
The light in Xue an's hands gave off an incomparably bright light and suddenly exploded.

There are countless sword Qi.

But the wolf God didn't avoid it. He allowed the sword spirit to hit him and said with a grim smile: "it's no use. Since I'm a God, your sword Qi doesn't work for me at all!"

"Oh? Is it? " Xue an faint smile, "this was not prepared for you! Don't believe it

The wolf God was startled and turned to look.

The werewolves on the temple square were all dead under the sword rain, even their souls were hanged.

"No!" The wolf God roared.

Xue an said lightly: "these descendants are the root of maintaining your divine power."

Sure enough.

As soon as these werewolves died, the breath of wolf God was faint.

"How do you know that?" The wolf God was shocked at last.

This is the core secret.

The reason why it wants to reproduce so many offspring is to rely on the faith and blood of these descendants to maintain the power of the deity.

Xue an shook his head, "at the beginning, too many true gods died in my hands, not to mention you this only a hypocrite."

The wolf God's expression became more and more dignified, "who are you? An ordinary swordsman would never know so much! "

Xue an smiles, "who am I? When you die, you will know! "

The wolf God calmed down at the moment and said with a sad smile, "I admit I underestimated you, but do you think this is enough? God is God because It is invincible! "

With that, the wolf God's body soared again.

Thirty meters.

Forty meters!

Finally, it can grow to 100 meters, just like a giant standing in the sky. Then he bent down and looked at xue'an like an ant with playful eyes.

"Mole ant, I can crush you with one finger now! What can you do for me

All the members of the team are worried about the fire.

Although they believed that Xue an would win.

But the wolf God in heaven and earth is really terrible.

Xue an just looked at the wolf God indifferently and said in a soft voice, "sword

At a command, the sword rain that just filled the sky and earth was like hearing the king's order, and quickly gathered together, and then condensed into a huge sword with a length of tens of meters.

At this time, the wolf God had shot down xue'an with one claw and wanted to blow xue'an into powder.

Xue an holds the sword in his hand, holding the sword to candle the sky!


The huge sword collided with the wolf's paw, and the temple under Xue an's feet could not be supported by the huge power. With a click, it cracked into powder.

The wolf God roared and tried to crush the sword. Xue an shook his head. "It's useless. I said that I will kill you today."

After saying that, xue'an suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he had already come to the wolf God. The huge sword in his hand turned into a gold needle and stabbed the wolf God's forehead.

The wolf God retreated in fear, trying to avoid the sword.

At this moment, Xue an's soft drink came from heaven and earth.

"This sword number Invincible

The huge sword suddenly turned into a bright light and stabbed the wolf God's forehead with incomparable speed.

The wolf God's expression became stiff, and his eyes were full of panic.

Then a sword light suddenly rushed out of the back of his head, and the blood and brain sprayed all over the ground.

And the wolf God's huge body is like a punctured balloon, began to shrink sharply, in the blink of an eye returned to its original state.

However, under this sword, the wolf God was not dead, but turned around and ran away.

As he ran, he was frightened.

Who is this man?

Why can one move break through one's weakness?

No, get out of here!

This man is more terrible than the Vatican of light who killed himself in those years!

The wolf God was frightened and ran fast.

But just ran not far away, I felt that the back of the neck was carried by hand, and then heard Xue an light way: "now just want to run, don't you think it's too late?"

The wolf God immediately changed into an extremely flattering look. "Please forgive me, my Lord. I'll get out of this secret place immediately and promise that I won't come again!"

Xue an did not speak, but directly took the wolf God back to the wolf temple.

Now the wolf temple is in a mess, but in one corner, there is something shining.

Xue an came here.

This is a blood pool, which is full of strong breath of blood.

Blood pool.

This is the artifact used by the werewolf family to wash and practice the divine blood and wolf.

The wolf God's expression is uncertain. I don't know what Xue an is going to do here.

Not waiting for the wolf God to react, Xue an's two fingers stretched out, directly inserted into the wolf God's forehead, and slowly pulled out a bright crystal with a strong breath.There is a crack on the crystal, which is just pierced by Xue an's sword.

After taking out the divinity, the wolf God's body began to shrink again, and soon became an ordinary gray wolf.

Xue an crushed the divinity and threw it directly into the blood pool.

The wolf moaned, but could not even speak.

It knows that all his accomplishments over the years are over.

Let me go now! The wolf thought.

But Xue an obviously didn't want to let it go. With a sword, the wolf's head was cut off, and the blood dripped into the blood pool.

The blood essence pool becomes more powerful.

Xue an turns to look at Cheng Hao and others.

"Although this thing is very simple, the wolf people's self recovery ability and physical strength are not bad. I have added the spirit of wolf God. You can strengthen your body in different degrees after you go in. The benefits are endless!"

The members of the fire phoenix were all in front of their eyes, and then they jumped into the blood pool one after another.

No one has the slightest hesitation.

In their mind, anything Xue an said was an indisputable truth.

After entering the blood pool, everyone closed their eyes and began to transform their bodies by the power of wolf God.

Xue an is watching.

As soon as the wolf God dies, the werewolves in the whole secret world will lose their blood power and become ordinary wolves.

So Xue an didn't want to go after him.

One day later.

The first person to come out was Zhou Daniao.

I saw that this man, who was originally strong as an ox, now became more powerful, and his head soared.

"Drillmaster!" Zhou Daniu said respectfully.

Xue an nodded, "try your cultivation!"

"Good!" When Zhou Daniu started the immortal Vajra method, he saw a golden light with a light blood color covering his whole body.

Xue an waved a sword.


There was no puncture, leaving only a white mark on the skin.

Xue an nodded, "not bad!"

Zhou Daniao said with a simple smile, "drillmaster, I think one punch can kill a giant wolf now!"

While speaking, other people also came out of the blood pool, all have their own harvest, the most important thing is that their physical fitness has been greatly enhanced.

"Drillmaster!" They all cried out in unison.

Xue an nodded. "Go, go home!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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