After seeing this sword, Shen Gaoge's eyes and pupils contracted instantly, and his tone became very dense.

"It's really the heart of the Shen family's sword, and it's also a high-quality blood heritage. How can such a thing appear in your hands?"

Xue an said with a smile, "if I say this is a gift given by a friend and before dying, will you believe it?"

Shen Gaoge's face suddenly became very strange, like angry, like a sneer.

"What do you think?"

Xue an shook his head and sighed, "I don't think so!"

"Now that you know you won't, you'll die."

With the sound of the words, Shen Gaoge's eyes were burning with the meaning of the sword. Then he raised his hand and cut out a sword.


This sword is very good, like the Tianhe River pouring down, carrying the pressure of Mount Tai straight to Xue an.

In the face of this magnificent sword power, the general friars, let alone fighting back, might have knelt down and admitted defeat.

But Xue an just a faint smile, "come on, good!"

As soon as he raised his hand, the red sword in his hand met Shen Gaoge's sword with a wonderful time and angle.

On one side is the magnificent sword, on the other side is the red sword.

The contrast is extremely wide.

At least Su Feijing, who followed Shen Gaoge, saw this behind the scenes, and his face became proud and happy.

In his opinion, with this sword, Xue an would have lost.

But what I didn't expect was that after seeing this sword, Shen Gaoge, who was attacking at full speed, flashed a look of surprise in his eyes.

No other.

It's really Xue an's sword, no matter in time or angle, is very good.

So that he could not help but have a strange feeling that he was taking the initiative to send the sword.

However, this feeling just flashed away, and immediately he gave a cold hum, and the sword intention around his body was boiling, and the sword in his hand soared.

In a moment, the sword crossed the distance between them and stabbed Xue an's eyebrows.

It all happened so fast that no one could react.

But it was in this time that Xue an seemed to have expected that his red sword in his hand suddenly shifted towards an almost impossible angle.

This angle is exactly the weakest point in Shen Gaoge's sword.

There was no sound, and even the air flow did not disturb for half a minute.

The two swords were so silent.

But in the next second, Shen Gaoge's sword power, which had been inflated to the extreme, was like a balloon that had been punctured, and suddenly burst down.

Then the light of the sword dissipated and the meaning of the sword collapsed.

With a loud and dull hum, he retreated hundreds of feet, then stood in the void, his hands dropped, and a wisp of blood wound down his left wrist.

There was silence.

In particular, Su Fei, who just thought Xue an was dead, opened his eyes in disbelief, and his face was full of horror.

How can this guy push Shen Gaoge back in the Kendo competition?

Is it true that his accomplishments in sword sense are higher than those of Shen family?

How could that be!

This series of thoughts flashed in Su Fei's mind, which made his hair stand up.

The same creepy is simingqi standing in front of the hotel hall.

At the moment, he was more fortunate than frightened.


Fortunately, I haven't really started with this young man!

Otherwise, it is estimated that these people are not enough to be cut by others.

Didn't you see that even the strong Shen family were defeated?

At this time, Shen Gaoge raised his head slowly, and the sword was still burning in his eyes.

"What's the secret?"

"Secret skill?" Xue an chuckled and shook his head. "It's not a secret skill, it's just the purest sword technique!"

Shen Gaoge felt a slight shock all over his body. "What kind of sword technique is that?"

Xue an took a sword flower with him and said faintly: "I call this move immortal to guide the way!"

"Fairy guides the way..." Shen Gaoge whispered in a low voice, and immediately his face became solemn.

"I take back what I just said, your Kendo is really good, at least in the understanding of sword technique! But you can't be my opponent's, so I advise you to surrender now and go back with me to make things clear! "

"In this case, with your talent of kendo, as long as you really don't do anything bad, the owner of that family may be lenient and even let you join the Shen family and become a swordsman."

Shen Gaoge said slowly, and then looked at Xue an, waiting for his response.

In his opinion, his offer is good enough. If the boy in white has a little vision and insight, he will listen to his own words.

But unexpectedly, after listening to Shen Gaoge's words, Xue an laughed and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Listen to what you mean, it seems that I have to be grateful to you Shen family?"

"Of course!" Shen Gaoge nodded naturally, "you know, before that, no outsider has ever touched the heart of Shen's sword. Even if there is one, it has already died, and you are the first one!"

The smile on Xue an's face did not change, but there was a light color of irony in his eyes.

"But what if I don't want to?"

Shen Gaoge's eyes suddenly narrowed into a dangerous gap, gazing at Xue an coldly. After a long time, he spoke slowly.

"Don't you really think you can defeat me just by that sword?"

"If you can, you have to try. But as a swordsman, if you don't even have the courage to draw a sword, it's not really a sword repair. Are you right?" Xue an said coldly.

"That's right!" Shen Gaoge nodded, "with this sentence, you are enough to win my respect!"

With that, he turned his right hand and thrust into the void, then slowly pulled out a long sword.

The body of the sword is three feet and three inches long. The whole body is simple and unadorned. Only the front of the sword is faintly twinkling with stars, which is like a few pearls on a silver thread.

"This sword is named Yusha. It's the sabre I got when I was canonizing in Chengjian mountain. I've gone through 27 battles with me and never lost! I haven't used it for a long time. Today, as a sign of respect, I just pulled out this sword! "

With that, Shen Gaoge held his sword in his hand, slightly bowed his head, and gave a salute to Xue an.

This is the salute of Jian Xiu before the duel, just like the handshake before the boxing match, proving that you are qualified to be his opponent.

Xue an's face became solemn, and he got up and gave a salute.

"The sword in my hand has no name, because it was given by an old friend, so I kept it by my side all the time!" Xue an light way.

Shen Gaoge was unmoved.

Respect is respect, but he can't give up because of Xue an's words.

Therefore, when both sides saluted, he suddenly raised his eyes, and his sword turned into a phantom, cutting the world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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