Although the speed was slower than when they came, it took them only half a day to come to the palace where Jiutian Xuannv lived.

When he came to the shrine, Xue an's eyes gradually widened, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

There is no other reason.

It's just that all the shrines above this shrine are so eye-catching.

God of fire Zhu Rong, God of water Gonggong, Xingtian, emperor of Donghua.

The names engraved on the shrine are all the Chinese gods that existed only in the legend before.

At this time, I saw nine days Xuannv go to the shrine before hand in a vacant position to write a few big words.

Erlang is the God of the sun.

After the carving, before the name, there was a little candle burning.

Xue an didn't say anything, just looked at the scene in silence.

Until after finishing everything, nine days Xuannv just turned to see to Xue an.

"There are the spirits of the Chinese people who died in the war in those years, and there are also the spirits who came with me and disappeared, but there is no name for them!"

"Because I have been looking forward to him not dying, but hiding in a place to recuperate, but today, this hope is shattered!"

Speaking of this, the tears in the eyes of Jiutian Xuannv loomed.

"This candle will keep burning. It's the only thing I can do for them!"

Looking at this scene, Xue an suddenly remembered something, and then said in a hesitant tone.

"In fact... You don't want to see him at all!"

"Don't comfort me. Since he even handed over this jade to you, it proves that he is no longer in the world!" Nine days Xuan female tone low way.

"Even so, Xiaotian dog who has been following Yangjian is still alive, and he has been looking for Yangjian's reincarnation!"

Hearing this, Jiutian Xuannv was shocked. Then she looked up at Xue an.


"That's right!" Xue an nodded.

"How is it possible that after the gods fall, they will disappear completely, and how can there be reincarnation?"

"The normal situation is like this, but he is an exception, because at that time when he was falling, I protected his last light with my own mind, so he had the chance of reincarnation!"

"That's why Xiaotian dog began to look for Yangjian's reincarnation. Before he came to Tianwaitian, I learned from the shadow turtle family that a dog family had left Zhutian to come here, so he should be in Tianwaitian now!" Xue an light way.

"Then why didn't you just tell me that?" Nine days Xuan female startles a way.

"Because to tell you the truth, even if he has this chance of reincarnation, his hope is very slim. It's so slim that I don't want to tell you. But now it seems that you still can't untie your heart knot, so I decided to tell you! After all... "

Xue an took a deep look at her, "no matter how slim the hope is, it's also hope, isn't it?"

Nine days Xuan girl's eyes flit over complicated facial expression, but soon restored calm.

"Thank you very much."

My thanks are very sincere.

Xue an said with a smile, "you're welcome. How can you say that you are also a Chinese God? I should help you too!"

Jiutian Xuannv didn't continue to be polite. Instead, she took out a simple white jade bottle from her storage ring and handed it to Xue an.

After starting, Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly, because the small white jade bottle was unexpectedly heavy.

"What is this?"

"A pill!" Nine days Xuan Nu dun dun, added: "a pill that can help you improve your strength!"

Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "Thank you for your kindness, but I'm still not used to using pills to enhance my cultivation..."

Nine days Xuannu directly interrupted him, "I know what you are worried about. After all, everyone's situation is different, and the biggest problem of the finished pill is that it is easy to cause problems due to individual differences when promoting cultivation! Is that right? "

Xue an nodded, "yes!"

As the nine days Xuannu said, after Xue an's cultivation realm, the general pills have no effect. Even if there are some miraculous pills that can work, Xue an will not use them.

The reason is that Jiutian Xuannv said that everyone's situation is different, and the finished pills can't be fine tuned for everyone's situation, which will lead to one or another problems.

Although this kind of problem is very subtle, it will become very terrible after the amplification of immortal level strength.

Although the average strong person may not care about these, Xue an cares about them very much.

Because these problems accumulate over time, it is very likely that your later cultivation will become very difficult.

Therefore, even if Xue an wanted to improve his accomplishments with pills, he would choose to refine them by himself.

In fact, it's not only Xue an, but also any strong person who has a little pursuit.

This also led to the late strong, are basically Dan Road master.

To this, Jiutian Xuannv said with a smile, "don't worry, I'm the one who founded this alliance of pharmacists. I naturally understand all your concerns. The reason why I gave you this pill is because it's very special!"

Speaking of this, nine days Xuannv asked: "do you feel it unexpectedly heavy?"

Xue an nodded.

According to the size of the bottle, it's a little too heavy.

"That's because the pills in it are specially made, and the existence of one ingredient makes you worry about nothing at all!"

"What material?" Xue an finally also can't restrain the curiosity of the heart to ask a way.

Jiutian Xuannv said in a soft voice: "the light that had originally coerced me to come to this world has not all gone away. Some of it has penetrated into my blood and divine personality. The vast majority of it has been absorbed by me, and the rest has been extracted by me and refined into this pill!"

Hearing this, even Xue an couldn't help but be shocked. Then he looked carefully at the white jade bottle in his hand.

To tell the truth, Xue an has always been curious about the light that has taken away countless Chinese gods.

Thinking that there might be a clue about the light inside, Xue an could not help opening the white jade bottle.

After taking out the cork, a strange fragrance came to my nose, but Xue an's attention was not on it at all.

Because at this moment, he felt that his whole blood seemed to be excited by the inspiration of some kind of existence.

This feeling was so mysterious that he couldn't help falling into confusion.

Just at this time, the voice of nine days Xuan girl came from the side, "is it strange? It's like... Some kind of call from the source of blood? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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