"You are Xue an, instructor of Fire Phoenix in China Chekov was shocked.

Xue an nodded and gave a faint smile. "I'm glad you remember me, Mr. Chekov!"

Chekov's mind was shocked.

How could he be here all of a sudden?

And wasn't he captured by the werewolves along with the fire phoenix members?

And now the rest of the room was turning pale.

"How dare you break into the forbidden area in the army? Somebody, drag this guy out A general roared.

There was only silence in response to him.

Xue an faint smile, "I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you, the guard outside has been solved by me!"


Everyone's face became extremely ugly.

Chekov snorted, "what do you want, xue'an?"

Just as he waved his arm, he chopped off Xue chean.

The blood, accompanied by Chekov's painful roar, left the whole room dead.

Xue an sits on the broad sofa chair, the corner of the mouth appears a trace of indifferent smile.

"General Chekov, I hope you can understand that I am very angry now, very, very angry, after all You almost killed my men. "

Chekov's face was gray.

At this time, the expert like officer secretly pressed a button under the table.

After a while, I heard the sound of heavy footstep outside.

There was a smile of pride on the officer's face.

"Drillmaster Xue, I sympathize with your troops, but your behavior is to challenge the dignity of our e Empire, so..." The officer paused.

"Oh? So what? " Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

"So we are going to send you to hell!" The officer said grimly.


The thick concrete wall behind xue'an was blasted open by a fist, and then a broad hand like a leaf fan came in, shining on xue'an's head and then fanned in.

All the officers on the scene were disappointed.

It's going to blow this guy's head!

But people's satisfaction only lasted less than half a second, and then it solidified.

Because Xue an's hand had already grasped this huge arm, he said faintly, "is this the super warrior that you colluded with the werewolf to develop?"

With that, Xue an pinched his hand.


The thick arm was crushed.

There was a dull roar of pain, and then the arm tried to withdraw.

"You want to go now? Don't you think it's too naive? "

Xue an said, suddenly a force.


The wall was hit by the birth of a human shaped hole, and then a height of more than two meters of muscle soldiers staggered in.

Even if the arm is crushed by Xue an, the soldier is still brave and ready to rush.

But Xue an didn't even give it the chance. A sword light flashed by.

The head of the strong man fell down.

Then Xue an said coldly, "is this rubbish worth your painstaking efforts to harm people?"

Chekov and others were stunned.

From the moment Xue an came in to the present, only one or two minutes later, Xue an gave these people too much surprise.

The body of the strong man fell to the ground. Xue an leaned down and put his hand on the table, looking around at the pale faced generals.

"One more thing I want to tell you is that the pack of werewolves you depend on have been killed by me!"

"How could it be!" Chekov yelled.

A sword light flashed by, and Chekov's head rose to the sky, his face still full of consternation before he died.

He thought that Xue an was only here to vent his anger. After venting, he would leave. Even if he cut off one of his arms, he did not dare to kill himself.

After all, he is the top military officer of country E.

"As I said, I'm very angry now, so when I'm talking, you'd better not interrupt, understand?" Xue an said lightly.

All the remaining officers nodded in silence.

"Very good. I think we can talk about the compensation now." Xue an smiles faintly.

When Xue an was looking for these senior military officials in country E.

In Zhongdu of China.

Jiang Nu Bing and Wen Banmei got out of the car and looked up at the spacious door of the factory.

"Two immortal masters, here is Tianyuan company!" Liu Ruyan said respectfully.

Jiang nubing nodded slightly, his eyes full of excitement and greed, "very good, you Liu family did a good job!"

After being praised by Jiang Nu Bing, Liu Ruyan's face flashed with excitement.Wen Banmei frowned slightly. "It's a strange place. There's a fluctuation of the spirit pulse."

Jiang Nu Bing sniffed speech and laughed, "that's natural. There is no spiritual pulse. This potion won't have any effect, can't it?"

Wen Banmei nodded.

Liu Ruyan looks at the two people who are talking in the back, and can't help but begin to think.

I didn't expect that the Liu family had a bad luck this time. They met these two immortal masters by chance.

Two people a hand, then shocked all the people in the Liu family.

And then Liu Ruyan was lucky to be valued by Wen Banmei, so that she did a temporary accompany.

These days, the Liu family is very respectful to them, especially Liu Ruyan!

She always wanted to worship under the door of Wen Banmei!

So when she heard that they wanted to find Tianyuan company, she volunteered to be the guide.

"Let's go! Go in and see what's sacred. You can make such a potion in the secular world Wen Banmei light way.

Two people in front, Liu Ruyan led several Liu family guards to follow.

Soon came to the office building of Tianyuan company.

"Who are you looking for, please?" Asked the receptionist.

Jiang nubing and Wen Banmei seldom talk because they feel that talking to secular people is degrading the status of Kunlun immortal.

Liu Ruyan stepped forward a few steps, very arrogant said: "we want to see the person in charge of you here, quick!"

"I'm sorry, miss. Some of our directors are in a meeting, and we don't have time to meet..."

Before the front desk Miss finished, Jiang Nu Bing and Wen Banmei stepped in.

"Ah! You can't break in like this Exclaimed the receptionist anxiously.

Wen Banmei gave her a cold look.

The receptionist felt frozen all over and couldn't even speak.

Liu Ruyan sneered, "looking for death!"

Then he was busy leading people to follow up.

At this time, Zhao Xuehui, Qiao Le, Yang binyi, Yan shuliu and others were in a meeting.

"Hasn't Mr. Xue come back yet?" Shuliu asked a little worried.

Zhao Xuehui nodded. "The second younger brother has not come back, but I believe he will be OK. What we need to do now is to ensure the stable development of the company, and no mistakes can be made."

Just talking about this, the door of the meeting room was kicked open. Then Jiang Nu Bing and Wen Banmei walked in with their heads raised.

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