"Who are you?" Jolle rose abruptly and asked angrily.

Jiang Nu Bing sneered, looked around all the people present, and then said faintly, "you Is it the top management of Tianyuan company? "

"Who are you? If I don't, I'll call security! " Zhao Xuehui shouts in a deep voice.

Jiang Nu Bing went to the table, grabbed a chair and sat down. Then he said faintly, "it doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that you have to hand in the manufacturing process and formula of this fate!"

Zhao Xuehui and others looked at each other, and their hearts were all tight.

Here it is!

As expected, some people can't help but fight against fate.

"Hehe, who are you? What a big voice? I can tell you, get out of here now, and I can let you go, otherwise Qiao Le's words have not finished, Wen Banmei frowned, and then a flick of the finger.


Joel was directly blasted to the wall, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and then the pain of coughing.

"Son of a bitch! I'll spell it for you Yang Bin one by one saw the third brother was beaten, his eyes were red, and he was about to rush up the stool.

Liu Yueyan said with a sneer at this time: "I advise you that you'd better not be impulsive. These two are masters with great skills! If you hand over the formula and technology, you will not die! "

At this time, shuliu shivered, "you are Liu Ruyan, Miss Liu

Liu Yueyan said with a proud smile, "yes, I am Liu Ruyan, manager Shu. I didn't expect to meet you here. For the sake of our old acquaintances, I can let the immortal master let you go!"

Shuliu's face became very ugly and said in a angry voice, "what are you? A robber? "

The high temperature speech also can't help but sigh, one arch hand way: "two looks like are not ordinary people, but act so domineering, not afraid of retribution?"

Jiang Nu Bing sneered, "retribution? The words of our Kunlun saints are retribution! Now I'll give you ten minutes to hand over everything. I'll spare you no death, or... "

"Or what?" A cold voice came from outside the door.

Everyone in the room was stunned, and then saw an Yan with Xue Xiang and Xue Nian into the meeting room.

Zhao Xuehui, three brothers, as well as high temperature Yan, all changed their faces.

Zhao Xuehui, in particular, is full of anxiety.

Why did my brother and sister come at this time?

In fact, Anyan came here by accident.

She was so bored at home that Anqing never came back.

Anyan knows that her sister anqing must feel guilty in her heart and dare not come to see her.

Although an Yan called several times in the past, Anqing never answered.

Today, Anyan is going to visit Tianyuan company to relieve the boredom and worry.

But as soon as I got to the meeting room, I heard the quarrel inside. After listening carefully, I understood.

It turns out that some people want to grab the formula and technology of heaven.

This can't help but make an Yan angry.

This fate was set up by my husband himself. Now, just a few days after his disappearance, someone could not help but rob him?

After seeing an Yan, Jiang Nu Bing's eyes are bright, a beautiful woman, and then he asks lightly.

"And who are you?"

"I am Xue an's wife, shareholder of Tianyuan company, Anyan! Are you not afraid that my husband will come back to settle accounts with you An Yan said coldly.

Xue an's wife? Settle accounts?

Jiang nubing and Wen Banmei look at each other and smile at each other.

Xue an's name is naturally known to both of them.

The actual founder of Tianyuan company.

What's more, his deeds have been introduced by the people of the Liu family. They are called the first master of the younger generation in the martial arts circle.

However, Jiang Nu Bing and Wen Banmei just smile indifferently and don't take it seriously.

For those immortals who came out of the Kunlun secret place, the so-called masters in the secular world are not worth mentioning at all.

So Jiang Nu Bing gave a faint smile, "Oh? So, do you know the formula of destiny? Well, you tell us, then we get up and go! How about it? "

"No way!" An Yan shouts coldly.

At this time, Liu Ruyan stepped forward two steps, full of sarcasm on her face, "Miss Anjia is so powerful, tut tut! It's a pity that your husband is not here now, and I heard that he has been buried in Siberia. What kind of prestige are you shaking here? It's better to say the formula, isn't everyone happy! "

An Yan looked at Liu Ruyan, his eyes gradually cold, "Liu family also want to go to this muddy water? Are you not afraid of the presence of the military? "

Liu Ruyan sniffed the speech with a sneer, "Anyan, I know what you are thinking. Unfortunately, now your sister Anqing is already a clay Bodhisattva. She can't protect herself. To tell you the truth, my brother has been transferred to her army and her superior. Do you think that you have a chance to make a comeback when you settle down?"This words let an Yan look big change, no wonder recently an Qing's telephone can't get through.

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian heard the cloud and fog at the moment, but the two girls were extremely clever. Naturally, they could see that Liu Ruyan was not a good thing, so they held a small fist and called out.

"Bad aunt! Be careful that my father comes back and beats you to death

The words of the two little girls made Liu Ruyan look colder. She could not help humming: "Anyan, the two immortal masters are here. I advise you..."

After her words have not finished, an Yan a hand from the back of the backpack pulled out the pan, according to Liu Ruyan's face on the past.


A very clear sound.

Liu Ruyan was slapped off the ground by the pan and stopped until she hit the wall.

Then Liu Ruyan's pretty face swelled up at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Liu Ruyan cried out in pain and told his security guard, "give me up, beat this damned woman down!"

Several bodyguards of the Liu family swarmed on.

An Yan is not so gentle, full of murderous gas, holding a pan, to lay down one, to two beat down a pair, hit is not a pleasure!

Zhao Xuehui and Qiao le and other people began to look silly.

Who can think of the gentle and incomparable Anyan, once violent, will be so fierce?

After a moment, all of them woke up.

Can't let Anyan fight alone!

So they all rushed up with tables, chairs and benches.

There was a scuffle in the conference room.

Liu Ruyan touched his swollen half face and walked to Wen Banmei.

"Immortal master, this woman is so hateful! You must be angry with me

Wen Banmei and Jiang nubing are now looking at an Yan with great interest.

This woman, unexpectedly, has the cultivation of carefree realm.

Soon, these Liu's bodyguards were all put down by an Yan.

Then an Yan holds a pan, a murderous finger Jiang Nu Bing and others.

"Who else?"

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