The empress's face changed wildly. As soon as she finally clenched her teeth, she had to get up and rush away.

Although she knew that she would not be able to save Xue an who had been locked by the sword, she could not watch a Chinese empress die and die in front of her.

But at this time, in the long silence of the inn, suddenly came a light drink.

"Husband, go on!"

As soon as the sound came out, the whole scene shook.

At this point, let's back up a few minutes.

In the inn, an Yan, Ao Shu, Lou Yingshi and cha Wenliang are looking at the battle in the sky.

When Xue an gets the upper hand, people's hearts will be slightly lowered. But when the situation turns around, several people's hearts will be raised to their voices.

Of course, Anyan is the most frightened.

Although accompanied by Xue an through countless ups and downs, will her nerve refining incomparable toughness.

But this time the situation is very different.

Even an Yan, who knows nothing about Kendo, can see that Shen Gaoge is an extremely difficult opponent.

Therefore, her heart also became a ball.

It wasn't until Xue an tempered the rain killing sword of Shen Gao's singer with fire that she took a long breath and thought that the battle was finally over.

After all, how can swordsmen fight without swords?

But I never thought that Shen Gao would be so stubborn.

He broke one of his ribs as a sword and fought with Xue an again.

This time, great changes have taken place in the situation on the battlefield. Xue an has fallen into the downwind and has been beaten back and forth by Shen Gaoge.

At the sight of this scene, Anyan can no longer stand.

"No, I'm going to save my husband!"

Then he would fly up.

But Cha Wenliang stopped her.

"Mrs. Xue, you must not act rashly. If you go up with your strength, you will die!"

"What do you want me to do? Do you just stand here and watch your husband get beaten? "

At this time, an Yan became extremely irritable and roared.

Cha Wenliang's face was dignified. "Then you can't go out either. Xue an made it clear when he left. Let me watch you, and I believe Xue an is not so easy to lose!"

But Anyan didn't pay attention to these. She almost roared: "get out of my way, it's not your husband, you don't know how to love me!"

And not only is she, Aoshu is eager to try, to save an elder brother.

Cha Wenliang was very anxious, but it was at this time.

Lou Yingshi suddenly pointed to the room not far away, "look, what's the matter?"

The crowd turned to look.

But the window of the house suddenly glittered with gold, and a great momentum rushed out of the room.

The crowd trembled.

"What's the matter? Who's in that room? " Cha Wenliang asked.

Anyan suddenly thought of something, "it's a little gourd! She's sleeping in this room. "

As soon as the words were over, a spectacle appeared.

But see the walls of this house suddenly become transparent, which was lying in bed sleepy little gourd.

But at the moment, she has already floated into the air, and sat down, her eyes closed, and a round of golden light appeared in the middle of her eyebrows. It was from this that the golden light that lit up the window before came out.

"What's going on?" Aoshu can't help but be surprised.

Cha Wenliang, however, seemed to notice something, and suddenly exclaimed, "look at the golden light in her eyebrows!"

As soon as the voice fell, he saw the golden light between the eyebrows of the little gourd suddenly burst, and there was something inside that wanted to rush out.

Even Anyan was shocked.

Because she suddenly felt a familiar and strange breath.

It's familiar because the smell is very similar to the set of alchemy armor I had before.

Strange is because this breath is more than a hundred times stronger than the previous armor.

Just as she was shaking, she suddenly opened her eyes, and then a ball of light flew out of her eyebrows and came straight to Anyan.

Zha Wenliang just wanted to stop, Anyan called out: "no need, this is my previous suit of armor!"

Then she reached out and caught the light ball.

After starting, she felt her arm sink, and then a magnificent image came to her mind.

After seeing this scene, Anyan was shocked and looked at xiaohulu in disbelief.

Little gourd smile, "this is my armor for you!"

With that, little gourd looked up at Xue an, who had just been blasted into the sky in the distance, and said in an innocent tone.

"Although there is still a lack of an important armor component, now it can be regarded as a whole, and its strength is even more incomparable!"

With that, little gourd lowered her head and said to Anyan, "don't you allow this to help him? Otherwise, if we delay for a while, he will really lose! "

Xiaohulu's words instantly reminded Anyan.

She was so shocked that she couldn't take care of the others. She immediately flew up and yelled, "husband, go on!"

Then she threw the light ball in her hand.

In an instant, the light ball turned into a golden light and ran straight to Xue an.

And this sudden scene, also let the audience a commotion.

Many people shake their heads to themselves.

"It's no use. He is invincible. No matter how he struggles, he will lose in the end." Someone said in a cold voice.

Shen Gaoge did not pursue the golden light, but stood in the air and watched with interest.

But see this ball of light quickly rushed to Xue an near, and then stopped.

Xue an is slightly a Zheng, spin even if light smile.

"What? Is this to help me? That's good. It'll save me a lot of trouble! "

Said, Xue an stretched out his hand, fingertips gently point this light ball.

In a flash, the ball of light broke like a soap bubble, and the golden light in it spread along Xue an's fingers, which immediately enveloped Xue an's whole body.

Then, a strong momentum rose to the sky and moved everyone.

The empress, who was ready to start, stopped abruptly and said in shock: "this armor..."

At the same time, but see Xue an step out from the golden light.

Every step, the golden light will condense into a piece of armor, attached to Xue an's body.

Leg armor, chest armor, hand armor, helmet.

In the blink of an eye, a piece of clothing was extremely exquisite, and there was no seam at all. It was like a natural armor appeared on Xue an.

Everyone looked at it in a daze.

And at this time, but see Xue an raise head to smile slightly.

"Come again!"

In a flash, a face armor appeared on Xue an's cheek.

With the appearance of the face armor, there was the scarlet sword in his hand.

The next moment, Xue an jumped up and turned into a golden light. With a wave of his sword, he cut Shen Gaoge in the sky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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