"Hum, I've never seen the world. To tell you the truth, Shen Gaoge is not the best in the Shen family. The most powerful young master Shen is still practicing in seclusion. If he comes, it's estimated that no one in the whole pharmacist League is his opponent!"

Speaking of this, Su Fei's face was proud.

"If it wasn't for me, would such a person stay in your company?"

Lian Yu Ting nodded, and his face was flattering.

"Yes, it's all thanks to Su Shao's face. If you can climb up the big tree of Shen's family, I'll be grateful to my family!"

"Hum, don't talk about those useless ones. I'm going to be exhausted all the way. Find a place to let me have a rest!"

"Yes, yes! It's already ready for you, Su Shao. This way, please

Lian Yuting nodded and bowed to lead the way, and soon brought Su Feijing to a magnificent place.

After seeing the extravagant furnishings and the delicious food and wine on the table, Su Feijing nodded with satisfaction.

"Well! Well done

"Hey, hey, what is this? Look at this!"

Then he clapped his hand mysteriously.

In an instant, the sound of footsteps came from behind the curtain of the room, and then a group of women came out together.

All of these women are well-dressed, and all of them have good looks.

"Su Shao, this is specially prepared for you, but are you satisfied?" Lian Yu Ting said with a smile.

At the sight, Su Fei was surprised and overjoyed. Then he patted Lian Yuting heavily on the shoulder.

"Good! Good! You are really a wonderful person. You have a heart

With that, Su Fei's eyes were almost full of light.

During this period of time, he was really depressed. First, he went to luoshengu for a meal, and then he went to the Shen family to decorate his grandson. Even on the way, he had to serve Shen Gaoge carefully, for fear that he would offend the murderer again.

As a result, the string in his head has been taut. Until today, when he saw so many wine beauties, he just found the feeling before.

"You're welcome, Sue. Then I won't disturb your rest!"

With that, Lian Yu Ting retreated with a smile on his face.

At the moment when the door closed, the smile on Lian Yuting's face disappeared. Then he stood up straight and ordered in a cold voice.

"Watch here, no matter there's any noise in it, don't go in!"


Then Lian Yuting just strode away.

Now he is very busy, because he wants to find the person in Shen Gaoge's mouth in three hours.

But his heart was hot.

Because if you can really get involved with the Shen family through this, it will be a good thing for you and even the whole family.

Speaking of this, let's first briefly introduce the relationship between Lian family and Su Feijing.

Lian Yuting met Su Feijing by chance.

When he learned that Su Feijing was the famous Su family, his attitude immediately became fiery, and he began to ingratiate himself, in order to climb the tree.

After all, even the power of the family is not the top in the pharmacist alliance, let alone in such a big sky.

So we need an object to attach to.

And Su Feijing also enjoyed Lian Yuting's flattery, so they soon got into a hot fight.

Later, Lian Yuting often gives Su Feijing gifts, in order to let him not forget himself after having a good thing.

This time, Su Feijing and Shen Gaoge are coming to the pharmacist alliance, so he sends a message to Lian's family in advance, asking them to make a good reception.

Lian Yuting was overjoyed to learn that the descendant of the Shen family, who had a higher status and stronger strength, was coming.

That's why he used to rave at the auction.

At this moment, his heart is very hot. He immediately mobilizes the whole company's contacts and resources and starts to track down the person Shen Gaoge is looking for.

Meanwhile, in a hotel in the city, simingqi is frowning and looking at the map on the table.

On the map is the detailed architectural distribution of the whole Yangcheng County. On the top of the inn where Xue an and others stayed, a circle was drawn heavily with red pen.

Si Guangzhong didn't dare to say anything, so he quietly watched Si Mingqi go around the map.


Simingqi stopped and slapped the table.

"I've decided. I'll do it tonight!"

"Do you want to do it?" Si Guangzhong asked.

"Well!" Si Mingqi nodded his head and said: "I have a premonition that tonight will be our last chance. If we miss this evening, we will never get it!"

Si Guangzhong can't help but show his fierce light when he hears about the speech. After all, he was the first one to handle the Lou family affair. Now that he hears that he may not have a chance to get it, he is naturally filled with anger.

"Well, let's do it tonight!"

"But before we start, we should make a detailed plan first, and don't act rashly, otherwise it's easy to be defeated!"

"Well, I'll listen to you this time. I'll do whatever you say. The only thing I want is the boy's life and the little bitch!"

Si Guangzhong thought of Xue an's revenge and Hulu's inhuman beating in front of so many people.

In this murderous situation, a careful planning began.

And the beginning of everything, we should start from the beginning of the lights.

When night fell, lights were lit in Yangcheng County.

Simingqi led the group out of the hotel, and then winked at the people behind him.

In an instant, these people merged into the vast sea of people and disappeared.

An hour later, they will meet again in front of Xue an's hotel.

And that is at this time, in the company's home.

Su Fei walked out of the room with astonishment and satisfaction. Behind him was a bloody slaughterhouse.

"Well, the goods you're looking for this time are not bad, but they're too unsettled. They're all dead before they're satisfied! Remember to find something strong next time! " Su Fei startles light way.

"Yes! I'll pay attention next time. " Lian Yuting quickly bowed his head to answer.

Su Fei stretched out, then trembled slightly, and the blood and stains on his body were all shaken down, and he recovered his normal neatness.

"How's it going? Have you found the person you are looking for? "

"Hui Su Shao, I've found him. He lives in a hotel in Yangcheng County!"

Speaking of this, Lian Yuting secretly gritted his teeth.

With his connections and connections, it is more simple to investigate the whereabouts of a man in this city.

And at the same time, he also knew that the person he was looking for was actually the boy who was with Mo Changhong today.

However, he did not tell Su Feijing about these things.

Because in his opinion, even if the people in the medicated food shop participated in this matter, what?

Now the Shen family is going to fight. No matter who they are, they have to retreat.

Just at this time, the earth under his feet suddenly trembled, and then he saw a sword light coming like a solitary shadow under the moon.

After showing his figure, it is Shen Gaoge.

"Ready?" He said coldly.

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