When Si Daoyuan received the list, he saw one of the names at a glance.

"Cha Wenliang..." Si Daoyuan's eyebrows gradually stand up, and his eyes are full of cool color.

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he was almost sure that this matter must have something to do with the ghost needle doctor.

But soon he sneered, "ghost needle doctor... Ha ha, what a joke! Hiding in Luoshen Valley for such a long time, you can't imagine that the current pharmacist alliance has completely changed

"Well, since you dare to meddle in this business, I have a reason to deal with you!"

After that, with a sneer on his face, Si Daoyuan turned and retreated into the darkness.

At the same time, in a cross yard of Sijia manor, a man in black holding an arrow, his face gradually became strange.

It was written clearly on his arrow that he needed to take a trip to a star in the market to investigate the house.

That's where the weirdness in his mind comes from.

Just as he was pondering, he heard a cold hum coming from outside the hospital. "You must have received father's order. If you don't get ready, what are you waiting for?"

With this cold hum, Si Guangzhong stepped into the room and watched the man in black coldly.

The man in black immediately converged his suspicions in his heart and said faintly, "when am I going to start? It's not your turn to talk!"

Si Guangzhong was furious in an instant.

"Si Mingqi, don't think that if your father let you take over this matter, it means that you can take my credit for yourself. I tell you, it's impossible. I'll go with you this time, so you'd better make your attitude clear!"

Si Mingqi watched the furious Si Guangzhong until he finished, then he said coldly: "have you finished? After that, please go out. I'm going to prepare for my departure! "

Si Guangzhong was furious again and gritted his teeth.

"Si Mingqi, don't use this kind of attitude to treat me. I'll tell you the truth. As a commoner, you don't want to look up in this family. As long as I'm in one day, you will always be my subordinate and my minister...!"

The voice suddenly stopped, and Si Guangzhong, who wanted to continue to say something, was stunned.

Because at this time, simingqi is looking at himself with a very cold eyes.

This vision made him involuntarily swallow back the words behind.

"Have you finished?" Simingqi cold channel.

Si Guangzhong snorted coldly, and then left.

After he left, siminqi's calm face suddenly appeared the color of madness.

Because his mind is constantly echoing the clamour of Si Guangzhong.

Courtiers, subordinates, concubines.

Although the injuries were not great, the insulting words made Siming Qi's expression gradually distorted, and his hands were clenched tightly, even his nails were deeply stabbed into the flesh and shed blood.

"In their mind, I am just inferior to pigs and dogs!"

Simingqi's eyes showed the color of humiliation, but soon he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Only a moment later, when he opened his eyes again and slowly breathed out a breath, there was no more anger on his face.

"Assemble your men, let's go!"

With the command of Si Mingqi, who was holding the master's arrow, the family quickly assembled an elite team and rushed to the incident planet.

Tens of millions of miles away for them is only half an hour's journey, so soon they came to the planet.

At this time, Si Guangzhong became a lot more honest, at least not to provoke simingqi.

He closed his eyes and began to feel the breath around him.

In the blink of an eye, he suddenly raised his eyes and pointed forward.

"Right there!"

At the command, the group immediately flew forward, and in the blink of an eye came to the front of the medicated food shop.

When he saw the three big characters of Yaoshan square, simingqi could not help but slightly change color.

"Are you sure it's in here?"

"Sure!" Si Guangzhong's eyes are red.

At the moment, he thought that he would rush into the restaurant with an order and find out Xue an who killed himself.

But, unexpectedly, simingqi didn't do that.

On the contrary, he was extremely calm.

"Let's go into the herbal food workshop to see if the man is here or not, and then make a decision."

Then he stepped in.

Si Guangzhong had been anxious, but now he can only obediently listen to Si Mingqi's words, followed in.

There were more than a dozen of them, and they were all of great momentum. As soon as they entered the herbal food shop, they immediately attracted people's attention.

As soon as the shopkeeper winked at his staff, a smart runner came forward.

"My guests, are you going to have dinner?"

"Nonsense, why don't you come here to eat?" Some of simingqi's men stared and cheered coldly.

The smile on the little boy's face remained unchanged. "Since it's for dinner, please come upstairs."

Si Mingqi took a look at Si Guangzhong and he nodded.

It means the man is on the second floor.

So the party went up to the second floor with the famous shop.

After coming to the second floor, the shop boy arranged a large elegant room for them.

After sitting down, Si Guangzhong sneered and raised his hand to the opposite side.

"Right there!"

Simingqi nodded, but he didn't move his voice. Instead, he took a sip of tea.

Finally, Si Guangzhong couldn't restrain himself. "What are you waiting for?"

Siminge glanced at him. "Wait for the chance!"

"What chance? Why don't you just start here and capture him? " Si Guangzhong said coldly.

Si Mingqi laughed, but did not speak.

This kind of neglect made Si Guangzhong's face more and more ugly.

He forced himself to bite his teeth and put down his dissatisfaction.

Soon, the shopkeeper who led them upstairs came in with tea.

"Let's have a taste of our special tea first!"

Simingqi said thank you with a smile, and then pretended to point at Ya Jian who was opposite obliquely.

"Excuse me, is there anyone in the elegant room opposite?"

The shopkeeper was busy wiping the desk, with a bright smile on his face. He didn't seem to take siminqi's question seriously at all.

"My guest, why do you ask?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I just feel that there seems to be a very familiar breath in the elegant room, so I think it's an old friend!" Simingqi said with a smile.

The shopkeeper laughed, "my guest, I'm joking. The elegant rooms in our herbal food shop are shielded by special array. How can we feel the breath inside? Please take your time. I'll go down and get the menu first! "

With that, the young man of the famous shop turned around and went out of the box.

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