There was a dead silence.

Looking at the blood and bones all over the ground, everyone was shivering.

No one thought that Xue an really dared to destroy the Liu family.

But Xue an just lightly looked at the rest of the people, then turned to leave.

As soon as he left, Cheng Hao and others followed him.

Until Xue an's figure has been invisible, all the people present breathed a sigh of relief. Many people's pants were wet, and the strong smell of urine filled the whole banquet hall.

But at the moment, no one has the time to laugh at these pee scares because they are all busy informing their families.

So it was less than an hour.

The news that Xue an raised his hand to destroy the whole family of Liu family spread all over Zhongdu.

When I heard the news, I was playing with Chen Zhengzhen in the mirror.

After the practice of Tianyuan medicine, Chen Xiuhe's disease has been cured, and he is much younger.

Just then, the housekeeper of the Chen family rushed in.

"Old man, no good!"

"What's the matter? So flustered

"Mr. Xue is back!"

"What?" Chen Xiu and Daxi said, "I knew that Mr. Xue would be OK. Ha ha, where is he? I'll go and see him

"But as soon as Mr. Xue returned to Zhongdu, he killed the Liu family!"

"If it's gone What do you say Chen Xiu and startled, "which Liu family?"

"Of course, it's the Liu family in Zhongdu."

Chen Xiu and suddenly changed color, "are you sure it's true?"

"Of course, it's true. Now it's said that many rich families are preparing to unite to overthrow Mr. Xue!"

After listening to the housekeeper's words, Chen Xiu and his face became gloomy.

"Damn it, these guys have long been envious of the big sale of Tianyuan potion. This time, they want to make a scene by taking advantage of the Liu family's being destroyed, so as to gain some benefits!"

Chen Xiu and his eyes were fierce. Naturally, he saw the crux at a glance.

The Liu family is strong in Zhongdu, and it is said that there are high-level relations among the military.

But now the whole door has been killed, no matter how strong the strength is, it is like smoke and cloud.

Therefore, these aristocratic families just want to seek justice for the Liu family and force Xue an to bow down with public opinion and the general situation.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiuhe showed a sneer.

These people who are used to scheming and scheming don't understand that Xue an can be intimidated?

"Sir, what shall we do?" Asked the housekeeper.

Chen Xiuhe walked back and forth a few steps in the room, and then said in a deep voice, "watch the change. If necessary, the Chen family will be the strong backing of Mr. Xue!"


When Chen Rushi knew the news, she was in the Wei family, talking with Wei Ruyan and Wei Rulan.

When the news comes.

"What!" All three women were shocked.

Chen Rushi is even more shocked and pale, just like ants on the hot pot!

Wei Ruyan and Wei Rulan are also full of horror.

"Rushi, you should calm down for a moment. This matter is very important. You'd better go back and ask Mr. Chen what he means." Wei Rulan said in a deep voice.

"Yes! I'm leaving first! " Chen Rushi said and left in a hurry.

Looking at her flustered back, Wei Ruyan said, "Rulan, how do you see this matter?"

Wei Rulan gently shook his head. "I want to ask Chen Xiuhe's opinion by asking Rushi back. After all, the situation in Zhongdu has changed a lot since this incident happened. Many people who are already dissatisfied with Xue an have perfect excuses and will naturally cause trouble."

"Trouble? What's the matter? "

Wei Rulan said faintly: "fate!"

Wei Ruyan's face changed, "fate?"

"That's right. I'm not guilty. The effect of fate is amazing. I don't know how many coveted eyes have been attracted. So his situation this time It's going to be harder than ever! "

Wei Rulan said, looking up at the distance, mumbling to himself: "you always act domineering, even can be said to be unwise, but I don't know this time's dilemma, how do you plan to solve it?"

Late home.

"Miss Chi, this is a rare opportunity. Xue an is ambitious. He killed many people of your chi family last time, and this time he killed the Liu family. It's impossible to do anything more extraordinary in the future! So we decided to attack him together A man chattered on and on.

But late not Yang has been bowing his head.

"Miss Chi, now there are many rich families joining in. Just nod your head, and then after success, you will have a share of that day's fate." The man began to lure.

But I didn't expect that Chi Weiyang raised his head and firmly shook his head, "I'm sorry, I'm left with an orphan girl now, I still don't participate in this matter!""But..." The man still wanted to lobby, but he had already got up and left.

"Hum! What an ungrateful fellow The man was so angry that he left.

But late Wei Yang after bead curtain, looking at these people's far away back, whispered softly: "you people, how can you know his terror?"

The news began to ferment.

The powerful families in Zhongdu are ready to move.

And in a high-level meeting of the military, Liu's backer is also in a rage at the moment.

"Look, look! This Xue an is so bold that he dares to destroy his family in front of so many people! " The general clapped the table and roared.

The other generals were also gloomy. After all, Xue an was out of line in doing so.

There's a captain in there!

"I suggest that we can't just let this matter go. Let Xue an give us an explanation."

"Saying? What do you say? "

"Xue an is so arrogant that he relies on the fire phoenix army. Therefore, I propose to deprive him of his position as the fire phoenix instructor and hand over the fire phoenix to other people!" As he said this, the general's eyes flashed with greed.

When the room was quiet, many people began to whisper about it.

And the lieutenant general thought with a sneer in his heart.

Xue an, you found this by yourself. This has made people angry. Who can help you?

The fire phoenix is a treasure. If you can grab it, it's just.

He was just about to be proud when a messenger came in from outside, looking terrified.


"Asshole, didn't you see a meeting in progress?" He exclaimed angrily.

"Report to general, it's urgent information!"

With that, the messenger handed over a document.

The general didn't take it, but when he opened it, he was stunned, and his face became pale from the beginning of excitement.

Even the hand holding the envelope began to shake slightly.

Others were a little suspicious.

"What's the matter? What happened? "

There was a general who came up and looked at it.

There was a big line on the document.

Xue Anjian cuts down the army headquarters building of E, and the high-level collective of the Imperial Army bows to make amends! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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