Anyan glanced at her hair and said with a smile, "no need to say, I understand what you mean, and I don't worry about anything, because I believe that he must still be alive and will be back in a few days."

"Yes, yes, yes! My second brother Fu is very lucky. I must be OK! " Jolle nodded quickly.

After sitting for a moment, the three brothers got up and left.

After settling down, Zhao Xuehui's look was solemn.

"We have to be prepared, the second is not here now, some people will have some bad ideas!"

"Understand, if anyone dares to settle down, we will risk our lives and protect the integrity of the mother and daughter!" Yang binyi and Qiao Le's eyes twinkle with cold light.

Zhao Xuehui nodded, "now our most important thing is to manage Tianyuan company well! Chen Jiagang just called me, they will do their best to help us maintain the situation! "

"Old man Chen is very righteous Said jolle.

Zhao Xuehui said: "he is a smart man. Now Zhongdu people know the relationship between settling down and Chen's, so he knows how to do it!"

But when they left, an Yan sat in the room with sad eyes.

"Mom, what's the matter with you?" Xue Xiang and Xue Nian asked with concern.

Anyan shook his head, "it's OK!"

"Is it about dad?" Xue wanted to ask with his head tilted.

An Yan looks pale.

"Mom, I tell you, we can both feel dad's presence, so don't worry about him, he will come back!" Xue wants to and Xue Nian at the moment like a small adult, comforting an Yan.

Anyan nodded and tried to suck his nose. Then he said with a smile, "what do you want to eat? Mom, do it now

"Fried rice with eggs!"

"OK, mom, do it now!"

Came to the kitchen, before busy, an Yan looked at the pan first sent will stay.

Husband, are you ok now?

Don't worry, I'll be here waiting for you to come back. If someone dares to bully me and think about it, just like you said, I'll take this pan and pat ya!


In recent days, Anqing's body has obviously lost a lot of weight, and her face has changed from a slightly baby fat face to a sharp melon seed face.

Every time she walked down the corridor with her papers in her arms, many people would talk behind her back.

"See? That's the guy who killed a team of people

"Shh, don't say it. I heard that she even killed her brother-in-law this time. She didn't dare to go home without seeing her brother-in-law?"

These comments will occasionally float to an Qing's ears, but she is just pale, all should not hear.

When she returned to her office, she found that there was an extra person in the room.

A tall and handsome man in casual clothes was leaning against her desk and looking at her with playful eyes.

"Miss ANN, long time no see!"

At the sight of him, an Qing's face became extremely ugly, "Liu Minghui!"

Liu Minghui laughs, looking at Anqing's eyes full of greed.

"Anqing, you are still the same as before. You haven't changed much!"

"What are you doing here?" Anqing pressed her anger and said.

"What are you doing? Ha ha, I think I should inform you, soon, we will be colleagues, no! It should be said that I will be your superior soon Liu Minghui said with pride.

An Qing was stunned.

After all, some people have killed so many elite soldiers. Although they are pressed down, they have to bear some responsibility, don't you think

"You're talking nonsense!" An Qing's eyes are full of anger.

"Nonsense? Hehe, you can see what this is? " Liu Minghui put a piece of paper on the table and then walked away.

Just passing by Anqing, he said with a meaningful smile: "sorry, the general is dead now, and no one will support you."

"So at the end of the day, it's our LiuJiaSheng. Everything you've worked so hard to manage will belong to me! And I'm looking forward to the day when you ask for mercy! "

With that, Liu Minghui left triumphantly.

After he left, Anqing went to the desk, looking at the paper on the desk.

At the beginning, the Liu family and an family fought each other in order to fight for the position in the army. Finally, they won a narrow victory. An Qing successfully found a position beside the general.

But the fight between the two sides has never stopped. Liu Minghui is even more salivating for Anqing.

But now, the general died, fire phoenix disappeared, Anqing seems to have become an isolated army, no one can rely on.

So the Liu family will be bold at this time, the intention can be said to be dangerous, vicious and spicy.

Anqing looks pale, tears like broken pearls fall down, wet the handwriting on the paper.

Brother in law, where are you now?Although the news of Xue an's disappearance was maintained by Chen Xiuhe, there was no big shock.

But the seemingly calm Zhongdu still has a sense of wind and rain.

At this time, a man and a woman appeared on the streets of Zhongdu.

The man is tall and powerful, and his face is like pale gold.

Women in white are more beautiful than snow.

The two men stood on the street, looking at an advertisement not far away.

Above is the advertisement of Tianyuan potion.

A trace of disdain appeared in the corner of the man's mouth. "Younger martial sister Wen, just a vulgar potion, dare to boast about such Haikou. It's really funny."

Wen Banmei was indifferent and said, "this time I went to Kunlun, my master asked me to see if there was any new trend in the common customs. This thing really interested me."

Jiang Nu Bing ha ha smile, "in this case, we will go to have a look."

Wen Banmei nodded slightly.

After two people got a bottle of fate, they didn't care. Jiang Nu Bing said with a smile: "it looks beautiful, but I don't know what's inside."

With that, Jiang Nu Bing opened the bottle cap, got close to the nose and smelled it. His face suddenly changed.

"How?" Wen asked.

Jiang Nu Bing did not speak, but poured out a small cup and drank it down.

After a while, he opened his eyes in horror.

"It's useful for us!"

"What?" Wen Banmei's cold face also showed a trace of surprise.

Jiang Nu Bing said in a deep voice: "this thing actually has the effect similar to the pill. After I drink it, I feel that the cultivation has increased a little bit!"

This wenbanmei can no longer calm down, picked up the fate of their own taste, and then also froze.

You should know that in the Kunlun secret place where they live, the pills that can enhance the cultivation are all qualified by the true disciples, and only a few pills are given every year.

Even the so-called Kunlun Xiantu, they are only a little more.

It's said that there are more Tianjiao followers of the zhenzhuan school, but they can't be bought like this one.

Wen Banmei and Jiang nubing looked at each other and saw the greed and excitement in each other's eyes.

This human walk, worth it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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