The speed of this sword was so fast that many people didn't react. Xue an rushed to Shen Gaoge and cut him down with one sword.

Shen Gaoge gave a cold hum and turned slightly to avoid the sword in the interval of time.

But the next moment, Xue an, who had been standing in front of him, suddenly disappeared. When he appeared again, he had already come to Shen Gaoge's back, and was cut down with a sword.

The whole process is extremely smooth and fast, which does not give people any time to think.

If it were ordinary people, they would have knelt down at that time.

But Shen Gaoge is not an ordinary person. As the top swordsman of the Shen family, he has a very quick reaction.

He turned his wrist and stabbed his rib sword back.

The timing and angle of this sword are wonderful.

From the perspective of onlookers, it even gives people the feeling that Xue an is taking the initiative to hit the sword.

Although Shen Gaoge didn't look back, a cold smile still appeared in the corner of his mouth. He was obviously satisfied with his sword.

But the next second, he couldn't laugh.

Because he felt his wrist shake, and then a great force came from the tip of the sword.

It gave him the creeps.

It's broken!

He didn't hide!

As soon as this idea came out, he didn't even turn his head back. He just wanted to dodge.

But now it's too late, but after a hard collision between his body and the rib sword, Xue an's Yinhong sword cuts down without hesitation, and the target points directly at Shen Gaoge's neck.

Shen Gaoge had to roar, inspired his long accumulated sword power, and met Xue an's sword.


After the two hit each other, a huge shock wave was generated, which spread in an instant, sweeping away the sky thousands of miles away.

Shen Gaoge staggers out, and doesn't stand still until he flies several miles away. When he turns back again, his face becomes extremely ugly.

Because Xue an's sword just consumed all the sword power he had accumulated through hard work.

That's why he can completely suppress Xue an before.

As a result, now that this huge advantage has disappeared, how can he not feel angry.

But at the same time, he felt a little frightened.

Because he could be sure that his sword had just hit Xue an, but why didn't he do anything?

At the same time, but see Xue an gently wipe his chest armor.

All of a sudden, his armor began to surge, and then converged to the incomplete place under his palm.

In the blink of an eye, this part of the deformity will be restored as before, no longer see the slightest trace of damage.

Shen Gaoge's eyelids jump in this scene.

He knows why!

He just did stab Xue an, but the tip of the sword was blocked by the armor on Xue an's body.

But the problem is that the rib sword in my hand is made from the heart of my sword, which is invincible.

What kind of material can this armor resist such attacks?

Shen Gaoge's eyes gradually become dignified.

Xue an smiles faintly, then rushes to Shen Gaoge again.

By this time, what should be said has already been said. Today, only when one of them falls can they end up.

So Xue an stopped talking nonsense and launched a fierce attack on Shen Gaoge.

In a moment, I saw the sword Qi crisscross in the sky and the light crisscross.

Shen Gaoge, who had the upper hand before, had been beaten by Xue Ancheng.

This kind of situation did not last long, because the real sword cultivation usually only needs one sword to decide the outcome.

Even if Xue an and Shen Gaoge are in a special situation, they can't fight so hard all the time.

So just a moment later, the battle in the sky suddenly stopped.

Then he saw that Xue an stepped on Shen Gaoge with one foot, and the red sword in his hand pointed at his throat.

The rib sword of Shen Gao's singer has been broken, and his eyes have become extremely dim.

The whole process seems complicated. In fact, from Xue an's acquisition of armor to Shen Gaoge's defeat, it took only a handful of time.

Seeing this scene, the whole audience was in silence.

Many people even took a breath of cold air, full of horror.

Who could have imagined such a sudden reversal of the situation.

Xue an, who was about to lose badly, turned over against the wind after he got a suit of armor, and directly beat Shen Gaoge to pieces.

Many people can't believe it if they don't see it with their own eyes!

After all, it has been a myth for a long time that Shen Jiajian is invincible. In many people's minds, this is an iron fact, no doubt.

But today, over Yangcheng County, Xue an broke the invincible gold body with his own hands.

Su Fei's eyes almost didn't stare out. He looked at Shen Gaoge who was trampled by Xue an in the sky, and his face became pale.

Shen Gaoge was defeated... What should we do now?

You know, before he came here, he never thought about what Shen Gaoge would do if he was defeated!

Because in his opinion, that is totally impossible!

But I never thought that the impossible happened at this moment.

And Lian Yuting, who was standing behind Su Feijing, also had a twinkle in his eyes.

He didn't say a word during the whole process, just stood behind like a background board.

But it didn't stop him from thinking.

Especially now, looking at Xue an standing in the air, wearing armor and proud posture, Lian Yuting unconsciously stepped back a few steps, and slightly separated from Su Feijing.

Of course, the whole process was silent, at least Su Feijing was not aware of it.

At the same time, Xue an in the sky looked down at the pale Shen Gaoge and said, "you lost!"

Hearing this, Shen Gaoge's face became very wonderful, but soon he gave a cold hum.

"Yes, but I'm not convinced. You just rely on the benefits of the armor. If you didn't have the armor, you would have been a ghost under my sword!"

Xue an laughed. "Do you think I won you all by this armor?"

"Isn't it?" Shen Gaoge sneered.

But at this time, in front of Xue an, a tiny invisible sword suddenly appeared.

The color of the sword is nearly pure white, clean and flawless. Although it is very small, it contains extremely terrifying energy.

The key is that when it appears, the rules between heaven and earth seem to move.

Shen Gaoge's eyes suddenly widened, "the power of rules?"

Xue an said faintly: "yes, this is the sword that integrates the power of rules. If you think I didn't have armor just now, but rely on this sword to fight with you, what will the outcome be?"

Shen Gaoge did not speak, but his face had become extremely ugly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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