But they don't know.

Think about and Niannian took the Peiyuan pill refined by Xue an with xianzun's blood essence since childhood.

Moreover, Xue an doted on the two daughters to the point that he could not be more indulgent. He directly used his own life essence to lay countless amulets on them.

It can be said that even if the long-term strong here, but not necessarily can take these two little girls how.

"Hum!" Wen Banmei snorted coldly. She was not as wise as two children. She just looked up at an Yan Road.

"Miss ANN, you know nothing about the power of the world. If I want to, you will be dead on the spot now, but I don't want to do that. As long as you hand over the formula and technology, I will let you and your children go. What do you think?" Wen Banmei said coldly.

Liu Ruyan was also a little overwhelmed and rushed up and said, "Anyan, I tell you, the two immortal masters are right. If you are still stubborn, you can't help yourself, even your sister will be implicated!"

"And you're still looking forward to Xue an coming back to save you? I tell you, don't be paranoid. It's estimated that the wolf has eaten your husband's body now Liu Ruyan said sarcastically.

Anyan can't help it any longer. The pan in his hand is aimed at Liu Ruyan, and throws it out with a raise of his hand.

I don't know whether it's the talent or the attribute bonus of the pan throwing. Anyan throws the pan, which is extremely accurate.


The pan hit Liu Ruyan's mouth.

At that time, blood flowed out along the corner of Liu Ruyan's mouth, and his teeth were smashed.

Liu Ruyan howled bitterly and called vaguely: "immortal master Help me

Wen Banmei's face was heavy.

An Yan dare to start in front of her face, which makes her feel very shameless.

Therefore, Wen Banmei stepped forward and said in a cold voice, "since you want to die, don't blame me for my ruthlessness!"

With her voice, a murderous spirit rushed to an Yan, and a look of despair flashed in her eyes.

Husband, where are you now? I I can't hold on!

Zhao Xuehui, Qiao le and others were oppressed and could not move their hands and feet, and their faces could not help but look desperate.

But just then, a cold voice came from the window.

"Well, you have succeeded in angering me!"

An Yan was stunned.

The voice.

Then, the glass curtain wall of the conference room broke, and Xue an walked in slowly.

His appearance, let an Yan's tears burst out at that time.


"Dad Exclaimed the two little girls.

The husband is full of grievances and heartache.

Xue an heart a burst of heartache, a few steps forward to embrace an Yan.

"All right, no more crying. Am I not coming back?"

Anyan slightly embarrassed nodded.

At this time, a cold voice came, "you Is that Xue an? "

Xue an's smile gradually narrowed and looked around.

Wen Banmei said coldly: "are you Xue an, the founder of this destiny? Good. Now that you're back, then Give it to me, and I will spare you

Wen Banmei's tone is full of pride.

Xue an laughed, gently rubbed an Yan's head, then lowered his head to think about and read: "you two and mother go there to wait for me, remember to close your eyes!"

"Mm-hmm!" Two little girls cleverly follow an Yan to one side.

Xue an stood up straight, slowly took out his ears, "I'm sorry, what did you just say? I didn't hear you very well

Do not know how to return a responsibility, Wen Banmei felt a burst of cold in the heart.

But immediately, she looked up with pride, "hand over the formula and technology, Rao you do not die!"

The voice has just dropped.

Xue an's figure suddenly appeared in front of her, raising his hand was a slap in the face.

This slap on the face is very fierce.

Fan Wen Banmei directly off the ground, and let her in the mid air transfer several circles.

A plop.

Wen Banmei falls to the ground.

Look at the bones on half of her face.

Originally pretty face became very ferocious.

And this slap, also let the Jiang Nu soldier standing up at the side of the joke, his face was gloomy and said: "you dare to do it?"

Xue an didn't even bother to say any more nonsense. His body suddenly disappeared, and then he appeared in front of Jiang Nu Bing. He also slapped his hand.


Jiang Nu Bing was better off than Wen Banmei. Although he was fanned up and somehow his cheekbones were not broken, his mouth full of teeth could not be kept.

Then Xue Ancai said faintly, "remember, this is just the beginning!"

The room was silent, and many people were staring at the scene.Especially Liu Ruyan.

In any case, she could not have imagined that Xue an had smashed half the faces of the two immortals who were revered as gods by Xue an.

"Good, you have angered two Kunlun immortals. You are dead!" Wen Banmei looks at Xue an bitterly, then stands up and flies out.

Thousand snow mountain's unique skill, thousand machine fan!

It is known as the unique skill of killing with one stroke and seconds under the scattered immortals!

At the same time, Jiang Nu Bing was also furious. With a roar, a light appeared in his hands.

It's a long gun.

Tyrant fury gun!

The unique knowledge of the town school of bawangmen is said to be inherited from the original golden Immortal King Xiang Yu!

The joint attack of the two men was extremely prestigious.

All the tables and chairs in the house were turned into powder by this blow.

Shuliu and others were all frightened and worried.

But in the rough sea, Xue an's indifferent voice came.

"I said, this is just the beginning!"

Say it!

Xue an tore up the thousand machine fan, kicked off the overlord gun, and then bullied him.

Pa Pa!

Two more loud slaps in the face than just now.

Jiang Nu Bing and Wen Banmei were once again fanned out.

After landing again, the faces of the two men had been deformed.

The mouth and nose are bleeding.

Xue an said lightly: "it's not over yet. Come on!"

There was a flash of horror in their eyes.

How can this man be so tough?

Two people a bite teeth, directly used their strongest secret arts.

"A thousand snow beauties!"

"The overlord cut the river in anger!"

Two earth shaking momentum combined into one.

The roof of the conference room was blown away by the momentum.

Xue an is still holding his arm and watching quietly.

Jiang nubing and Wen Banmei are secretly happy.

This is the secret skill of their respective schools, which is very powerful. Moreover, the joint attack of two immortals is not dare to connect with each other in half a step.

But the joy lasted less than a second.

Xue an raised her eyes, revealed a few white teeth, a forest smile, "or not enough!"

After saying that, Xue an put his hands out and pressed them directly on their heads and drank softly.

"Kneel down!"

They felt as if they were being pressed by a mountain on top of their heads. Their knees were smashed at that time, and they knelt on the ground with a plop.

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