But without waiting for Shen Gaoge to finish, Xue an waved his hand, "don't say it. Didn't I just say it? The best end result of Jianxiu is to die under the sword, not to surrender! If you think there is still the power of the first World War, you can try it! "

With Xue an's indifferent words, the flames burning around him suddenly gathered together to form a huge dragon, lying dormant behind him, watching Shen Gaoge coldly.

This kind of power makes Shen Gaoge's face white, but his eyes gradually burst out with bright brilliance.

"If you think I'm joking with you, you'd better think it over again!"

"Don't think about it, do it!" Xue an light way.

In fact, many people, including those present, don't understand what else Shen Gaoge can do.

Even the sword in his hand is damaged. What else can he use to fight with the boy in white?

This question hovers in many people's minds.

As if in response to these people's questions, Shen Gaoge took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

"Well, in that case, I'll give you the respect that a Jian Xiu deserves!"

With that, Shen Gaoge suddenly raised his hand and put it into his chest.

This action greatly surprised many people.

What is this for?

Could it be that Shen jiajianxiu couldn't think of it and planned to commit suicide?

But when the crowd was in turmoil, he saw Shen Gaoge standing there with pale face and blood pouring out, but he didn't even blink his eyelids, instead, he put his palm in again.

Through the bulging chest shape, it can be clearly seen that his palm actually clenched into a fist, grabbed one of his ribs, and then made a sudden effort.

Boom, boom.

There was a dull sound in Shen Gaoge's chest, which spread all over the audience in an instant.

Then, under the gaze of countless eyes, Shen Gaoge's palm slowly pulled out, holding a crystal white rib in his hand.

See this scene, countless people's scalp are numb.

There is no other reason, it is too cruel.

What courage and perseverance does it take to break one's rib and pull it out of one's chest?

After all this, Shen Gaoge's face has become like a piece of white paper.

But his eyes were as bright as stars.

"Xue an, I want you to know that this thing is sent by my sword heart!"

With the voice, but see Shen Gaoge gently stroking the ribs in his hand, the original white ribs began to change shape in an instant.

In a flash, it changed from the shape of a bone to a long sword.

What changes with the shape is Shen Gaoge's sword spirit.

If the former Shen Gaoge is like a sword out of sheath, now he becomes simple and unadorned.

Just like the ossified sword in his hand at the moment, he didn't even have a blade.

But it was such a change that made Xue an's face extremely dignified.

"Is this the real power of Shen family's sword heart?" Xue an said softly.

As soon as his voice fell, Shen Gaoge stepped forward and attacked Xue an.

Now Shen Gaoge has only one pure idea in his mind, that is to chop Xue an under the sword.

For this reason, he not only broke his ribs and refined them into swords, but also turned his whole people into matchless swords.

The sword cut silent, even did not stir up any waves.

But this is just the expression that the sword idea has been condensed to the extreme. Everything is only for killing the enemy. Besides, not even a trace of sword Qi has ever leaked out.

At this moment, heaven and earth, only this sword, also only this sword!

Even the empress could not help but be moved and blurted out: "good swordsmanship!"

Xue an didn't hear this. At the moment, he has focused all his attention on the sword that is about to be cut.

He saw the light in his eyes, the sword in his hand suddenly burst up, straight to meet the attack.


There was a dull noise.

All people just feel that their heartbeat has stopped half a beat, as for the eyes, it is a bright white light.

What about?

What is the result of this sword?

It's in everyone's mind.

At the same time, in the white light, a figure staggered out, straight out of the tens of feet, and then stopped.

Everyone immediately looked at it.

And after seeing face clearly, can't help a burst of low exclamation.

This man was dressed in white. It was Xue an.

But at the moment, Xue an's face is not as cool as before, and a wisp of blood is flowing down his wrist, which is shocking.

The empress was shocked all over, and anger appeared in her eyes.

Su Fei was shocked but ecstatic.

Xue an, you are defeated at last!

"Lady, do you want to help me?" Mo Changhong asked.

She had seen the attention of the empress to Xue an for a long time, so she could not help asking after seeing that Xue an was injured.

The empress's eyes flickered and finally sighed helplessly.

"It's too late. The Shen family's sword has become powerful. Even I don't have time to save him!"

Hearing that, Mo Changhong was thrilled.

Is Xue an really dead?

"Now, it all depends on his nature! Because he is the only one who can save him! " Murmured the empress.

Sure enough.

At this time, Shen Gaoge's figure suddenly flew out of the white light, shining on Xue an and cutting out a sword.

This sword is even more powerful than the previous one.


Xue an was shocked out again before he could fight back.

Then, singer Shen Gao turned his wrist and made another sword.

The third sword carries the aftereffects of the first two swords. The strong meaning of the sword can be said to shake the world.

Xue an was forced to fall to the ground, directly collapsed several buildings, and just barely stood.

All this happened very quickly, but in an instant, Shen Gaoge cut three swords.

Just as the empress said, his sword power has become, and Xue an has no power to fight back.

"At last... I lost!" Someone sighed.

"It seems that the myth of Shen family's invincible sword repair will continue, and no one can break it!" Someone whispered.

Only Shen Gaoge stood on the nine days, calm, holding a long sword, black clothes, the wind blowing hunting, coldly cheered.

"Xue an, will you come down or not?"

Xue an stood up slowly with his hand on the broken wall.

Although his white clothes were covered with dust and blood stains, and although he was in the absolute downwind, his eyes were still as clear as water.


"That's good. Then you'll die!"

After that, Shen Gaoge raises his sword again and cuts it down directly.

This sword divides Heaven and earth and determines Yin and Yang.

Yangcheng County and even the whole planet shudder at the edge.

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