There was a trace of anger in Si Guangzhong's eyes. He seemed to be thinking about something.

Si Mingqi was acutely aware of this and said with a sneer: "I know what you are thinking. Do you think I am so arrogant and ready to go back and complain to the owner?"

Si Guangzhong's whole body trembled and his face turned pale.

Simingqi sneered, and then said: "I tell you, your ideas are all false, because do you know what's going on now?"

"That little girl is obviously transformed by Lou family, which means her importance will be increased by hundreds of times. I believe that in order to get her, the owner will pay all the costs!"

"Therefore, if there is an accidental death of a legitimate son in the process, the owner will not care too much! what you think? My dear brother

Si Guangzhong shivered even more.

Because he felt a strong killing from siminqi.

"I just want you to understand the current situation. In fact, if we can't catch the little girl, we will both come to a bad end. If we catch her back, we will be rewarded. So from now on, you'd better listen to me and don't disobey me any more. Do you understand?"

"Ming... I see!" Si Guangzhong nodded, then added two words with great difficulty.


Simingqi nodded with satisfaction, "very good, this is my good brother!"

Then he let go of his hand.

Si Guangzhong took a long breath and finally stood still. Then he felt a burning pain in his cheek. It was obvious that the slap Si Mingqi had just slapped him hard.

But now he doesn't care much about it.

"Brother... Brother, what should we do next?"

Simingqi looked up at the floating medicinal food shop several blocks away, and said coldly, "in the medicinal food shop, we have nothing to do, but I don't believe they can stay in the medicinal food shop forever!"

"So from now on, we should closely monitor the whole herbal food workshop. As soon as they come out, they will follow up immediately, and we can't miss them! Do you understand? "


These men immediately spread out and spread all over the blocks around the medicated food shop, forming a close monitoring network.

In fact, they did not wait long, because just an hour later, Mo Changhong happily led to think about Niannian and the little girl out of the herbal food shop.

And behind them are Xue an, an Yan and others.

See this scene, in charge of the monitoring of the staff immediately reported the situation to the division of Mingqi.

Simingqi was stunned.

"What? Is mo Changhong following

"Yes! And it looks like we have to go shopping together! "

Siminge was stunned.

He thought that Mo Changhong had stopped himself and others from doing it just to maintain the reputation of the herbal food shop.

Can see now this situation, the matter seems to be far from imagination so simple!

Is it that Mo Changhong or medicated food shop has already known about Lou's family, so they are involved?

This thought made siminge shudder.

If that's the case, then it's really tricky.

"My Lord, what are we going to do next?" Seeing simingqi's silence, his subordinates could not help asking.

Si Mingqi secretly clenched his teeth. It's no use thinking about other things. So he said in a deep voice: "continue to monitor and track, but don't act rashly to avoid being found!"

"I understand!"

My men went under orders.

Looking at the dignified simingqi, Si Guangzhong couldn't help saying, "is it just tracking?"

"What else? Do you still plan to snatch in front of Mo Changhong? "

"But will this delay the time? After all, the longer the matter of this building is delayed, the easier it will be discovered by other forces! "

In fact, Si Guangzhong is not all a straw bag. After all, he started this business first, so he also understands the key.

Si Mingqi sighed, "let's take a step first. If the truth is what you think, then we have to accept our fate!"

"Now I just hope that Mo Changhong is just on the spur of the moment and doesn't know what's going on inside! Only in this way can we have a chance! "

"So we must not act rashly now, so as not to scare the snake with carelessness!"

As the day of the meeting approaches, the market becomes more and more lively.

Practitioners from all over the sky crowded this place, and the stalls were placed out of sight.

This is paradise for people who love shopping.

At least, Mo Changhong is walking in it with great interest. From time to time, she stops to buy some gadgets for the little girl and xiangniannian.

I can see that she really likes the three of them.

Seeing this, an Yan asked in a low voice, "husband, why do we go shopping with this woman?"

Xue an shrugged. "I don't know!"

The answer made her unable to make complaints about it. After a long time, she murmured, "how do I feel this woman is weird?"

"Of course, it's a little strange. After all, I'm a royal elder sister, but I'm a Laurie, which is very strange in itself!" Xue an said softly.

"Well? What did you say? " Anyan didn't understand.

Xue an said with a smile, "it's nothing. Anyway, it's still a long time before the day of the meeting. We'll be idle when we're idle. We'll come out to play!"

At this time, the little girl who was walking with Mo Changhong suddenly stopped.

"Well? What's the matter with you, little gourd? " Mo Changhong asked strangely.

As for why she is called this name, it is because Mo Changhong thinks that although she can speak, she is so precious that she often says for a long time that she doesn't even hum a word, just like a Mugu, so she gives her a nickname, xiaohulu.

In this regard, the little girl was noncommittal, even a little expression, so the name came down.

At the moment, the little gourd blinked a pair of big black eyes, looking straight across the street.

Mo Changhong followed her eyes and saw a building across the street.

This building is quite tall, and the layout is magnificent, which stands out in this low stall area.

Mo Changhong was slightly stunned, even though she showed a faint smile.

Because she knew the building.

This building is where an auction venue is located, which is called Tian He Pai store.

This day's auction house is a famous auction house in the whole pharmacist alliance, and its subordinate venues are all over all the planets in the whole pharmacist alliance.

This is where the meeting place of this planet is. As the shopkeeper of the medicine restaurant on this planet, she naturally knows this place. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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