
On a snow capped mountain top.

Suddenly, there is a crack in the air, and Xue an and the fire phoenix members come out of it.

"Drillmaster, where are we going now? Do you want to go home? " Cheng Hao asked.

Xue an shook his head. "Don't rush back home. The top military officials of country e collude with werewolves. I have to calculate this account with them first."

"Instructor, let's go too! If it wasn't for you, we would have been totally wiped out this time. These e-countrymen are really hateful! " Cheng Hao clenched his teeth.

"Yes, we will go too!" Sun Ling and others agreed, each face is full of hate.

Xue an shook his head. "You don't have to use you for this matter. I'll be enough alone. I'll wait here. I'll go back."

After that, Xue an rose into the sky, turned into a streamer and disappeared in the sky.

Cheng Hao and others looked up, their faces were full of wonder.

"Captain, have our instructors become immortals?" Zou Yi sighed.

Cheng Hao whispered softly, "I don't know whether to become an immortal or not, but the drillmaster has become stronger again!"

When we met for the first time, Xue an didn't feel so strong to Cheng Hao.

I didn't expect that within a few months, Xue an's momentum had been like a vast ocean, which was immeasurable.

Mosco, the capital of country E.

This is a prosperous and lonely city.

Once there was a huge and powerful empire rooted in this, but now everything has changed. Only the white dove on the red square still remembers the glory of the past.

Xue an landed directly on a tall building on the outskirts of the city.

Mind swept, Xue an found a lot of strong breath, one of which is so familiar.

Xue an's mouth appeared a cold smile, and then disappeared in place.

"Colonel Susannah, are you going home?" There was a friendly greeting to Susanna.

Susanna smiles, nods and gets into her car.

Just about to start, a voice came from the back seat.

"Long time no see, Susannah!"

Suzanne froze at the sound, and then she looked back.

See Xue an sitting on the back seat, look at her indifferent.

"Xue Xue an? " Susannah looked shocked as if she had seen a ghost.

"Surprised? My dear friend Xue an light said, but the word "friend" is now said from his mouth, full of mockery.

Susannah's face turned pale and then said with a wry smile, "I'm really surprised how many people I sent to search for your whereabouts, but..."

"So you don't know anything about werewolves?" she interrupted, waving her hand

Susannah sighed. "If I said, I didn't know until the end, would you believe it?"

As she said this, Suzanne looked straight into her eyes.

After a moment, Xue an nodded slightly, "very good. Now take me to see the top military officers of country e!"

"What are you going to do?" Susannah looked tight.

Xue an said, "what are you doing? Naturally, it is to calculate the account! "

"Xue an, I know that this is the wrong thing for country e to do, but you should also be calm. After all, the other side is a high-level military officer who controls a huge force. Don't be impulsive!" Susannah said anxiously.

Xue an shook her head. "Because you didn't lie, I still take you as half a friend. But my patience is limited. Please don't waste your precious time on it. Understand?"

Susannah's face turned white and she bit her teeth and said, "OK, but I advise you not to be impulsive. The strength of the empire is not something you can challenge alone."

Xue an smile, not set can.

Suzanne drove outside the military building.

As she was a colonel, the guards did not check her and let her go.

"I'm going to the elevator with general Susannah," she said

Xue an nodded, "it's OK. Just know where it is."

The seventh floor will be there soon.

As soon as the elevator door opened, a blonde uniformed man was about to enter. When he saw Susannah, the man's eyes lit up.

"Susanna, are you here?" The man is very warm greeting way.

Susanna looks very nervous, secretly winks at the man, but the man is a little surprised, do not understand what it means.

But he noticed Xue an standing next to him, and his face sank.

"How did the Chinese come here? Susannah, who is this man

When he said this, a trace of jealousy flashed in the man's eyes.

During this period of time, he was madly pursuing the Far East army flower, but he didn't expect that there was such a Chinese man around her.Susannah was so angry that she just winked at the man to get out of here and send letters to general Chekov.

She is very fond of Xue an, but she can't watch Xue an go to her superior's trouble.

Because Susannah had a bad premonition in her heart, this indifferent man was likely to do something earth shaking.

When Xue an heard this man's words, he despised the Chinese people.

Can't help but look cold, step forward: "get out of the way!"

The man was stunned and then snorted, "I am the commander of the army of country E. I ask you to leave here immediately, otherwise I will..."

At the moment, Xue an has detected through his mind that there are many dignified and dignified people in this floor.

So I don't want to talk nonsense with this person, just wave it.


The man's head was cut off.

The blood gushed out and the corpse fell.

Suzanne was stunned by the scene.

Do you kill people?

And at the moment, the floor guards also saw this scene, all rushed over.


Xue an said coldly: "people who come to collect debts!"

A sword light cut across, directly cut the guards into two sections, and then Xue an stepped forward and went inside.

Where they passed, there were corpses and rivers of blood.

At this time, Chekov and several top military officials of e countries are in a meeting.

It's about working with werewolves.

"Last month, we sent in 100 tons of vodka, and then we exchanged five blood of wolf God. We can build more than ten super soldiers!" An expert looking officer was talking.

"But it's hard to find the soul of the soldier. You can't always play this special forces competition." Someone asked, frowning.

Chekov chuckled, "of course, you don't always need the soul of a soldier, and it's not worth it to exchange the lives of several foreign special forces for rich things?"

He really deserves to be proud, because he manipulated it.

Just then, there was a commotion outside.

Chekov and others were in a state of disbelief, and the door burst open. Then Sheehan walked in slowly.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen. I don't think it's necessary to hold the following meeting!" Xue an showed a few teeth, a forest smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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