Once the red lotus comes out, ten thousand swordsmen will take it.

Even Shen Gaoge's sword is no exception.

When the rain killing sword in his hand hit the red lotus, the red lotus trembled a little, and then all the petals withered and floated away.

But the next moment, these petals will rapidly expand and grow into red lotus again.

Not only that, these red lotus also divided into two, two into four, crazy proliferation.

In the blink of an eye, these red lotus took up most of the sky, forming a thick wall of flowers.

Under this barrier, Shen Gaoge's originally indomitable sword power had to slow down.

As soon as the power of the sword declined, the great sword power that had been accumulated before became nothing.

Seeing this, Shen Gaoge had to hum, and then retreated a hundred feet away. When he stood still, he looked at Xue an surrounded by countless red lotus.

"What is the meaning of the sword?"

Xue an light smile, "Red Lotus!"

With the voice, the countless red lotus rose and fell like a turbulent tide, and began to revolve around Xue an.

See this scene, the whole scene is a slight commotion.

Those who thought Xue an would die before all opened their eyes and looked at it in disbelief.

Su Fei's face was so gloomy that she could drip water.

He was just about to celebrate the victory, but he didn't expect such a big reversal in the next moment.

This boy, why is it so difficult? Even the experts from Shen family can't kill him. It's disgusting!

These thoughts are stirring in Su Fei's mind. His eyes are staring at Xue an in the sky. I wish he was dead now.

Different from his anger, in the distance of the street, the masked woman who came at the last moment was slightly relieved, and then looked at Xue an and the red lotus beside him with interest.

To tell you the truth, she didn't expect Xue an to survive in that sword.

However, when she thought of the place where Xue an came from, she could not help but feel relieved.

"Is this the power of the Chinese? Only with the body of xianzun, can you beat at least a quasi Saint level Kendo master? " The woman whispered.

Just at this time, a figure appeared not far behind her, and then bowed respectfully.

"I've seen the empress in my humble position!"

The woman didn't even look back, but said faintly: "get up!"


It was mo Changhong, the manager of the herbal food shop, who raised his head.

At the moment, although she is calm on the surface, she is shocked inside.

Although she came late, she saw the war just now.

Xue an's strength was beyond her expectation.

But that's not the thing that scares her the most.

What shocked her most was the attitude of the empress.

You know, since she lived in seclusion, she has rarely appeared in public.

But this time, she came here in person, not far away from hundreds of millions of miles, and it seemed that she was very interested in Xue an.

What is the origin of this young man? Is it so exciting to attract the empress to come here in person?

These thoughts fluctuate in Mo Changhong's mind.

At this time, the mysterious empress gradually calmed down.

To tell you the truth, if Xue an really died in front of her, she would make Shen Gaoge and even the Shen family pay a heavy price.

Now that Xue an is safe and sound, her heart gradually recovers calm and actively covers her body shape and breath.

Because she didn't want to expose herself now, she wanted to see what kind of height the boy in white could reach.

At the same time, in the sky, Shen Gaoge's eyes are shining with a faint luster.

The defeat of that sword just now really made his heart waver.

After all, he accumulated countless sword power and occupied all the time and place before he issued the most powerful sword.

In the end, he didn't even touch Xue an's clothes.

This is a devastating blow to a sword cultivator.

In fact, if you were to do other sword repair, you might have given up and quit now.

But Shen Gaoge is different.

He can't lose, let alone go.

Because he is Shen Jiajian Xiu.

The Shen family can't be defeated.

So he took a deep breath, and after slowly spitting out, the heart of the sword, which had been covered with a layer of haze, instantly recovered.

Then he slowly raised his hand, rain killed sword pointed at Xue an in the distance.

"I admit that you are really strong, which is beyond my expectation, but today, we have to fall one, and that person... Can only be you!"

In fact, when it comes to the three words of that person, Shen Gaoge has disappeared in the same place.

When you can only be the four words floating out, Shen Gaoge has already rushed into the whirlpool of red lotus.

you 're right!

It's the whirlpool.

It is a whirlpool composed of countless red lotus flowers.

Each one, in fact, is composed of pure sword spirit, which contains the supreme power and murderous spirit.

But in Shen Gaoge's eyes, none of these seemed to exist. The sword was directed at xue'an in the center of the vortex.

And where the sword idea passes, any sword idea that stands in front of you will break up and disappear.

In a flash, a long corridor appeared in the whirlpool of red lotus.

But Xue an seems to have no sense of this, standing in the whirlpool, smiling face.

Unconsciously, many people on the ground raised a heart to their throat.

Because they know that it will be another world shaking battle soon.

The eyes of the empress became more and more bright.

She wants to know how Xue an will face Shen Gaoge's attack next.

At the same time, Shen Gaoge also went through layers of barriers, came to Xue an, and then raised his hand to make a sword.

There was no fancy in this sword, but it was like the river of heaven pouring down, rumbling down, crushing everything, and coming straight to Xue an.

It's a sword without skill. It's a pure sword competition.

In such a duel, the strong live and the weak die!

It's so simple!

Su Fei's mouth raised again.

There's nothing to do now!

Let's die!

But never thought, at this time, but see Xue an stretched out his hand to gently touch a lotus before.

This action is extremely gentle, but it is such a gentle action, but it makes countless red lotus around break up in an instant and turn into powder.

The next second, the world of mortals converged into Xue an's hands in a turbulent fashion, perfectly combined with the red sword he had.

In the blink of an eye, the red sword radiates a brilliant light. The power of the sword makes cracks appear in the space around the blade.

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