All the members were stunned.

Because the sound is so familiar.

And many of the wolves looked up in doubt.

I saw a figure with a very fast speed rushed to the front of the mountain. After stopping, it was Xue an with a murderous face.

"Teach Instructor? " Cheng Hao said in disbelief.

Xue an looks at these are full of injuries, but in the eyes are all resolute men, slightly nods.

"Yes, it's me. I'm here!"

The fire phoenix members all cried with joy.

They didn't expect to see Xue an at the last moment of life and death.

"Drillmaster, 48 members of Huofeng, who held the mountain top for seven days and nights without any death!" Cheng Hao tired tone, with a trace of pride.

Xue an nodded, "you rest, the rest, give me!"

But the golden wolf stepped forward and said impatiently, "where's the pariah? How dare you stop the task of God blood war wolf and kill him!"

Several God blood war wolves roared and rushed over.

Xue an's eyes are full of murderous spirit.

He flew all the way from snow wolf city.

I wanted to go directly to the main city, but on the way, I suddenly felt the breath of Huofeng people and turned back immediately.

Fortunately, I came in time. If I came a little later, I would have to commit suicide.

This makes Xue an's heart full of anger.

When Xue an is angry, he will kill people!

So Xue an didn't want to say anything else. He took a step in the air.

"Move the world!"


A few of the God's blood to fight wolf into powder.

The wolves are still in doubt.

Xue an took another step.

"Divide Yin and Yang!"


The common giant wolf on the top of the whole mountain howled miserably, and all of them were shattered.

Two feet of power, so that the original disdain of the golden wolf king look changed.

"Come on! Step back He yelled, trying to make those blood wolves retreat.

It's too late.

Xue an's face was grim and took the third step.

"Between life and death!"


Everything seems to be at a standstill.

Cheng Hao and others can even see the infinite fear in the eyes of the God blood war wolf.

It was as if these wolves had been pressed the pause button, and they were out of tune with their surroundings.


After a crisp sound, time began to pass again, and these golden wolves turned into powder.

Only the wolf king vomited out a few big mouthfuls of blood, which could be regarded as a wolf's life. However, he was so scared that he didn't even dare to look at xue'an, so he turned around and ran away.

These werewolves usually claim to be a noble race, but when they escape, they are still running on four feet.

But Xue an is obviously not going to let go of any werewolf.

With a wave of his hand, a sword suddenly cut through the space and directly penetrated into the back of the golden wolf king.

The golden wolf king roared with pain, but still ran madly.

Xue an's mouth appeared a trace of cold smile, gently hit a ring finger.


This golden wolf king is like a bomb buried in his body. It explodes directly!

With three steps and one sword, all the giant wolves will perish.

Xue an turned to see Cheng Hao and others, "can you hold on?"

Cheng Hao and others stood up one after another, "go back to the drillmaster, no problem!"

Zhou Daniao's simple smile, "strange, when the instructor comes, I think it's OK to kill a giant wolf now!"

Xue an smiles, "well, follow me!"

"Drillmaster, what are you going to do?" Cheng Hao couldn't help asking.

Xue an's eyes twinkled with murderous spirit.

"Kill the werewolf city!"

Before leaving Xuelang City, Xue an not only gave Wuqing and others a simple cultivation method, but also promised them that he would kill all the werewolves.

Xue an knew very well that this secret place was originally owned by the great power of China. The wolf God took advantage of this opportunity to enter and massacre the indigenous Chinese people. This behavior was outraged by both human and God.

Xue an certainly won't let the animals go.

The main city.

The wolf Saint stood on the high platform and looked up at the towering statue in the temple. His expression was very respectful and excited.


Its ancestors, who have been sleeping for a hundred years, are about to wake up.

As long as you wake up, you can take people to fight in the world.

Thinking of this, wolf saint can not help but look forward to it.

It is said that the main world is a vast land, and there are weak pariah everywhere. If only a werewolf Dynasty could be established in the Lord world!The wolf Saint thought.

And the werewolves at the bottom are all talking about it.

"The wolf God is about to wake up, and then we werewolves will be invincible in the world."

"Yes, it's said that there are all kinds of delicious food and vodka in the main world, which will be owned by us werewolves."

Unlike the euphoria of these werewolves.

Those who were oppressed as slaves all bowed their heads in humiliation.

If the wolf God wakes up, the burden on them will be heavier.

"Why hasn't the man sent to catch the pariah fighters come back yet?" At this time, the wolf Saint frowned.

Wolf saint is very clear that, compared with the spirit of werewolf, the warrior soul of the pariah is the best tonic, so he sent God blood war wolf to catch these Dalit soldiers.

But why haven't you come back yet?

Wolf Saint did not think of failure.

In its view, that is simply impossible.

After all, the blood of God and the wolf are all elite soldiers who inherit the blood of wolf God. Every one has the power of heaven and man. How can they fail?

But at this time, the sky seems to have the sound of wind and thunder.

The wolf Saint looked up and saw a golden light running straight to the temple of the main city.

And this golden light contains a strong momentum, so that it was shocked.

Who is this? Why is there such a strong momentum?

When the wolf saint's face changes.

Xue an has stopped and stood in the air, overlooking the high-rise wolf temple and the group of werewolves.

"Is it all here?" Xue an said lightly.

Is it a pariah?

Before waiting for the wolf saint to speak, a giant wolf had already rushed over and roared: "forbidden area of the temple, how can you, such as you, step on your feet, get out!"

But Xue an just waved, a golden light directly pierced the wolf's head.


Blood mixed with brain, splashed out from behind the wolf's head.

The wolf's face was still a little confused, and then the dead body fell to the ground.

A blow.

The whole scene was startled.

At the moment, the fire phoenix members have also arrived, all standing neatly behind Xue an.

Although everyone's body is injured, but the expression on the face is so excited.

Seeing this group of Chinese soldiers, wolf Sheng's face could not help sinking.

At the moment, Xue an said faintly: "you, who is the king?"

The wolf saint's face was gloomy. He stepped forward and said in a deep voice.

"Who are you? Why break into the wolf God forbidden area

Xue an's mouth appeared a cold smile, light way: "you are the king of this werewolf?"

Wolf Saint a Zheng, and then nod, haughtily way: "yes, I am wolf Saint..."

It wants to boast a few more words.

Xue an light way: "since it is, then go to die!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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