Warwolf's secret place.

The wolf temple in the main city.

A senior wolf king came in and said, "Lord wolf, the news just came that the sudden Chinese soldiers have not been captured!"

"Waste!" The wolf, whose hair was silvery, turned slowly, and his eyes were full of anger.

"Tomorrow is the day when my father wakes up after a hundred years' sleep. These powerful soldiers are just the best sacrifice, but you haven't captured them for several days!"

All the wolves in the room lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

The wolf Saint paced back and forth in the broad hall. After a moment, he said in a deep voice: "order to go down and send out the God blood to fight the wolf. You must capture these guys today!"

"Yes The wolf did not retreat.

"Is there anything else?"

"Lord wolf, the snow wolf city suddenly lost contact..."

"Snow Wolf city?" The wolf Saint frowned. "The king of snow wolf who is not striving for success may play again. Don't worry about it. When my father wolf God wakes up tomorrow, he will come back naturally after being inspired."


With the order of the wolf saint, the most elite warrior among the werewolf, the God blood war wolf came out.

And on a mountain about 100 kilometers away from the main city.

Cheng Hao and others have just survived a wave of attacks and are now seizing time to rest.

Over the past few days, they don't know how many attacks they've experienced from werewolves.

These wolves are huge and intelligent.

If not occupy the favorable terrain, and Cheng Hao and other people's desperate counterattack, it is estimated that they will not be able to defend.

But Cheng Hao knows in his heart that he is almost to the limit.

In the past few days, the team members have consumed the combat rations they carry with them, and now they are relying on picking some wild fruits and beating some rabbits to maintain.

But this simply can not meet the needs of such a fierce battle.

Everyone began to weaken at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But even so, everyone's fighting will is high.

In sun Ling's words, we are the elite trained by instructors. How could we be defeated by these animals.

"Captain, you eat!" Zou Yi carefully held the last bag of combat rations and handed it to Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao shook his head, "I just ate a roast rabbit, and now I'm not hungry!"

In fact, Cheng Hao can't remember when he ate last time.

Zou Yi was worried, "Captain, how can you do without eating? If you're hungry, who's in charge? "

What is Cheng haogang going to say, the werewolf at the foot of the mountain attacks again.

This attack is more crazy than ever.

Cheng Hao calmly orders the team members to rely on the mountain to fight back.

Several werewolf bodies have been found on the ground.

At this time, a giant wolf suddenly rushed to, and his claws were about to reach Cheng Hao's shoulder.

Cheng Hao wanted to hide, but there was some blackness in front of him, so the reaction was delayed for half a second.

The wolf was very excited. These pariah troops were so tough. After seven or eight days' attack, they failed to knock down these people. On the contrary, there were many casualties on the werewolf side.

This made the wolf people with their eyes above the top very angry.

This time we can finally catch the commander!

When he was happy, he felt his paw trembled and didn't grab it.

When he looked down, he saw that Zhou Daniao was full of bright golden light and roared: "get out of here!"

As he spoke, Zhou Da Niu tried his best to strike the wolf's belly.


The wolf was driven out dozens of meters away, and his face flashed with pain.

Meanwhile, Zhou Daniu was panting and almost fell to the ground.

Cheng Hao quickly stepped forward to help him, "Daniel!"

"Captain, I guess I can't hold on to it!" Zhou Daniao said weakly.

In recent days of fighting, because of the practice of immortal Vajra, Zhou Daniu played the role of vanguard and main force in many times, which also made his physical strength rapidly exhausted.

Although everyone reduced their rations to ensure their supply as much as possible, they were on the verge of collapse.

Cheng Hao felt a sinking in his heart and said in a deep voice: "Daniel, don't worry. You have a rest first. I'll hold it up!"

Zou Yi also came back in disgrace at the moment.

He's just lurking in, trying to kill a giant wolf, but he can't.

"Daniel, are you ok?" Zou Yi cares more about his good partner than anyone else.

"Don't worry. You can't die for a while." Zhou Daniao grinned.

At this time, after a wave of attack, the wolves retreated again.

Everyone took a breath and began to take time to rest.

But just sitting on the ground for less than a minute, there was a huge commotion at the foot of the mountain.People are still wondering, suddenly feel that the mountains are slightly shaking, and then a group of golden giant wolves, which are much bigger than ordinary giant wolves, are coming.

Cheng Hao's heart sank, but still roared: "all members ready!"

Everyone knows that this is the last time.

No one was afraid.

Everyone stood up, lined up and looked at the golden wolves coming down the mountain.

Zou Yi put his hand on Zhou Daniu's shoulder. "Hey, Lao Niu, if I die, remember to kowtow to my parents!"

Zhou Da Niu turned his lips and said, "I won't go, because I'm going to die in front of you."

Zou Yi laughs and hugs Zhou Daniao. "Good brother, we will fight together in the next life."

Zhou Daniao nodded, "OK!"

Sun Ling walked to Cheng Hao's side, his eyes twinkled and said, "Captain, we'll drag the wolves for a while. You'll rush out from the path at the foot of the mountain."

Cheng Hao looked at Sun Ling, a faint smile, "fire phoenix has not escaped the captain, remember, if I die, you will take my place!"

After that, Cheng Hao said in a loud voice: "all members, for the sake of instructors and Fire Phoenix, make the final sprint counterattack! Let's bury them with us

"Yes All of them agreed.

At the moment, these blood wolves have rushed to the front.

The members of the fire phoenix are fighting with these guys.

The situation is stuck.

In the distance, a proud golden wolf said in a cold voice, "the wolf Saint doesn't know what's going on. He has to live, or my men will tear up these guys!"

"The wolf king said yes, but I don't think these Dalits will last long!" A silver wolf nodded and bowed.

The golden wolf was a little impatient at the moment. He stepped forward and roared, "wolf mystique!"


All of his men were covered with a light silver glow.

Both defense and attack have multiplied.

Originally, the members of Huofeng were exhausted, and soon they were all put to the ground.

These wolves did not kill, but Cheng Hao and others understand that this is not to let them go.

So they winked at each other and secretly took out their daggers.

"Goodbye in the next life!" The crowd whispered, and they were ready to commit suicide.

At this moment, a roar came from afar.

"Who dares to touch my men?"

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