When an Yan killed the four sides with a pan.

Xue an received a lot of compensation from the bereaved officers of state E.

It's not only money compensation, but also drawings of various weapons and equipment.

These are what China is in urgent need of.

When Xue an installed all these things, he gave the officers a smile. "There is one more thing I have to tell you, although you have used all kinds of despicable means, my fire phoenix has no casualties. In terms of achievements, it is still the first!"

Xue an's words made the officers look blue.

This is the real move a stone to hit their own feet.

When sending Xue an out of the army building, Susanna's expression is extremely complicated.

This man is so powerful, almost terrifying.

The superpowers, who have always been proud of the Empire, have failed to survive a single move. Even the Garou clan, which is regarded as the top combat power by the high level, has been wiped out.

Now think about it. Empire shouldn't have provoked this man from the beginning!

When she got out of the military headquarters building, Xue an stopped and gave Susanna a faint smile.

"Susanna, thank you very much."

Suzanne's face turned white and she didn't know how to respond.

"I am a man of principle. I will certainly repay others for being nice to me. But if anyone dares to target me secretly, don't blame me for being rude!"

Suzanne nodded silently.

"I'm just satisfied this time, but it's not enough!" Xue an said lightly.

"Not enough?" Susannah asked in surprise.

The compensation has come to this point, and the Empire has been disgraced. Isn't it enough?

What does he want?

"Sometimes it's wise to keep a low profile! But always low-key, delusional to play pig eat tiger, but will only attract greedy or hateful eyes

Xue an said this with a smile.

"And if you want to completely eliminate these eyes, the best way is to let them fear, fear your power!"

With Xue an's voice, he slowly rose into the air.

A lot of people saw this scene and couldn't help but wonder.

"God, am I wrong?" Many pedestrians were surprised.

Xue an stood in the middle of the air, with his hand as his sword, slowly raised his head.



A sword light that cut the sky and the Jedi fell straight down and fell directly on the military headquarters building.


The military headquarters building, which is seven stories high, consumes countless steel and concrete, and is said to be immovable by missiles, looks like a fragile eggshell, which is directly split into two parts.

A wide gap appeared in the middle, and the sparks of the cables mixed with the screams of people in the building, which made Susanna feel cold all over.

This man! More terrible than the gods!

Xue an lowers her head and smiles at Susanna. "Goodbye, my friend!"

After saying that, Xue an turned into a streamer and disappeared in the sky.

And this scene, also recorded by many people, a storm of public opinion is brewing.

Siberian training camp.

When Cheng Hao and others came here, it had been abandoned and even occupied by a group of illegal logging gangs.

When Cheng Hao and others came along, the loggers still wanted to fight against it. As a result, they were beaten by Cheng Hao and others before they could even pull out their guns. Then they were all thrown into the ice and snow.

At the moment, Cheng Hao and other team members are waiting for Xue an's return in the house.

"Captain, how long do you think our drillmaster has to come back?" Zou Yi asked with a smile.

Cheng Hao pondered for a moment, "I think it will take a day."

"One day? From here to Mosco, at least 3000 kilometers. Although the instructor can fly, can you get there in one day? " Zou Yi is still a little unbelievable.

But while they were talking, Xue an broke through the window.

"Drillmaster!" The crowd quickly stood up, filled with awe.

Just now people also said that it would take at least one day, but who could have thought that it would take only half a day for the instructor to come back!

Xue an nodded, "it's not too far away from Huaxia. I'll fly back to Huaxia with me after a while. Do you understand?"

"Good!" Everyone was excited.

"Drillmaster, is it the flying sword?" Zou Yi's eyes lit up and he couldn't help asking.

Xue an nodded with a smile

Just saying that, Xue an's face suddenly changed greatly, and then turned to look at the direction of Huaxia.

A cold and incomparable murderous spirit rose.

Cheng Hao all changed color for it, and those who were closer were forced back by the murderous spirit.

"Drillmaster, what's the matter?" Cheng Hao and others have become dignified.Xue an's eyebrows are erect at the moment, because he just felt the mood from an Yan and his daughter.

It seems that they are in a dangerous situation.

"Someone is not good for my wife and daughter!" Xue an said in a deep voice.

Cheng Hao and others heard, have raised their eyebrows and opened their eyes, full of murderous spirit.

Xue an waved his hand at the moment, and everyone was taken into a sword.

"Follow me!"

After that, Xue an rose to the sky.

Cheng Hao and others followed. At the same time, these people looked at each other and understood each other's feelings from each other's murderous and angry eyes.

There are people who dare to do harm to the drillmaster's family.

So no matter who you are, no matter where you are in the ends of the earth, the fire phoenix will kill it together!

Xue an is first, fire phoenix is the last.

Dozens of streamers were streaking across the sky at a very fast speed.

In my heart.

Wife, wait for me for a moment. When I go back, I will kill all the bastards who are against you!

At this time, in the conference room of Tianyuan company.

Wen Banmei stood up slowly, with a sneer on her face.

"Good pot!"

An Yan was calm and did not speak.

"But it's ridiculous if you think that you can stop us with your pan and your ridiculous cultivation in the free land." Wen Banmei said faintly.

An Yan said coldly: "you can try it!"

Wen Banmei sneered, and his momentum began to climb. Soon, he arrived at the realm of immortals.

The prestige of this realm makes ordinary people in the house, such as Zhao Xuehui and shuliu, pale and pale. They can only stand when they are forced to the wall.

An Yan's face also became a little pale, but still bite teeth to insist.

Wen Banmei's eyes are a little surprised. She's so powerful that she hasn't been able to give in to an Yan who is carefree?

At this time, Xue Xiang and Xue Nian are like two little penguins, opening their hands to block in front of an Yan.

"Bad woman, you are not allowed to bully my mother!" Xue Niandao.

"Yes! Bully my mother again, when my father comes back, you will all disappear Xue wanted to say.


Wen Banmei and Jiang nubing are both suspicious.

Are these two little girls indifferent to the power of the immortals?

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