The voice did not fall.

Xue an disappeared from the air.

When he appeared again, he had already come to the wolf saint, and then punched out.

At the moment, the wolf Saint also calmed down and said with a grim smile, "you are a mere pariah, and dare to be presumptuous. Today I will let you know that the wolf God's blood is powerful!"

Said, the wolf Saint all over the body silver light big Sheng, the huge claw hits, just and Xue an's this one fist to go up.


After a muffled sound, an invisible shock wave diffuses from the position of two people's fists, destroying all the surrounding buildings.

Several close to the silver wolf guards were also affected, but even screams are not sent out, it turned into fly ash.

At the moment, the wolf saint's heart was full of fright. He thought that he could blow this human into flesh mud with one claw.

After all, in terms of physical strength, the werewolves are much more powerful than humans.

But I didn't expect not to shake the other party, but to shake his Qi and blood, nearly vomit blood.

Xue an was indifferent, slowly raised his fist, "come again!"


Another punch.

The wolf saint was so shocked that the silver was shining all over his body, and he stepped back half a step.

All the werewolf nobles under the stage were shocked.

"How is it possible to beat back the wolf saint by the strength of the body?"

At the moment, the wolf saint was trembling slightly, and his eyes were even more frightened.

What is the human body made of? How can it be so powerful?

Xue an didn't pay attention to the shock of the outside world, but showed a few white teeth, a forest smile, "come again!"

With that, Xue an slowly raised his fist. Everything around him was still, and the Qi of heaven and earth was also pulled by this fist.

The spirit of the wolf changed greatly and roared, "wolf mystique!"


The silver on its body suddenly soared, even its body size was much larger, and then both claws came out together to shake Xue an's fist.

There was no sound, just like two people just casually set up their hands.

But after a blink of an eye, the tall and powerful wolf saint was blown out, and vomited out a few big mouthfuls of blood in mid air.

Xue an closed his fist and shook his head gently in the face of the terrified eyes of the wolves. "It's still too weak!"

Xue an was the wolf saint who attacked and flew with pure physical strength, and did not use cultivation.

"Pariah, I'll kill you, and then I'll burn your soul in the fire forever!" An angry voice came from the distance.

Xue an turned his head and saw that the wolf saint, who had been knocked down to the ground, was slowly getting up from the ground. His whole body momentum began to climb, and a pair of wolf eyes turned red.


"The wolf saint is crazy!"

There was a commotion among the wolves below, and many people were beaming with joy.

Mania is a skill only possessed by high-level wolves. Once in this state, they can bring their potential into full play. They are not afraid of pain and die.

"The fury of the wolf!" The wolf Saint roared, and then the whole man turned into a silver light and ran straight to xue'an to kill him.

The speed is several times faster than just now.

In the face of this attack with a fierce and murderous spirit, Xue an sighed slightly, "if you can't, then you can't, and it's useless to be crazy!"

With that, Xue an slowly extended his hand.


Wolf saint, who has been in a crazy state, has enough impact to destroy a hill.

But Xue an just stretched out a slender palm and pressed it on the wolf saint's forehead, so that the impact of life stopped.

The picture has stopped!

There was a daze on the wolf saint's face.

It's not just it. All the werewolves are at a loss.

Because it's so weird.

Xue an stretched out one hand and pressed it on the head of the wolf saint, just like blocking a coquettish little wolf dog.

"Now, it's my turn!" Xue an said

After that, Xue an's palm grasped the wolf saint's head and swung it out.

Bang bang bang!

Wolf saint that tall body is swung by Xue LAN, shine on the ground is a pass of fierce hit.

These wolf people see everywhere is full of cold.

How strong is this man?

Isn't even the wolf saint who is in a state of madness his opponent?

Only the members of huofenghuang are indifferent. In their eyes, Xue an takes everything for granted.

At this time, xue'an stopped his hand. The wolf saint was beaten black and blue, and his eyes were full of panic.

Xue an faint smile, "come, I'll take you on the road!"

With that, Xue an stepped forward, stepped on the body of the wolf saint with one foot, seized the head of the wolf saint with the other hand, and drank softly.



After a dull sound.The wolf's head was pulled off.

Blood spray out, wolf holy body dead!


The wolf people all take a breath of air-conditioning, some timid directly scared faint.

The invincible wolf sage was pulled out of his head?

With the death of wolf saint, the temple began to tremble slightly, and then a terrible momentum rose.

"Who is it! How dare you destroy the blood of wolf God A majestic voice sounded.

Hearing the sound, the wolves were all crawling on the ground, their faces full of ecstasy.

Because their God, awake!

But Xue an looked calm. He threw away his head and looked at the towering temple. He said, "a monster, dare you call a God?"

With that, Xue an ascended into the air and suddenly fell down with his hand as his sword.


Under the light of the sword, the tall temple was cut in half like tofu.

And among the ruins came a roar of rage.

With the words, the temple ground suddenly split a big crack, a huge hand grabbed the ground, and then a huge wolf head slowly rose.

The wolves all kowtowed.

Xue an looks at it quietly.

The giant wolf crawled out of the crack and stood up more than 20 meters high. His hair was pure silver. His eyes were full of awe and awe.

Wolf God ancestor, wake up!

"Huaxia Jianxiu, why do you want to break into the mysterious world of wolf and have a bad relationship with the wolf God?"

The sound shakes all over the country, and the majestic momentum alone is enough to make ordinary people afraid.

Xue an mouth appeared a trace of sarcasm, "your wolf mysterious situation?"

"This secret place was originally created by my Chinese great power, but later it was stolen by you. It has become your wolf's mysterious place?"

"If you kill my Chinese people, I just want you to taste the same taste, but you say that I can't get along with you wolf God?"

"Sure enough, animals are animals. Even if they are monsters, they are still animals!"

Xue an said, the wolf God was frightened and angry and roared: "I am a God, kill a few pariah, what harm?"

After hearing this, Xue an's face became cold.

"Gods? As far as I'm concerned, there are no natural gods in the universe, only immortals who are indomitable against the heaven

After saying that, Xue an's hands were empty, and a group of brilliance filled them. The huge power contained in it shocked the wolf God.

"Today, I will kill the gods!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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