"That is to say, these people may be inquiring about me?" Xue an said with a smile.

The shop waiter nodded solemnly, "I think it's very possible, because the guests at this table are very strange. Ever since I came in, I've been very interested in your elegant room!"

"Even after I sat down and didn't order any food, I began to ask about it. That's why I found something strange in it, so I took this opportunity to tell you quickly!"

Xue an nodded, then handed over a spirit crystal, "thank you for your trouble!"

But this time, the little two of the famous shop didn't pick up. Instead, he said solemnly: "my Lord, you gave me enough Lingjing, and I didn't come to tell you this time to covet your Lingjing, so I don't want this Lingjing!"

Looking at the shop boy with a solemn face, Xue an was slightly stunned and immediately nodded.

"Well, in that case, thank you very much!"

The famous shop has gone.

But all the people in the box showed the color of meditation, and cha Wenliang frowned slightly.

"Xue an, who do you think these people will be?"

Xue an laughed, "how can I know, but since these people are so interested in me, they must have something to do with the Lou family!"

"You mean... The family?" Cha Wenliang was shocked.

Xue an shook his head. "The elegant rooms of the herbal food shop are specially made. In the case of layers of shielding, I don't know who the other party is, so it's just a guess!"

Cha Wenliang's face was cold and stern. "Whether it is or not, but these people are obviously not good at it. Do we want to leave here now?"

"Leave?" Xue an smiles and shakes his head.

"Avoidance is never the solution to the problem. Since they are here for me, the best way is to... Meet them for a while!"

With that, Xue an got up, opened the door and went to the opposite box.

Cha Wenliang was shocked. Before he could stop him, Xue an had already opened the door of the box.

Inside, Si Mingqi, Si Guangzhong and others are talking about something. When he heard the door ring, Si Guangzhong didn't even raise his head. He thought it was the shop boy who came in, so he said in a loud voice.

"Here, give me some more tea!"

But there was only silence in response.

Suddenly, Si Guangzhong seems to notice something. He suddenly looks up and sees Xue anzheng standing at the door, smiling at himself.

For a moment, Si Guangzhong felt his neck was cold, and he couldn't help retreating.

But he forgot that he was sitting in a chair at the moment, so he fell on all fours.

Even so, he got up from the ground and looked at Xue an with a dignified face.

"You... What are you doing here?"

Xue an faintly smiles, "aren't you running for me? So

Xue an went straight to the table and sat down. "I'll come to see you in advance."

Si Guangzhong's face is changeable.

To tell you the truth, although he was fierce on the way here, when he really faced Xue an, his heart was still full of fear.

After all, he still remembers that throat sword.

On the contrary, simingqi looks calm and looks coldly at Xue an sitting opposite him.

Xue an a smile, and then slender fingers intentionally or unintentionally hit in front of the table, "you are he moved to the rescue?"

Simingqi's pupils shrink, because he suddenly finds that he can't see through the boy in white in front of him.

Although judging from his momentum, he is just an immortal, no matter how much he spies, he can't penetrate the fog that envelops him.

This naturally made him feel slightly shocked.

But what really shocked him was Xue an's next words.

Seeing Xue an looking at Si Mingqi with a smile, he said calmly: "people have to pay the price for his choice. He is the same, so are you, right?"

At first, it seems that the preface doesn't match the postscript, but Siming Qi is thrilled, because this is exactly what he said to Tang Longtao at the beginning.

you 're right!

The man in black who secretly bribes Tang Longtao and the man with eyes, intending to ambush Lou Yingshi, is him!

This is also the reason why he appeared strange after receiving the order of Si Daoyuan.

Because he didn't expect such a change to happen. Tang Longtao and others, who had been lurking by himself, also failed.

Now it seems that the failure of Tang Longtao and others is obviously inseparable from the young man in white.

Of course, these thoughts flash away in simingqi's mind, and then he regains his calm and stares at Xue an.

"You're right. People have to pay for their own choices. When you interfere in this matter and make enemies with our family, have you ever thought about the price you will pay?"

Xue an said with a smile, "in fact, this sentence is more suitable for you. After all, you can kill people for one thing. Have you ever thought about the price you should pay?"

Looking at Xue an, Si Guangzhong suddenly felt absurd.

They were supposed to settle accounts with this guy, but now it looks like he is asking for a crime.

It didn't stop him from burning with anger.

At this time, an Yan and cha Wenliang and others are really worried, Xue an, also followed.

When he saw Cha Wenliang, Si Guangzhong was shocked all over, "ghost needle doctor?"

Then a sudden color appeared on his face.

In his opinion, the reason why Xue an dared to be so "rampant" was obviously due to the support of Zha Wenliang.

And when he saw an Yan who followed him, there was a flash of greed in his eyes.

This feeling of insight and greed made him forget his fear of Xue an, and then a sneer.

"I think who dares to fight against our family? It turns out that I rely on the power of the God valley. But do you really think that a ghost needle doctor can run amuck?"

Speaking of this, Si Guangzhong yelled at Si Mingqi: "the culprit is in front of you now. What are you doing? Don't catch him in a hurry

Simingqi's face is not calm.

After all, he was the one with the master's arrow in his hand. Si Guangzhong was just an attendant, and he was not qualified to shout at him.

But at this time, Si Guangzhong didn't care about many of them. His arrogance became more and more arrogant.

"Si Mingqi, don't forget how my father ordered us to get the things from the Lou family, and Lou Yingshi was rescued by him, so this guy has to be arrested and tortured to find out the whereabouts of that thing..."

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