In any case, he did not expect that Xue an's sword was also combined with the extremely rare power of rules.

If this is the case, even without this armor, the outcome is hard to predict.

"What else do you have to say now?" Xue an light way.

Shen Gaoge raised his head and gradually regained his calm. "If you lose, you lose. I have nothing to say now. Let's do it. Give me a decent face in the way of sword repair!"


Xue an didn't hesitate at all. He stabbed off his red sword.

There was no accident this time, and the little sword went through Shen Gaoge's throat with a puff.

But it's strange that although Shen Gaoge's throat was pierced, he didn't spill any blood.

Not only that, in this moment, above Shen Gaoge's head, there was a grand and extreme breath, which took control of the whole world in an instant.

"Who dares to hurt my Shen family?"

There was a roar in the air.

Where the sound wave goes, everyone's face changes.

"God, it's the Shen family's Guardian sword spirit!" Someone exclaimed.

Guarding the sword spirit is an existence only attached to the descendants of the Shen family.

It is said that this was left by the sword emperor who founded the Shen family in ancient times, and it has a supernatural power.

Once the direct disciple of the Shen family is in danger, the guardian sword spirit will appear.

This is also why the Shen family has been able to maintain the myth of invincibility.

But I didn't expect that Shen Gaoge also had a guard sword spirit.

This is a big problem!

Many people are secretly worried.


On top of the sky, a huge ancient sword appeared.

Although it's only a virtual image, this ancient sword still has the awe inspiring prestige.

At the same time, in the body of the sword, there was a ferocious man's eyes glaring at Xue an.

"But are you hurting my Shen family

Facing the thunder like question, Xue an shook his head calmly, "no! I didn't hurt him, I just wanted to kill him! "

The sword body trembled, and the evil man was obviously very angry.

"How dare you play with Ben?"

"Did I play? I'm just saying a fact, and what I said is OK! We're competing for the sword. Now that he's lost, he's going to die! Is it true that you Shen family are only allowed to win, not to lose? " Xue an sneered.

In a few words, the evil man attached to the sword was speechless, but soon he roared.

"Smart mouth, die for me!"

With that, the huge sword speeded up in an instant, and in an instant, it cut through the space and came to Xue an.

This speed can't be described as fast. It's just like blinking.

But Xue an didn't even move. He just raised his arm willfully.


With a light sound, the armor on the arm instantly turned into a shield, just in front of the huge sword.


With a piercing sound of gold and iron, countless sparks exploded on the tip of the sword. Even so, it was still blocked by the thin shield and could not be saved.

It was a shock.

"It used to work like this!" Someone whispered.

But at this time, the guardian sword spirit was angry.

Because it really didn't think that there was still something in the world that it couldn't Pierce.

But the next moment, the guardian sword spirit suddenly circled and appeared directly behind Xue an, stabbing him in the back of the head.

But the situation is similar to that of this arm. Before we get close to it, the helmet in the back of the brain also changes its shape and becomes a shield to block its attack.

"I don't believe that your whole body can change shield!"

The sword spirit roared, then the huge sword trembled, instantly incarnated countless, like a torrent towards Xue an.

Ding Ding Ding!

No matter how many swords there are, they are blocked by the armor.

There are some people on the ground who love alchemy. When they look at this scene, their eyes are so colorful that they almost drool.

There are many alchemy armor in the world, but there are few complete sets. For example, Xue an's armor that can automatically transform and protect the Lord is unheard of.

It can be seen that this armor is absolutely unusual.

But at this time, the guardian sword spirit saw that he couldn't attack for a long time, and he roared angrily.

"Asshole, since you hide in the tortoise shell and refuse to come out, I will kill all the people in this city today!"

With the roar, the sword spirit also had a vicious fire, immediately separated half of the sword, turned the direction of the sword tip, and pointed directly at the crowd below.

This, the crowd of onlookers suddenly scattered, began to run desperately.

After all, even a fool can see that the sword spirit is really killing.

If this died under its sword, isn't it unjust?

How can a man's legs run faster than a sword?

Just as the sword spirit was about to be fierce, a cold voice came from his side.

"This is the territory of the pharmacists' Alliance. It's not your Shen family's sword spirit's turn to act recklessly here!"

With the voice, a woman wearing a veil appeared in front of the swords, blocking their way.

Seeing this woman, Xue an, who was going to start to stop her, was stunned. He was so shocked that he could not even care about the sword spirit.

It seems that she felt the amazement in Xue an's heart. The empress looked at him. Although she could not see her face clearly because of the veil, she seemed to be smiling at herself.

Xue an was shocked.

At the same time, the empress turned her head to gaze at the boundless sword spirit, and her eyes were cold again.

"Now, go back, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"Who are you? How dare you talk to me like that? " The sword spirit roared.

"Me?" The empress gave a cold smile.

"I'm the pioneer of this land. If you know the truth, you'd better go now, or I'll make you lose it!"

This time, the sword spirit didn't speak, just responded to the words of the empress.

But I saw that countless swords were all over the place, attacking the empress.

There are countless tiny cracks in the space.

But the empress just gave a cold smile, then stamped her feet and drank softly.

"Go away!"

At the command of the emperor, an image of a woman with a veil on her head, a tall, profound and cool woman appeared.

As soon as the virtual image of a woman appeared, she just raised her hand. All the swords she attacked were easily broken into powder.

"Ah, my part!" The sword spirit howled in pain, and there was infinite awe and fear in his voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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