Hearing this, Si Mingqi's eyes were fierce and bright. His swollen cheeks quickly restored to their original appearance, and the cold killing directly targeted Si Yicheng.

But Si Yicheng was not moved at all. Instead, he said with a smile: "how? Seeing that I have exposed your lies, are you ready to kill me directly instead of pretending? "

"But do you think that since I dare to talk about this to you, I will be afraid that you will kill me?"

Simingqi trembled, took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

When he opened it again, his eyes had no chance to kill, just cold.

"Come on, what do you want?"

Si Yicheng clapped his hands and said with a smile, "well, that's what I appreciate most about you. I'm patient and know how to advance and retreat. It's much better than Si Guangzhong, who always knows how to be arrogant and domineering."

Siming snorted coldly, not moved at all.

He knew that Si Yicheng, who was hiding behind the shadow of his family leader and always showed himself innocuously, was actually the most important military adviser and staff member of the whole family.

A lot of decisions are actually made by him, not by the family leader Si Daoyuan.

So don't underestimate him.

Sure enough.

Si Yicheng held his arm and sighed, then said slowly, "young master, what do you think the Si family is in now?"

What's the situation?

This question made Si Mingqi slightly stunned. After a little thought, he said in a deep voice: "it should not be so calm. At least the bold move to the Lou family has attracted a lot of dissatisfaction within the pharmacist alliance!"

make love!

Si Yicheng clapped gently, his face was full of praise, "the young master is really powerful, even more clearly than your father! But what I want to correct you is that the situation of the Si family is not so calm and simple, but is really in the middle of life and death! "

Simingqi suddenly turned pale, but when he saw the serious look on his face, he swallowed his words back.

Because he knew that Si Yicheng would go on.

Sure enough.

Si Yicheng said in a cold voice: "before, the family of the department took action against the house of the building. The pharmacists' Alliance had already complained about the convenience of the house of the building. It was just that we were awed by the power of the family of the Department, but the situation changed again. The people of the house of the building were saved by an outsider!"

"At the same time, the Shen family also appeared, which made the situation more complicated. But if that's all, it's nothing. The most important thing is the sudden appearance of the Xuantian female emperor!"

Hearing these four words, simingqi suddenly understood something and turned pale.

Seeing his face change, Si Yicheng nodded approvingly, "it seems that you already know what's going on. That's right. As you think, the female emperor of Xuantian created the existence of the whole pharmacist alliance. Obviously, she won't sit back and watch the family break the rules she set down!"

"Before, when she lived in seclusion, she might turn a blind eye to this matter, but now she has appeared in public, and countless pairs of eyes are staring at her. If she still does not respond, the pharmacist alliance will be in chaos!"

"It's ridiculous that your father, who is stupid to the outside but smart to the inside, didn't realize this at all. He even thought that the Shen family would get involved in this matter!"

Speaking of this, a strong color of irony appeared on Si Yicheng's face. "Didn't he think that if the Shen family wanted to fight, then the Si family would still survive to the present?"

This time of analysis, Siming Qi's heart was far away. It was only a moment later that he reluctantly restrained his mind and asked in a deep voice.

"Why do you tell me that? Shouldn't these words be said to the owner? "

Unexpectedly, Si Yicheng shook his head. "Do you think he is still the head of the family?"

This sentence is like a shock to the sky, which makes simingqi stand up straight, "what do you mean?"

Si Yicheng laughs, "it's very simple. There are only two ways in front of our family now. One is to lie flat completely. No matter the emperor Xuantian comes or the Shen family comes, they will not make any resistance at that time!"

"Until they vent their anger, it's estimated that the whole family will lose a lot, even you and I may not be guaranteed."

"As for the second..." There was a cold smile on Si Yicheng's face.

"In fact, everything can be discussed, especially I believe that the female emperor Xuantian will never kill innocent people indiscriminately. What she wants is for the family to give a reasonable explanation, so that the rules of the pharmacist alliance will not collapse!"

Simingqi's body is trembling slightly, because he is as smart as him, and has thought of what is the reasonable explanation in his mouth.

Seeing this scene, the appreciation on Si Yicheng's face became more and more intense.

"The young master is really smart. That's right. The reasonable explanation lies in the master!"

"You should know that the originator of the Lou family is the master of the family, and the young master behind you is also inspired by him. So it can be said that the origin of all these things comes from him. As long as you hand him over, then I believe the Xuantian empress will not embarrass our family too much!"

"This is the safest way for the family now! Now... Do you understand? "

Si Yicheng looks at Si Mingqi with a smile.

But simingqi felt cold all over.

Because this seems to be harmless to people and animals, the city government and calculation is too deep.

In fact, before these words, even he didn't realize that the family was going to face a desperate situation.

And this division to become not only aware of, and even how to solve the method have come up with.

The key is that no matter how you look at this method, it reveals an absolute coldness.

As an elder of the family, he can even calculate his own master.

After calculating him, will I come to the same end?

At this time, Si Yicheng seemed to see Si Mingqi's worries and said with a smile, "young master, don't be so afraid. No matter how the family of Si is inherited from you, I can't control it!"

"What I have just said is that every sentence is for the long-term interests of the family. Although it is heartless, it is the safest and most reliable road at present!"

"If the young master can't give up his father and son's love, or simply think that I'm coveting the position of the head of the family and disturbing the situation, then I can leave by myself now! Just before I leave, I hope the young master can think well that our family has only one night at most! "

With that, Si Yicheng turned around and went into the dark.

One step, two steps.

When he was about to step into the darkness completely, a slightly trembling voice came from behind.

"Wait a minute!"

Si Yicheng's face suddenly appeared a cold smile, and then he turned his head and said to Si Mingqi.

"Believe me, young master, you will never regret calling me this time, because after tonight, you will be..."

"The new master of the family!"

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