Immediately she thought of what, "was there someone from Lou's family following at that time?"


"No? How could it not be? "

"In fact, it was Cha Wenliang and a teenager who were with the little girl at that time!"

"Ghost needle doctor? As a member of the Veterans' Association of pharmacists, it's not surprising that he appears here! But what happened to that boy? "

"Lord Hui, it's a little interesting to talk about this young man. Although he only has the cultivation level of immortal, he gives people a strong feeling, and the key is that he is very generous! The bearing is even more extraordinary, so I always feel that this person's origin should not be simple! " Mo Changhong said with a smile.

After listening to these words, the voice behind the curtain was also a rare laugh.

"What? Do you have a crush on him? "

"Oh, my lady, people are telling you something serious. Why are you joking?" Mo Chang's face turned red, and he was very angry.

"Ha ha, in fact, if you really like a teenager, it's a good thing, at least you don't have so many messy hobbies!" The voice continued to laugh.

Mo Changhong can't laugh or cry.

In her impression, the lady of the emperor was always dignified and dignified, but never thought that Tucao was so immoral to make complaints about people.

What is a messy hobby?

I just like some cute little girls!

Is that wrong?

Just as she secretly defended herself, the voice behind the curtain came again.

"Since what you said is so lively, let me see what this young man looks like."

"Empress, I don't mean what you think. I just feel curious, so I recorded his image. Don't think much about it!"

Mo Changhong did not forget to explain a word, and then he waved and unfolded a water curtain image.

This image of the water curtain is obviously secretly taken by Mo Changhong. In the picture, Xue an is sitting on a chair in the auction venue with a cup of tea in his hand, his eyes drooping and a smile on his face.

Although it's a sneak shot, the light in the picture just shows Xue an's cool and distant temperament perfectly.

With the five features outlined by the master of painting, it really gives people a pleasant feeling.

The woman behind the curtain was looking at it with a smile, but when she saw Xue an's eyes in the picture, she was shocked. Then she stood up and exclaimed.

"How could that be?"

"What's the matter, my lady? What's wrong? " Mo Changhong was also startled and asked in a hurry.

But behind the curtain, the fuzzy figure standing up didn't respond to her words at all. She just stood in the same place and whispered softly.

"Chinese... How can it be Chinese?"

Mo Changhong didn't hear these words, so she could only stand there anxiously, waiting for the reply from the person in the mirror.

It wasn't until a long time later that the voice trembled and said, "do you know the name of the boy and where he came from?"

"My Lord, the young man's name is Xue an, but I don't know where he came from!" Mo Changhong hurried back.

"Xue an..." The voice murmured, and then asked again, "where is this young man now?"

"It's in Yangcheng County now!"

"Good! You must keep him. I'll be there soon

"What? Lady, would you like to come in person? " Mo Changhong exclaimed.

But before she finished, the mirror connection was disconnected.

Mo Changhong stayed in place, his mind full of question marks.

What's going on?

Why is the empress so excited after seeing Xue an?

At the same time, there is a huge Palace floating in the inner core of a very secret planet of the alliance of pharmacists.

In the palace, it is the scene that appeared in the mirror image before.

And at this moment, behind the curtains, a veiled woman was standing there.

Although I can't see her face clearly, it can be seen from her slim figure that she is absolutely a gorgeous woman.

The woman stayed for a long time and suddenly remembered something. Then she took a deep breath and turned to the flickering light.

When another curtain was opened, it was a shocking scene.

But behind the curtain is a huge shrine, on which many names are engraved, and each name is preceded by a candle.

The flickering light is just what these candles emit.

Looking at the names on these shrines, the woman's lips trembled. Then she picked up three fragrance sticks, lit them and inserted them into the censer.

After all this, she turned and disappeared into the palace.

When she left, she did not know whether it was because of the mana fluctuation when she left or the powerful traction of the stars, which caused a breeze in the palace.

The breeze shook these candles, which made the names on them blurred, but only the two Chinese people at the top were particularly conspicuous.

And that is when the empress set out for Yangcheng County, even the family of Yangcheng County finally welcomed the distinguished guests.

When the two starlight brilliance fell to the ground, two figures appeared.

The leader was dressed in black, with a cold look, especially his eyes, which were shining with a chilling murderous air.

It's Shen Gaoge!

And what followed him was su fei's surprise.

The two of them came from the Shen family. They went all the way and finally came to the pharmacist alliance today.

When they landed, Lian Yuting and many senior members of his family rushed to meet them.

"Su Shao!" Lian Yuting called respectfully.

Although Su Feijing was so suspicious when he was in the Shen family, he was indifferent in front of Lian Yuting.

He nodded and then winked at Lian Yu Ting.

Lian Yuting understood and quickly saluted Shen Gaoge who was standing in front of him.

"This must be Mr. Shen Gaoge. You can come to our company's home and make our company shine."

But without waiting for him to finish these polite words, Shen Gaoge went straight inside and said coldly.

"I can feel that the man is in this city at the moment, but I'm a little tired all the way, so I need to rest for three hours. After three hours, I need to know the specific location of the man! Then... Cut it! "

Speaking of the last two words, Shen Gaoge's head loomed a huge sword illusion.

Su Feijing immediately bowed himself and said, "yes!"

Shen Gaoge left.

Su Fei was startled. Then he rushed to Lian Yuting, who was frightened, and said, "what else are you looking at? People have gone!"

"Is this... Is this the strength of Shen Jia Jian Xiu? It's terrible, it's terrible Lian Yuting exclaimed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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