Facing Mo Changhong's question, simingqi is embarrassed.

"Shopkeeper Mo, let me explain..."

"If you don't listen to Wang Ba chanting scriptures, don't you know that what women hate most is listening to other people's explanations? So

Mo Changhong pointed to Si Guangzhong on the ground, "while I'm not angry, I'll take this rotten meat and get out of the herbal food shop!"

Si Guangzhong starts to struggle and wants to say something, but Si Mingqi kicks it without moving his face.

This foot just kicked on his rib, in a flash, Si Guangzhong, who was already covered with bruises, fainted directly.

Then Si Mingqi just dropped his eyes and said in a low voice: "since manager Mo said so, we will leave now!"

With that, he ordered his subordinates to lift up Si Guangzhong, who was careless and left at a very fast speed.

When they left, a smile reappeared on Mo Changhong's face. First, he gave Xue an a look of surprise.

Immediately squat down, two eyes looking at the light, think about Niannian and the little girl.

"Wow, what beautiful three little girls! Are you two twins?"

I've heard this sentence many times, so I nodded naturally.

This time, the light in Mo Chang's red eyes couldn't help but brighten, "Wow, even nodding in such a step? Is there telepathy between you

Think about it and say, "well

Then they all shook their heads and said in one voice, "no!"

Just at this time, the little girl who was standing by the side of Miss Nian suddenly came to Mo Changhong. When she was in front of her, the little girl stood still and stared at a bracelet on Mo Changhong's wrist.

Mo Changhong looked at the innocent face and couldn't help holding out her hand.

The little girl is not moved by it, still staring at Mo Changhong's bracelet.

"What? Do you want this? " Mo Changhong asked with a smile.

The little girl nodded.

Mo Changhong chuckled, "what a lovely little girl, then you call sister, I'll give you this bracelet!"

Hear Mo Changhong say so, think and Niannian just want to remind that she can't speak.

But just at this time, I saw the little girl open her mouth and yell in a correct voice.


Think and think silly.

"Dad, she can't speak, can't she?" Think about it.

Xue an chuckled. "She didn't know how to speak before, but didn't she learn it?"

At this time, Mo Changhong's smiling eyes narrowed. It felt as if he had seen a precious doll. He took off the bracelet on his wrist.

"Good sister, this is from my sister. Take it to play!"

The little girl took it immediately, but she didn't put it on her hand. Instead, she opened her mouth and bit it.

There was a click.

This bracelet made of pure gold was immediately bitten off a large section, and then the little girl swallowed it all.

It felt like eating a fried dough stick without any effort.

This time, Mo Changhong's eyes gradually widened.

"Eat... Eat?"

The little girl nodded.

Mo Changhong quite shocked whispered: "so big a bracelet to eat?"

But soon, the light in her eyes will be more and more prosperous, look at the little girl's eyes are more and more excited.

"The appearance of Lori, the heart of the rage of the best exist? Plus don't love to talk... This is the perfect three no girl! Wow, I'm so excited when I think about it

Looking at the drooling Mo Changhong, even the little girl couldn't help stepping back.

The reason is that her eyes are so terrible.

It's as if I'm going to swallow myself down. It's so terrible!

At this moment, in an alley a few blocks away from the medicated food shop, siminqi suddenly stopped.

"Wake him up!"


Immediately someone came forward to give Si Guangzhong a pill.

In the blink of an eye, Si Guangzhong wakes up and recovers quickly under the action of pills.

When he came to his senses, Si Guangzhong immediately stood up and looked at his surroundings. Then he looked back and stared at Si Mingqi.

"What about people?"

"Who?" Simingqi light way.

"Nonsense, of course, it's the little girl in the Lou family and the boy who killed me once!"

"Naturally, they are in the medicated food shop!"

"What? You let them go? " Si Guangzhong was furious. "Do you know what you've done, Si Mingqi?"

It was a loud slap in the face that ended his roar.

This time, Si Guangzhong, the palm fan of Ba, was confused.

At the same time, but see simingqi step forward, a pull live his neck collar.

"Of course I know what I've done, but it's you. If you dare to yell at me again, do you believe that I will make you unable to survive or die?"

Si Guangzhong was frightened by the ferocious look on Si Mingqi's face.

It's the first time he's seen siminge explode.

This made him forget the slap and soften his tone.

"But you let that little girl go. Do you know the importance of her?"

"Of course I know, but no matter how important it is, it's not as important as your own life. Do you believe that if I didn't stop you just now, you'd be dead and can't die again!" Simingqi said in a cold voice.

Si Guangzhong made Lingling shudder, and his head finally calmed down.

"You mean... The woman in the herbal food shop is very powerful?"

Simingqi shook his head. "No, it's not that she's very powerful, but the one behind her is powerful. In fact..."

Simingqi pondered a little and said in a low voice: "in fact, that existence should be the most powerful existence of the whole pharmacist alliance!"

When he said this, his eyes were full of fear.

At this time, Si Guangzhong thought of some rumors he had heard, and his face turned pale.

Simingqi looked at his brother in name with disdain.

To tell you the truth, if Mo Changhong didn't want to take him away by himself, simingqi really planned to throw him away in the medicated food workshop.

Because he was very sure that even if the head of the family Si Daoyuan knew that his younger brother had died in the medicated food shop, he would not dare to say anything.

Unfortunately, Mo Changhong, who has always been ruthless, doesn't seem to want to kill today.

This also made his wishful thinking come to nothing.

But Si Mingqi soon put these ideas behind him, and then said coldly, "Si Guangzhong, I think you'd better understand one thing!"

"I'm the main person to come out to carry out the task this time. You're just an escort, so you'd better not tell me what to do, otherwise the consequences are really hard to predict!"

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