Just at this time, Shen Gaoge's sword arrived.

Xue an's response is also very simple.

He raised his sword and stabbed.

Then the two swords collided without any fancy.


A terrible shock wave spread from the place where the two swords hit each other. Where it passed, several tall buildings in Yangcheng County were cut off and fell down, causing countless smoke and noise.

But these exclamations from the outside did not affect them. They fought together without hesitation, and then the sky rang.

The sound of metal impact accompanied by sparks will shine the whole night sky gorgeous.

And the shock wave is everywhere, scared the onlookers to flee, dare not close.

In the blink of an eye, the streets, which had been busy before, became cold and clear.

But in such a scene, there is a man lying in the middle of the street abruptly and shouting hysterically.

"Hey, don't leave me here alone! At least untie me first

The one who yelled was Si Guangzhong, who had been beaten up and put in custody at the same time.

It's bad luck for Si Guangzhong.

At first, the old man didn't intend to kill him. He just thought he was too dumb, so he just taught him a lesson.

But no one expected to meet Xue an and Shen Gaoge.

In the blink of an eye, the streets near the hotel have become a dangerous forbidden area.

In this case, the old man has long been away with his subordinates. Where can he take care of him.

Si Guangzhong was very weak because he had just been resurrected. In addition, the old man's men were very skillful in binding people.

Therefore, after all the people fled, Si Guangzhong couldn't get away from it. He could only watch the sword gas in the sky bombarding the streets around him while shouting wildly, trying to attract the attention of others to save himself.

But in this case, it's too late for people to hide. Who will save him?

Soon, Si Guangzhong realized this, and his heart fell into despair.

"You bastards have tied me up here. You wait. As long as I go out, I will break you to pieces!" Si Guangzhong gritted his teeth to vent his hatred.

But no matter how hard he was, he could not hide his inner fear.

The reason is that the scene in front of him is too frightening.

Xue an and Shen Gaoge in the sky are like two fighters, throwing ammunition madly.

But in a moment, the originally smooth and solid streets became full of holes, and the collapsed houses were countless.

But I don't know if it's good luck or bad luck.

Under such a complicated environment, Si Guangzhong was not hurt at all.

But the more so, the more scared he was.

Because it's hard to know when death will come to you.

"Please come and help me, or I can have a good time. Is that too much? It's frightening!" Si Guangzhong finally collapsed and cried.

And when he gave up all hope and was completely numb.

Suddenly, after a collapsed house in the street, a figure flashed.

Although the time was short, Si Guangzhong noticed it.

As if a drowning man had seized the straw, he immediately hissed.

"Help, please help me. I'm a young man of the Si family. As long as you save me, I'll thank you very much."

As if moved by his words, the figure behind the ruins began to move here.

Si Guangzhong was overjoyed.

But soon, all this joy turned into amazement.

Because when the figure turned a big pit, it showed its face.

"Si... Si Mingqi?" Si Guangzhong exclaimed.

you 're right!

It was siminqi who had been trapped in the inn before.

I saw that he was very embarrassed in the battlefield like streets, dodging the road at his feet while paying attention to the sword falling from the sky.

Even so, he still did not give up running to Si Guangzhong.

Seeing this scene, Si Guangzhong was moved.

This elder brother, whom I have never looked down upon, is actually very good!

At least at the moment he is desperate to save me!

It seems that I will treat him better in the future!

Just as he was daydreaming, Si Mingqi finally arrived near Si Guangzhong.

"Si... Brother, thank you for saving me. Untie me quickly!" Si Guangzhong called.

But surprisingly, simingqi didn't move. He just looked at him with a strange look.

But Si Guangzhong didn't feel it, because at the moment, he was dazzled by the joy of life.

"Brother, those bastards tied my hands and feet with ropes made of fairy vines. What's more, these guys seem to be very experienced. These shackles just trapped my blood and made me unable to move!"

"But you only need to tie my hands, i..."

Before he finished, simingqi interrupted him directly, "who said I'm going to save you?"

"Eh... Eh?" Si Guangzhong thought he had heard the wrong thing. When he looked up to see Si Mingqi's cold face, his heart thumped.

It's broken!

But soon he forced calm smile: "brother, you see what you say, quickly untie my brother!"

"Who is your brother?"

"You, of course!" Si Guangzhong used the honorific this time.

Si Mingqi said with a smile: "but I remember someone once said that I was just a common dog!"

Si Guangzhong's face turned white in an instant.

Because that's what he once said to simingqi.

Si Guangzhong's eyes were full of pleading, "brother, I know I'm wrong. You have a large number of adults. Please let it go..."

Si Mingqi waved his hand, then flashed aside to avoid the bombardment of a sword, and then said faintly: "I don't need to say these words of apology, and I don't want to hear them!"

"Brother, don't joke at this time, I..."

"Who's kidding you! Didn't you just cry and shout to let people give you a good time? I just came here when I heard that. Otherwise, do you really think I'm here to save you? " Simingqi cold channel.

The feud between him and Si Guangzhong didn't form in one day or two. Before, Si Mingqi was patient because he was worried about the family leader Si Daoyuan and others.

After all, he can't kill Si Guangzhong while he's on a mission. In that case, he's too suspicious.

But it's different at this time. First of all, all the elite of Si family have died in the inn. Second, it's the battle of top experts. In this case, it's reasonable for Si Guangzhong to die on the spot because of bad luck.

It is with this idea that simingqi will come here at risk.

It's ridiculous that Si Guangzhong thought that Si Mingqi was here to save him.

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