had expected the result, he was still in a commotion.

Si Daoyuan's face was even more heavy. "What's the matter? Haven't you traced Lou Yingshi's whereabouts before? She's just an orphan girl. There's no master beside Wu Ruiyun. How can such a sure thing go wrong? "

Si Guangzhong gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "father, everything was as smooth as you said, but he never thought that at the last moment, a man suddenly came out to obstruct it, which eventually led to the failure of the whole thing!"

"Oh? One person gets in the way? Who is it? Who dares to fight against our family in the pharmacist alliance? " Si Dao Yuan said coldly.

"It's a teenager I've never met, but he's very powerful!"

With that, Si Guangzhong told the story again.

When he killed all his subordinates who followed Si Guangzhong with a sword and nearly killed him, there was another commotion.

This Division Road yuan's complexion is gloomy, almost dripping water to come, "bad my division family affairs don't say, incredibly still dare to start to you, this person's courage in the end must have how big!"

Seeing this, Si Guangzhong took the opportunity to say, "yes, father, and I don't think this person is an ordinary person. Just by knowing the whereabouts of Lou Yingshi, we can conclude that he must have information sources we don't know!"

As soon as Si Daoyuan's face changed, he took a deep look at Si Guangzhong.

Si Guangzhong knelt on the ground, lowered his head deeply and did not dare to say anything.

After a long time, this division road distance just cold hum.

"Get up and write down this matter for the time being!"

"Thank you, father!" Only then did Si Guangzhong dare to stand up.

Then the Secretary said: "it's not suitable for me to show my face, but we are bound to get something from the house. Moreover, we have paid such a high price, so it's impossible to give up halfway!"

"But your current situation is no longer suitable to stand out, so I decided to send Minqi to investigate and deal with this matter!"

After hearing the words Mingqi, Si Guangzhong suddenly turned pale. Even the body of the spirit, he could not help but step forward.

"Father, I managed the whole thing by myself, but now Mingqi got the result. I'm not willing to do it!"

What Si Guangzhong said was very straightforward, and his eyes were full of ambition.

Si Daoyuan said with a smile, "I know what you mean. You have made great contributions to this matter. Naturally, you won't be left empty, but your current state is really not suitable for carrying out the task, but you can go with him! What do you think? "

Hearing what Si Daoyuan said, Si Guangzhong hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

"All at my father's command!"

Si Daoyuan nodded, then came forward and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, you are also my blood. As for Mingqi, he..."

In Si Daoyuan's eyes flashed a luster of unknown meaning.

"He's just a grindstone I set up for you, so can you understand the father's good intentions?"

Si Guangzhong lowered his head and said in a low voice, "I know!"

"Just know!"

With that, Si Daoyuan put out his index finger and middle finger and put them directly on Si Guangzhong's wrist.

Si Guangzhong trembled all over, and then a little light appeared in his wrist.

These lights spread quickly, and in the blink of an eye they enveloped him.

After the light dissipated again, Si Guangzhong, who was still in the state of spirit, had recovered his physical body.

Although it is far less powerful than before, it has at least the ability to move freely.

It's against life and death if you take your wrist!

This is the most famous talent of Si Daoyuan.

Si Guangzhong kowtowed again, "son, thank you for your father's treatment!"

Si Daoyuan waved his hand wearily. "Well, my command arrow has just passed. Mingqi thinks he's ready. You should get ready as soon as possible."

"Yes Si Guangzhong bows down and goes out.

Si Daoyuan's face gradually regained its coldness, and then said in a deep voice: "go and investigate who are the experts who have recently appeared on that planet!"

There was an immediate follow-up.

Then, just a moment later, he came back in a hurry, half kneeling on the ground and said, "go home, I have just found out that there are 13 experts who have appeared on that planet recently. This is the list!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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