Until this time, Anqing just recognized that the voice was a little familiar, looked up and was stunned.

Xue an smiles at her, "I'm back!"

Xue an's this sentence I came back, as if opened the emotional valve of an Qing.

Anqing covered her mouth, tears burst out of her eyes, and her whole body was shaking slightly, as if to cry out all the grievances of these days.

At this time, the fat woman's face was gloomy and said with a sneer, "who are you? How dare you come here? This woman was ordered by the officials and relatives of the Liu sect to take strict care of her. I advise you to mind your own business. "

Xue an said lightly: "it doesn't matter who I am. What matters is Now you have to get down on your knees and lick the floor a little bit! "

The fat woman laughs angrily, "I'm a goddamn..."

And then she was stunned.

Because from the other side of the corridor, a powerful army is coming slowly.

The powerful momentum of these people's walking room makes all the people on the whole floor pale.

Some shrieks with sharp eyes.

"It's Cheng Hao and them! Members of the fire phoenix special forces

"Fire phoenix is back!"

The news was like a bomb dropped in the crowd, causing a huge commotion.

At this time, Cheng Hao and others came to Xue an's back, stopped and yelled in unison: "Colonel an, Huo Fenghuang has finished his mission, and now all of them are back in the team! Please review it! "

Sound shakes the roof tiles.

There was a dead silence.

Many people's faces have become pale, especially those who often talk about anqing behind their backs, and their whole body is shaking.

Anqing's face gradually became ruddy. Although she still had tears on her face, she showed a smile, "I'm not a colonel now!"

"In our hearts, you will always be our Colonel Ann!" Cheng Hao said in a deep voice.

At this time, Xue an looked at the fat woman and said, "now I'll give you two ways. First, kneel down and lick the floor. Second..."

Xue an's words have not finished, the fat woman trembled all over, plop once knelt on the ground, trembling voice way: "I lick! I lick it

With that, the fat woman sprawled on the floor and began to lick the floor.

Because she is very clear, the Fire Phoenix team returns, this * camp, will change the sky!

This scene also makes many people with ghosts shiver.

Xue an looks at an Qing, who is already thin and out of shape, with a trace of anger in his eyes.

"What about Liu?"

Anqing said in a low voice: "today is the 60th birthday of their Liu family leader. They are holding a birthday banquet at home!"

Xue an Wen Yan slightly Zheng, and then a faint smile, "very good! Together, it will be easier to kill the door! "

Hearing this, all the people around him froze.

Because Xue an's tone is light, as if telling a trivial matter.

At the moment, the Liu family, decorated with lanterns, is a scene of singing and dancing.

Liu Jinyi, the leader of the Liu family, was sitting on the throne, laughing and talking to the big men of several families.

"I heard that the young Liu family had just been promoted to the rank of colonel in the army. It's really gratifying." Someone complimented.

Liu Jinyi is also quite proud of this, but still a face indifferent to say: "ha ha, but just made a little bit of achievements, nothing to mention!"

"The leader of the Liu family is too modest. Now in China, how many people are as old as Minghui who have reached high positions?"

The crowd was full of flattery.

After all, Liu's family is thriving.

This naturally attracted a lot of people's praise.

In particular, Liu Minghui is now in an important position and has a promising future!

Liu Jinyi ha ha a smile, "come on, everybody drink this cup together!"

At the moment, in his heart, not only because of his son's official position, but also because of his attachment to Kunlun's immortal disciples. That's the man in the fairyland!

As long as their daughter can worship Kunlun, will not the Liu family have a great cause in the future?

The more you think about it, the more proud Liu Jinyi is.

And on top of another table.

A group of men about the same age as Liu Minghui are also complimenting Liu Minghui, who is sitting on the throne.

"Liu Shao is really powerful. As soon as he enters the military camp, he becomes a colonel! In time, the general can expect it

Liu Minghui smiles and doesn't say anything.

"Hey, Liu Shao, I heard that the girl who settled down is now in your charge? What about? Have you started? " There are a few men who know the inside story and ask with a wink.

Hearing this, Liu Minghui looks pleased.

"Ha ha, it's not urgent now. She's in my hands now. How about the future? Isn't it a matter of one word for me?" Liu Minghui said lightly.

"Liu Shao is really domineering

The crowd raised their glasses to Liu Minghui.

Just listen to the commotion outside.Liu Minghui frowned slightly.

Today is the birthday party of the Liu family. Who dares to make trouble?

Just got up and went out to see what was going on.

See a few Liu's bodyguards fly in from the door, smash a few tables of birthday party, and then do not move.

Everyone in the room was surprised.

Liu Minghui stood up and said in an angry voice, "who is it? How dare you make trouble in the Liu family? "

At this time, Xue an slowly walked in.

His appearance caused a slight stir in the room.

A lot of people recognized him.

"Isn't that Xue an?"

"Didn't he die in Siberia? Why are you back? "

In the eyes of people's surprise, Xue an looked at Liu Minghui and said faintly, "are you Liu Minghui?"

Liu Minghui looked gloomy and said in a cold voice, "Xue an, what do you want to do when you break into my Liu family?"

"Yes! As for what I'm here for? " Xue an smiles.

"Of course The Liu family is full of people


Xue an's words caused an uproar.

Liu Minghui laughed angrily, "OK! Good! Xue an, with your words, I can shoot you in the open and aboveboard manner. You know, I am a colonel! You... "

Xue an slowly took out the rank of major general Zhuque from his arms, playing with the smell: "the captain is so arrogant, how about me?"

Liu Minghui looked at that rank with a ghost.

"Why How is that possible? This is major general Zhuque, who has not made great achievements, and can not get it at all! "

Then Liu Minghui gritted his teeth, "even if you are a major general, what can you do? Is it possible to kill at will? "

Xue an nodded. "You're right!"

The voice did not fall, behind him, Cheng Hao and others poured in.

Incomparably strong momentum enveloped the whole court.

Liu Jinyi couldn't sit still at the moment. He stood up and said angrily, "Xue an, I don't believe you dare to kill our Lius. You know, this is Zhongdu. If you dare to be so arrogant, be careful..."

Xue an smiles and interrupts Liu Jinyi, "you're right. I'm That's how arrogant

As he spoke, he began to aim at all the people in the sky.

This scene changed the faces of Liu Minghui and others.

"No, you can't kill me. My daughter is the disciple of the immortal Kunlun." Liu Jinyi yelled in horror.

Xue an shook his head, "I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you, your daughter and the two Kunlun immortals have been killed by me!"

"Why How could it be? " Liu Jinyi lost his heart and looked unbelievable.

"Next life, I hope you can be good people!" Xue an said lightly.

After saying that, the sword fell like rain and cut all the people of the Liu family into blood.

Liu family exterminates the door!!

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