"Damn, why so many people today?" Si Guangzhong spat fiercely and pushed his way through the crowd.

Because too much force, but also attracted a lot of people's glare.

Si Guangzhong did not show weakness, "what are you looking at? Look again, and be careful to pick out your eyes! "

"Don't be too headstrong, young man!" An old man said rather discontentedly.

"I'm so headstrong. What's the matter? Old man, what are you? How dare you teach me a lesson? "

Si Guangzhong's heart was full of anger, so he sneered after hearing the old man's words.

The old man snorted coldly, "what a lack of education!"

"Ha ha, you are..."

Si Guangzhong just wanted to say something more. Just then, he felt that the evil wind was not good in the back of his head. He just wanted to dodge.

But at this time, two people came forward intentionally or unintentionally, just blocking his action.

Because of this delay, Si Guangzhong was slapped firmly.


Accompanied by a loud and extremely crisp sound, the slap was on the back of Si Guangzhong's head.

Hit him a stagger, good hang did not fall to the ground.

The pain and humiliation made him angry.

"Who the hell beat..."

I haven't said the words in the back, and he felt that he was severely kicked in the knee.

With a plop, he fell to his knees involuntarily.

Then there was a storm of kicking and punching.

Si Guangzhong was crushed to the ground and couldn't move at all.

At the moment, Si Guangzhong only regained his physical body by relying on his father's special talent, and his cultivation level has fallen to the bottom.

So in the face of these sneak attacks without any rules and reason, he has no resistance at all.

But a moment later, he was beaten black and blue, and blood flowed straight out of his nose and eyes.

Even so, Si Guangzhong is still unconvinced, struggling, trying to stand up.

Just then, a foot stepped on his face and pressed down.


Si Guangzhong heard that his newly grown cheek bone broke again.


There was a sigh of infinite sadness in his heart.

What's the matter with me recently?

Why is it so unfortunate to be beaten everywhere?

Just as he was lamenting, an old and cold voice came to his ear.

"Young man, I reminded you not to be too headstrong. Why don't you just listen? Now, have you learned a lesson? "

Si Guangzhong struggled to open his swollen eyes and looked up. He saw that the old man was stepping on his head and looking at himself with a smile.

Behind the old man, there are dozens of men in green.

Si Guangzhong moved in his heart. The old man is obviously not simple!

But he is also the master of the family, and this situation can't frighten him.

So he grinned, "I'm so willful. What can you do?"

The old man's eyes flashed a cold light before his voice fell. He stepped on his foot and twisted it fiercely.

Bang bang, Si Guangzhong's cheek bone kept ringing like firecrackers, and then he fainted in pain.

The old man raised his foot and said in a cold voice, "take this boy to one side to watch. It will be the fireworks show in the market soon. We can't make any trouble at this time!"


Several people immediately came forward, dragged Si Guangzhong aside, and then took care of him.

The old man once again slipped into the crowd and disappeared.

The crowd on the street is more and more turbulent, and countless people want to see the fireworks show just before the market starts.

This kind of noise also startled an Yan in the hotel. She came to the window and stood beside Xue an. She was quite surprised and said.

"Why is it so busy outside?"

Xue an said with a faint smile, "it's a fireworks show. It started ten days before the fair, and it's more and more lively and grand every time!"

"Oh! How come there are so many friars? Haven't they all seen fireworks? "

Cha Wenliang came to the window of the hall and said with a smile.

"This firework is different from the ordinary firework. It is specially made by the pharmacists' Union. It contains all kinds of precious medicinal materials. When it is set off, it can purify the aura of the world around it, which is of great benefit to people's cultivation! That's why so many monks gather here! "

"Oh, so it is!" Anyan can't help but get excited and says to Xue an.

"Let's go down and join in the fun."

Xue an just wanted to nod with a smile, but at this moment, the rest of his eyes caught a glimpse of the commotion in the corner of the crowd.

It was the conflict between the old man and Si Guangzhong.

Although the old man's men tried their best to suppress the scale of the conflict and block it with a human wall, it still failed to hide Xue an's eyes.

Xue an is a Leng, because his eyes are extremely sharp, he saw that lying on the ground was dragged away is not Si Guangzhong, who?

But why is he here? What about his brother, siminqi?

Xue an's mind moved, even if he spread the idea silently, covering several blocks around him.

Although many streets in Yangcheng County have the secret skill of hiding the divine vision, how can it be Xue an's opponent.

So soon, the landscape of the surrounding blocks came to Xue an's mind.

When you notice that there are many tiny and invisible tracks converging towards your own location.

Xue an was slightly stunned, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.



"There will be fireworks in the next ten days. Don't go down today. Go back to your room first!"

Anyan took a deep look at Xue an, and finally dropped her eyes.

"Well, I see!"

With that, she turned and went back to her room.

Xue an raises his hand to fight several Dharma arrays, and closes the rooms of an Yan and her two daughters.

Cha Wenliang was stunned. "What's the matter? Is there a situation? "

Xue an chuckled, "nothing, just a few flies want to join in the fun!"

Although it was easy to listen to what Xue an said, Cha Wenliang's face became very serious.

"Can I help you?"

"No, it's just a long night. I'll play with them!"

With that, Xue an opened the Fubao building in the sea and released the Lou Ying poem.

Although she had not been hurt before, she was extremely weak due to excessive overdraft of cultivation, so Xue an put her in Fubao building for cultivation.

When she was released, Xue an said with a smile, "follow doctor Cha and wait here. Don't leave!"

With that, Xue an took a step and disappeared in the hall.

When he left, Lou Yingshi just understood what was going on. She was full of concern and asked, "doctor Cha, is Xiao engong really OK?"

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