Cha Wenliang sighed, "don't worry, he is a man with great ideas. Since he dares to fight on his own initiative, it proves that he is fully confident!"

Hearing Cha Wenliang's words, Lou Yingshi nodded, but her eyes drifted out of the window involuntarily, and her face was full of concern.

At the same time, Xue an appeared in the void above the inn.

At the moment, the starlight is just right, and several neighboring planets are emitting bright and soft light, like the moonlight shining on the earth.

Xue an's fingers moved continuously, made dozens of complicated seal decisions, and then pushed down.

All of a sudden, the whole Inn was shrouded in a soft light.

After all this, Xue an just sat cross legged, just sitting in the void, quietly waiting for the arrival of people.

Si Guangzhong was beaten, and what happened in the hotel, Si Mingqi did not know.

At this moment, he just walked out of the crowd, came to the front of the hotel, and then looked up at this not too impressive inn.

The stars were shining, and the inn was quiet.

A cold smile appeared in the corner of Siming Qi's mouth.

At the same time, around his body, his men began to emerge one by one.

In an instant, people had gathered together, but without Si Guangzhong.

Simingqi frowned slightly, "where did he go?"

"I don't know. We haven't seen the second young master all the way!"

"This guy... Forget it, don't wait for him!"

For Si Mingqi, it's a good thing that Si Guangzhong didn't show up. After seizing the little girl himself, he will have nothing to say.

So at his command, the people immediately attacked the hotel quietly.

But they didn't notice that when they crossed a certain boundary, a faint glow swept over them, and then kept all the noise out.

The inn is empty and empty. There is no voice at all. Only the candlelight in the window proves that someone lives here.

Siminqi hid in the shadow of the corner and suddenly frowned.

Because he felt a sense of crisis.

This feeling is not strong, but like the maggot of tarsal bone.

"Something's wrong. Why is it so quiet here?" Someone whispered behind him.

This sentence is like a bolt from the blue, which reminds simingqi all of a sudden.


No matter how quiet it is, this inn shouldn't be so quiet!

Is there a trap in it?

Siming Qi's heart beat accelerated more than a beat, and his blood surged to the top of his head.

"Get out first!" Cautious in nature, he immediately ordered.

But when people turn their heads, the road has all disappeared, replaced by a hazy fog.

Simingqi's face turned black in an instant, because he knew that he was in ambush.

At this point, he had no choice but to say in a deep voice, "don't panic. We must gather together and then rush into the inn. This is our only way to live!"

At his command, the men who had been in a little commotion were a little quiet. Then they gathered back to back and began to move cautiously towards the hotel hall.

Can just walk a few steps, originally hazy fog suddenly become thick up, instantly will all the body submerged.

Simingqi hissed and roared, "quick, catch the people around you immediately!"

But it's too late. The speed of the fog is so fast that many people feel pale before they react and fall into the nightmare of pure white.

Simingqi was terrified.

Because he can feel very clearly that the people around him are disappearing one by one.

In the blink of an eye, he was the only one left in the fog.

"Who are you? If you have the ability to come out and fight with me, what kind of hero can you count on these monsters' means? " Simingqi's hysterical cry.

But the only response to him is the empty fog.

This silence is like a silent irony, which makes siminqi's heart gradually fall to the bottom.

Despair and regret began to breed and spread madly.

Because he didn't even see each other's face, he fell into such a terrible situation. It can be seen from this how far the strength gap between himself and the other party is.

It's funny that I thought it was a very easy thing before.

So the real clown is myself!

But that's when siminge was so scared.

All of a sudden.

He felt as if there was a flash in front of him.

The bright light makes both eyes tingle.

Then there was a loud bang, which made him move all over the world.

What's going on?

Simingqi looked up in horror.

But before the pure white fog suddenly appeared a black crack, and then the crack expanded rapidly.

Finally, after a crisp click, it completely disintegrated.

Starlight again, everything reappears.

Until then, simingqi found himself standing in front of the hotel hall.

And next to him are his men.

Without waiting for simingqi to catch his breath, he could see several lights in the distant sky.

When the leader shows his figure, it is Shen Gaoge.

At the moment, he was as black as ink, as white as jade, as starry as eyes, and with a sword in his hand.

Although it's just standing there, there's a huge sword in the sky, which makes the stars tremble.

Simingqi almost groaned, "Shen family sword heart!"

Then he stood there pale, even afraid to move.

He understood that the sword that just cut through the fog was issued by the boy in black.

But the question is, why are the Shen family here?

Did they also know about the Lou family? Come and grab that little girl?

These thoughts flashed through siminge's mind.

At this time, Shen Gaoge slowly raised his eyes, looked coldly at the void in the distance, and then said in a very indifferent tone.

"It's a good sword. It's a pity you've gone the wrong way!"

"Oh A smile came from the void, and then Xue an's figure appeared.

He was dressed in white, sitting in the void like a flawless jade in the bottomless black pool.

It is in sharp contrast to Shen Gaoge, who is as black as ink.

"Why did I go the wrong way?" Xue an said with a smile.

"Because a real swordsman never plays with the magic path that he just did!"

Speaking of this, Shen Gaoge stepped forward and saw the light of the sword like water.

"So just by this point, you are not my opponent, surrender obediently, go back with me and explain everything clearly, otherwise... Kill!"

With his questioning, the majestic sword power diffused from around him, making the space ripple, and the spearhead pointed at Xue an in the distance.

But Xue an dropped his eyes and chuckled, "my Kendo, it's not your turn to criticize right and wrong!"

With the voice, his white hand turned slightly, and the red sword appeared in his hand, across the knee. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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