Hearing Jiutian Xuannv's description, Xue an was slightly stunned, and immediately nodded, "yes, I do have this feeling!"

Nine days Xuan female lightly sigh a, "actually these years I have been studying this ray of light, want to know the secret behind it!"

"What happened?"

"The result?" Nine days Xuan female wry smile a, "result I now only can confirm is this ray of light obviously has the inseparable connection with the Chinese, in addition, I don't know much more than you!"

Xue an was silent for a moment and said slowly, "anyway, at least it's kind, isn't it?"

With that, Xue an gently put the cap on again, then turned his wrist, and the white jade bottle disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Jiutian Xuannv couldn't help asking: "what? Don't you plan to use it to improve your strength? "

"Of course, but not now! Because there's a lot more to deal with. "

"For example?"

"Such as the grudge between the Lou family and the Si family!" Xue an said coldly.

Hearing this, nine days Xuan girl's eyes also flashed a cold color.

"If you don't tell me, I've forgotten. The Si family has gone too far this time. Not only do you want to settle accounts with them, but also I'll go to the door and ask them what they want to do!"

At the same time, the atmosphere is very dignified in the family of the pharmacists at the other end of the alliance.

In the hall came the angry roar of Si Daoyuan.

"Again, what happened to Guangzhong?"

Siminqi knelt down under the stage and touched the ground with his head.

"Go home, master. Guangzhong and I were about to sneak into the Inn and steal out the little girl of the Lou family. Unexpectedly, at this time, the Shen family suddenly came and had a big war with Xue an. All the members of the family died in the rampant sword stream except me, including the second young master Guangzhong..."


When Si Daoyuan slapped the armrest of the chair, he suddenly rose up, his eyes twinkled with the light of choosing people, and even distorted his face.

"Everyone is dead, and you are the only one who survived?"


"Son of a bitch, what are you doing back here? Why don't you die there? " In a rage, Si Daoyuan picked up the teapot beside him and threw it.

With a crackling sound, the teapot was smashing on simingqi's head, and the hot tea was flowing down, making his head steaming hot.

But even so, simingqi did not even move, still kneeling there.

Si Daoyuan's anger didn't disappear. He rushed down the high platform and was about to result in Si Mingqi. Fortunately, someone stopped him.

"Please calm down, master. I don't think Mingqi wants to see this. Please let him go this time."

Hearing these words, Si Dao stood still in the distance and hummed coldly: "hum, Yicheng, if it wasn't for your face, I would have killed him today!"

"Yes, yes The elder nodded repeatedly, then turned to simingqi and yelled, "don't you thank the master for not killing me?"

Si Mingqi knelt on the ground, banged his head, and said in a low voice: "thank you for not killing me!"

Si Daoyuan had a black face and didn't say a word, but the elder named Si Yicheng sighed.

"Master, I think for today's sake, we should first figure out why the Shen family is involved in this matter!"

Hearing this, Si Daoyuan was shocked, and the iron blue on his face quickly faded and turned pale.

"Do you mean that the Shen family might be involved in this matter?"

"I'm just saying it's possible, but no one knows what it is!"

But just this possibility made Si Daoyuan's heart full of panic.

Because compared with the Shen family, the size of the Si family is not enough.

So at the moment, where there is a bit of aggressive momentum before, his expression has become panic.

"Then what? Since the Shen family is involved in this matter, it's probably for the sake of the little girl of the Lou family. Why don't we make a statement to the Shen family now and say that we have given up fighting for the little girl? "

Si Yicheng shook his head. "Master, this is absolutely not right. First of all, the Shen family won't believe it. Second, even if they believe it, isn't it equivalent to calling on themselves?"

"What do you say you should do?"

Si Daoyuan is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Looking at him, who has no master's power at all, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes, but he immediately said in a deep voice.

"I think the first thing we should do now is not to make a statement, but to wait and see how the Shen family reacts. It's not too late to make a decision!"

"Yes, yes! It's better for you to be mature and prudent, and win my heart. That's it! " Si Daoyuan nodded his head and said.

The family meeting came to a hasty end, and many elders got up and left one after another.

But almost everyone ignores simingqi kneeling on the ground, including Si Daoyuan, who doesn't look at him with a straight eye, as if he was a abandoned dead dog.

Until the people were almost gone, simingqi got up from the ground, raised his hot face full of blood bubbles, gave a cold glance at the throne on the high platform, and then turned to walk out of the hall.

Outside the hall was a silent night.

As soon as Siming Qi stepped down the steps, he heard the indifferent voice of Si Yicheng coming from the shadow of the corner.

"Are you going back now

Siming Qi stood still and sneered at the corner of his scalded mouth? Are you calling me by this name? "

"Of course, no matter how you say it, you are the first son of the master. Naturally, I will call you the young master!" Si Yicheng walked out of the darkness and said with a smile.

"So my young master almost died in the hands of his own father?" Simingqi is full of sarcasm.

"Ha ha, the young master seems to have a lot of opinions about the owner of the house." Si Yicheng's eyes were shining and he spoke softly.

Simingqi suddenly turned, swelling eyes full of cold light.

"Yes, I do have a lot of opinions about him, because I have no position in his eyes since I was young. This time, he even killed me for the sake of Si Guangzhong. Is that what a father should do?"

"So you secretly designed to kill your brother, Si Guangzhong, and pretended to be caused by the aftereffects of sword Qi?" Until Si Mingqi has finished venting, Si Yicheng just said with a smile.

And this sentence is good, like a bolt from the blue general, so that the division of Mingqi directly Leng in situ.

Si Yicheng looked at him coldly, "are you curious about how I know?"

Simingqi took a deep breath, "ha ha, you are talking nonsense..."

As soon as he finished, he shook his hand and said, "there is no need to cover up. At that time, there was my eye liner on the scene. Do I need to put out the image of the water curtain at that time?"

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