The little gourd took over the box, opened it directly, took out the metal component inside, and swallowed it without hesitation.

The whole process was too fast to react.

By the time people realized what was going on, the piece of metal had gone into the belly of the little gourd.

"My God, she doesn't have to chew this kind of food? How good is this mouth? " Aoshu surprised way.

An Yan can't help but ask with great concern: "how about little gourd, are you ok?"

As soon as the voice fell, he saw the little gourd blinking at the crowd, then he leaned back, plopped down and fell unconscious.

This surprised everyone present.

Think about Niannian immediately rushed up.

"Hulu, what's the matter with you, Hulu? Wake up, Hulu! You can't die, gourd Niannian shakes the little gourd and says in his mouth.

Think about although not so much, but also a face of anxiety and concern.

Just at this time, Cha Wenliang came forward to check the little gourd, and then shook his head in surprise.

The tears of recitation burst into my eyes.

"Grandpa Cha, isn't she no longer? Wuwuwuwu, poor little gourd, how can you die like this? I told you before, don't worry about your food, but you don't listen. Now, choke yourself alive

Niannian mumbled and said no, but Liang couldn't help saying, "Niannian, who told you she was dead?"

"Well? Not dead? "

"Of course, she didn't die. She just fell asleep! I don't believe you. "

The crowd quieted down and listened.

Sure enough.

Small gourd mouth issued a gentle snore, actually really fell asleep.

Niannian wiped away his tears and said angrily, "why do you sigh and shake your head? Of course, this will make me think wildly! "

Cha Wenliang was laughing and crying. "I shook my head for some other reasons! Why do you still depend on me? "

"I don't care. It's because of you that I shed tears. You compensate me for my tears!"

"How to compensate for tears?"

"Then you have to cry too!"

One old and one young began to bicker, but no matter what, little gourd is OK, people still put down a hanging heart.

Anyan took the little gourd into the room, put it on the bed, and covered it with quilt for her. Then she came out.

At this time, Niannian and Zha Wenliang are still fighting.

But it can be seen from Cha Wenliang's smile that he seems to enjoy this feeling.

Laugh for a while, in the success of "blackmail" to a lot of gadgets, think and read just left with satisfaction.

Aoshu shrugged and went back to the house.

When Xue an and Zha Wenliang were left in the hospital, the smile on Zha Wenliang's face gradually subsided, and then he said to Xue an very solemnly.

"Xue an, what are you going to do with this little gourd?"

"Oh? Why do you ask all of a sudden? "

"Because I found this little gourd very strange. When I was checking her body just now, I found that she was not human, not demon, not ghost, not monster. If she was the essence of utensils, there should be spirits!"

"But I didn't see anything in her sea of knowledge! You should know that this kind of situation will only appear in the dead, but xiaohulu has a clear self-awareness, and even can speak. This is a situation I have never encountered before

Xue an took a deep look at Zha Wenliang, and immediately said with a smile: "it seems that you have seen it. That's right. This little gourd really does not exist in general! It can be said that she should have been artificially created. "

Zha Wenliang was shocked and blurted out: "is it like we created souls before?"

"It's similar, but it's not exactly the same. In fact, I'm not entirely sure how she was created, but one thing is for sure!"

Xue an looked up at the distant sky and said, "her origin must be closely related to the lost alchemy civilization."

Cha Wenliang's mouth moved. He wanted to say something, but he finally closed his mouth.

At the same time, in the medicated food workshop, Mo Changhong went into his room as usual.

When she closed the door, layers of Dharma array would completely isolate the room to ensure that any information inside would not be leaked out.

After that, Mo Changhong came to the dressing mirror and waved her hand. There were many symbols on the dressing mirror. When the brilliance gathered together, all kinds of miraculous scenes began to appear inside.

Mo Changhong has been used to this for a long time, just waiting calmly.

In the blink of an eye, those chaotic scenes began to disperse, and then a huge palace appeared inside.

In the middle of the palace is a high platform, which is surrounded by layers of curtains. You can't see the scene clearly, but you can only vaguely see that there are many lights swaying inside.

Seeing this scene, Mo Changhong immediately knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: "I've met the female emperor in my humble position!"

There was a calm in the mirror image. A moment later, a cool and noble voice came.

"Get up!"


Mo Changhong dares to stand up.

"Is there anything unusual on your side recently?" The voice came again.

"Back to the empress, everything was as usual before, but today there is a little bit of a situation!"

"Oh? What's the situation? "

"Well, today I was guarding in the medicated food workshop..."

Mo Changhong tells how to meet Xue an and how to confront the family members.

After listening, there was a silence.

Mo Changhong then went on to say, "my lady, I think it's absolutely strange. The family is obviously very interested in the little girl. If it wasn't for the reputation of our herbal food shop, they would have started on the spot!"

"Si family... Ha ha, they suddenly attacked a small family in the pharmacists' Alliance some time ago, under the banner that the family had once been disrespectful to them and stolen their prescription, but it was not so simple in reality!"

Speaking of this, the voice sneered, "how can that old fox of Si Daoyuan do business at a loss? So if I guess correctly, that little girl is probably the one they are looking for

Mo Changhong nodded, "I think so too, so I have explored the truth and origin of this little girl secretly, and found that..."

"What did you find?"

Mo Chang's red face was stunned and confused. "I found that she had no heart, no lung, even no soul, and no concept of right and wrong, but it can be seen that she was very smart!"

Hearing this, the voice is also slightly a Leng, spin even if thought of what, sigh a way.

"Is there any wisdom that is neither human nor demon?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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