Jiang nubing and Wen Banmei kneel on the ground and struggle for several times. They find their knees smashed and can't move at all. They can't help but flash a look of humiliation on their faces.

Then they looked at each other secretly and lowered their heads.

"Xue an, we admit that we underestimate you, and your cultivation is enough for us to respect. We have uncovered this matter. What do you think?" Jiang Nu Bing took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Oh? I've uncovered that? " Xue an said lightly.

"That's right. We don't ask for it any more! As long as you let us go, it will never happen! " Jiang Nu Bing said.

"That sounds good, but..." Xue an's mouth appeared a cold smile.

"You seem to have made a mistake. From the beginning, I didn't intend to let you go!"

The faces of Wen Banmei and Jiang Nu Bing are startled and angry.

Wen Banmei sneered: "xue'an, don't think your cultivation is so great. I tell you, in Kunlun, your state is not enough."

Xue an looks at Wen Banmei with a light smile until the end.

"Have you finished? With that Then die

When Xue an waved her hand, Wen Banmei felt a burst of heat under her feet. Looking down, she saw several white flames burning at a very fast speed.

"Ah, ah, ah Xue an, let me go quickly, or my school will definitely tear you to pieces Wen Banmei screamed.

But it doesn't stop the flame from burning fast.

A moment later, the whole person of Wen Banmei was engulfed by the fire.

Originally pretty face, in this fire quickly withered and cracked.

Wen Banmei struggled in pain, and then was burned to fly ash, disappeared.

Jiang Nu Bing was heartbroken when he looked on the side. He didn't expect that Xue an would be so cruel.

Xue an turned his eyes to Jiang nubing What do you want to say? "

Jiang Nu Bing felt cold in his heart, but he still bit his teeth and said, "we are Kunlun immortals. If you kill us, you will cause great trouble!"

Xue an smiles, "trouble? What I fear most is trouble

With that, the endless flame once again enveloped Jiang Nu Bing. A moment later, he was also burned to fly ash, and his spirits were all destroyed.

I saw two people fall.

Liu Ruyan couldn't help being numb.

Until Xue an looked at her, she was excited and said in a trembling voice, "don't kill me. I'm from the Liu family!"

"Liu family?" Xue an shook his head. "No, it won't exist soon."

Say it.

A sword light flashed, directly pierced Liu Ruyan's forehead, and the corpse fell to the ground.

Zhao Xuehui and shuliu and others are all staring at Xue an.

Especially shuliu and Gao Shengnan are scared to be silly at this time.

As soon as Xue an came back, he was just like killing God. He was merciless and killed several people! And the expression is indifferent, like slaughtering a chicken to kill a dog.

Such momentum, let a few women can't help but turn pale.

Xue an comes to an Yan and smiles.

"Wife, I'm sorry, but I'm a little late!"

An Yan glanced at the hair of the ear, smiling, "just come back!"

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian said happily: "Dad, Dad, just now my mother is so powerful that I'm afraid of beating those big bad guys!"

Xue an, with a smile, kneaded down and kneaded the hair of two little girls, "you are also fierce! I know how to protect my mother

When Yan an came back, she saw two scenes.

It's also that scene that makes Xue an go wild.

"We're not afraid. Dad said that if someone bullies us, we'll fight back hard!" Xue wants to hold a small fist, the expression is firm to say.

Xue an smiles, smiling happily.

He didn't want his children to be flowers in the greenhouse, because the road of cultivating immortals in the future was countless.

He had to let his two daughters understand that if someone bullied him, he would have to retaliate ten times!

An Yan at the moment some worry said: "anqing over there..."

Xue an stood up and nodded. "I know. I'll go there now."

Just talking, dozens of streamers came from the sky, and then directly rushed into the conference room.

When they stopped, they found that they were all brave soldiers.

"Drillmaster!" Cheng Qihao and others.

When she came back, xue'an was so anxious that she pulled away all the members of the fire phoenix.

So they didn't come back until now.

Xue an nodded and then said coldly, "follow me back to the barracks!"

After saying this, Xue an said to an Yan, "wait for me here!"

With that, Xue an went straight to the sky.After Cheng Hao and others know that an Yan is the instructor's wife, they all nod with respect to Anyan, and then follow Xue an behind him.

When they're gone.

Zhao Xuehui and Qiao Le looked at each other and sighed slightly.

"The second brother is more and more powerful!" Exclaimed jolle.

And shuliu and others look at Xue Anyuan's back with complicated expression.

This man will always surprise people at the critical moment.


In the barracks.

Anqing lowered her head and slowly wiped the ground.

Several women passed through the corridor, waiting for them to whisper.

"Ah, is this an Qing reduced to wipe the floor now?"

"Haha, Huo Fenghuang was indirectly killed by her. It's good if she doesn't punish her. It's nothing to wipe the ground!"

"It's said that there is a contradiction between the new drillmaster Liu and her."

These comments spread to Anqing's ears, but she did not look up, just turned pale.

"Hello, the floor is not good. There are footprints everywhere. Wipe it again!" A fat woman with triangular eyes came up and scolded.

Anqing looked up at her blankly.

"Don't you hear me? All the floors on the first floor, I'll have to wipe them again with my hands The fat woman said happily.

In terms of her military position, she is much lower than an Qing. She was saluted to see an Qing in the past.

But now Anqing's disaster has become a joke in the army.

I'm sorry for this rare opportunity if I don't step on it at this time!

"What are you looking at? This is what instructor Liu ordered Fat woman cross waist scold way.

Anqing looks changeable, but after a moment, or lower his head to answer the voice, "ah!"

"Hum!" The fat woman was about to leave.

I heard a voice coming from the other end of the corridor.

"I don't think I can clean it with my hands!"

Fat woman a Zheng, also did not look back, just some funny way: "how to wipe?"

"If you lick it with your tongue, I think it's clean!"

The sound is as flat as water.

Fat woman hey hey a smile, "this is a good way, an Qing, do you hear me? How do you like it when you are asked to lick the floor with your tongue? "

Anqing lowered her head and did not speak.

At this time, Xue an walked slowly from the corridor. The sunlight shone on his face through the window of the corridor. His face was cloudy and sunny during walking.

"I'm not talking about her, but you!"

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