"What? Do you want to go in here and have a look? " Mo Chang asked in a soft voice.

Xiaohulu nodded, then walked towards Trina auction house without waiting for Mo Changhong to respond.

Mo Changhong smiles and murmurs in a low voice.

"I really have my own ideas!"

Then he followed.

A group of people crossed the street and came to the door of Trina auction house.

There was obviously an auction going on inside, so the door was closed and only a few guards were watching.

Seeing the crowd coming, the guards just wanted to stop them. Mo Changhong threw a famous post.

"Open the door and let us in!"

As soon as they saw the name on the placard, the guards took a breath of air and quickly got out of the way.

"Yes! Shopkeeper Mo, there are still several distinguished guests. Please come inside! "

Say, someone pushed open the door, Mo Changhong so swagger led the people into the auction hall.

And this scene was also seen by the family members who were following and monitoring the company, and someone rushed back to report the news immediately.

In the blink of an eye, Si Mingqi, who was sitting in the rear, heard the news and was shocked.

"What did you say? They're in the Tian He Pai store? "


Simingqi's face is full of meditation.

What does Mo Changhong mean?

Why did you suddenly take someone to the Trina auction house?

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly raised his head and said with awe inspiring eyes: "go! Let's go to the co production store to see what's going on! "


With the power of the Si family, they also quietly sneaked into the Tian He Pai store without much effort.

Of course, in order to avoid being found, Si Mingqi and Si Guangzhong were disguised, and they did not go to the box, but sat down in the hall.

At the moment, an auction has just been held, but it can be seen that what was auctioned before is not precious. The atmosphere in the venue is very relaxed, and many people are whispering.

In fact, this is the daily state of the auction. After all, not every auction has explosive products.

Most of the time, people who come to the Trina auction just regard it as a platform for information exchange and price observation.

Of course, simingqi has also participated in Trina's auctions. Although it is not this planet, because of the chain nature, almost all Trina's auctions are similar, so he is not strange here.

But instead of focusing on the items on the auction table in front of him, he kept looking at the boxes behind him.

He can be sure that Mo Changhong must lead the little girl in a box.

But it's only certain. He doesn't know which box he is in.

Thinking of this, he pondered for a moment, then waved.

An auctioneer in charge of the hall came.

"What can I do for you, my lord?" The Economist asked with a smile.

"Do you have any hard goods today?" Asked simingqi.

"What aspect and standard do you mean?" The Economist asked very professionally.

"It's the existence that can make a powerful party move!"

Without hesitation, the economist shook his head. "No, today's auction is just a regular meeting. There is not much to show off. After all, the meeting is going to be held soon, and many buyers and sellers are ready to sell again at that time, so the trading market is very cold!"

Siminge nodded, then threw a piece of broken crystal.

"Thank you very much."

"Good luck, my Lord!"

With that, the economist turned and left.

Now, simingqi is sure that there is no inside information about the auction.

Because the economy of these auction houses depends on it. If they have any inside information, they will know.

As for the so-called leak picking, that kind of thing doesn't exist in this day's co production store.

After all, the people who can appear in this meeting hall are not ordinary people. They will not let go of anything that has been auctioned.

Thinking of this, simingqi put down his heart and leaned back on the chair.

"Pay attention to the box in the back!"


At the moment when simingqi and others entered the auction house, they were in a VIP room in the back.

Mo Changhong bored looking at those auction album, "little gourd, you suddenly bring everyone into this, is to see these junk?"

Little gourd said nothing, just standing in front of the French window, looking at the distant auction table.

One by one, the auction items were presented like flowing water, some were bought away, but more were ignored, and finally the auction was withdrawn.

It can be seen that even the auctioneer in charge of the auction was absent-minded.

Not to mention the atmosphere.

But at this time, with a product on the stage, the eyes of little gourd suddenly trembled, and then raised his hand.

"Buy it!"

The voice was crisp.

Mo Changhong immediately looked up, but saw a piece of gray metal on the auction table.

It seems to be from something, but it seems to be incomplete.

Such things are put on the street, almost no one has a look, let alone in the auction hall.

Therefore, even the auctioneer powerlessly introduced: "a piece of metal with unclear origin and purpose has some special properties. It seems to be a legacy of alchemy civilization!"

The existence of alchemy civilization is not a secret.

And there are many things left behind, so this introduction did not arouse people's interest at all.

Some people even yawned and muttered in a low voice: "it seems that Trina Solar has nothing to sell this time. Even a piece of scrap metal has been put on the auction table!"

"No, no one wants it. It's a waste of time."

Just then, the auctioneer raised the volume a little.

"The bottom price is ten Lingjing. Now we start shooting!"

People don't care about it.

But at this time, a red sign was suddenly put up in a box in the rear.

It means buy!

"Well, an adult in the box offered ten Lingjing to buy this auction. Is there any price increase?" The auctioneer asked as usual.

There was no reaction in the audience. Someone said with a smile: "ha ha, apart from some big people who have nothing to do, who will be interested in such rags? After all, ten Lingjing are money

But Siming Qi was shocked suddenly, because he felt that it seemed strange, so he did not hesitate to raise the sign.

"Good! There's another gentleman here who offered 20 Lingjing. Is there any price increase? " The auctioneer wakes up from his sleepiness, and his voice is also excited.

Because this is the first time that someone has bid.

But as soon as his voice fell, a blue card suddenly stood up in the rear box.

"The adult in the box has increased the price of 100 Lingjing at one time. Now he is bidding 120 Lingjing. Is there any price increase?"

This remark caused a stir in the audience.

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