Si Daoyuan drank the muggy wine one by one. The woman's cry from one side made him look so gloomy that he could drip water.

"Wuwuwuwu, my poor Guangzhong died like this. What can I do?"

Sitting opposite Si Daoyuan was a woman with scattered hair on her temples, who was hiding her face and crying at the moment.

Si Daoyuan was very upset. He put the wine glass on the table heavily. "Well, don't cry. It's so annoying!"

The woman stopped her sad voice and looked up at Si Daoyuan, "master, is Guangzhong dead in vain?"

The speaker is Si Guangzhong's biological mother, who is Si Daoyuan's favorite concubine. Her name is nianshuang.

At the moment, as a mother, Si Guangzhong's body fell into grief.

Si Daoyuan frowned and sighed, "I'm very sad about Guangzhong's death, but he died in the hands of the Shen family. What else can I do?"

Read double-sided now hate color, "but why Si Mingqi that guy came back safe and sound?"? He is always at odds with Guangzhong. There must be some secret in it. The master might as well kill him to avenge Guangzhong! "

Si Daoyuan sneered, "of course, you don't have to worry about it, but now the spotlight is tight, so it's not suitable to start. After a period of time, I'll find a way to make him pay for Guangzhong!"

Words are full of hate, where there is a little bit of father's love.

After hearing this, both sides were satisfied and poured a glass of wine for Si Daoyuan.

"Sir, I heard that something went wrong with the Lou family? How could the Shen family suddenly step in? "

Si Daoyuan sighed, "who knows? I'm worried about it, too. If the Shen family is really involved in it, it's not easy to do it! "

"What's so hard to do? It's a big deal. Let's just give up. " Nianshuang said.

"Ha ha, it's not that simple! I think the Shen family is a great family. They are not even inferior to the hundreds of ancient families. It's obvious that they didn't just come here to deal with this matter! " Si Daoyuan said with a sad face.

"Master, don't worry too much. The so-called car must have a way to the front of the mountain. Our family, as one of the ten members of the pharmacist alliance, has a little influence. Even if the Shen family really wants to do it, they have to weigh it up!" Read double comfort way.

Si Daoyuan sniffed the words and gave a light smile, and then he held the reading pair in his arms, "it's very kind of you to say that!"

Just as they were discussing in the room, the voice of asking for help came out of the door.

"Master of the family, I want to see you when you grow up!"

"Oh? He's here? Let him in Si Daoyuan immediately stood up and said eagerly.

As for Si Yicheng, he is extremely dependent on him. Usually, many things are basically decided by him. Especially now, this matter needs to be discussed carefully.

While nianshuang on one side tidies up his scattered hair quickly. Just sitting down, shiyicheng walks in with a smile on his face.

"I've seen the master and the second lady!"

"Well! Sit fast! But has anything changed? "

Si Yicheng sat on the chair and took a sip of tea. Then he said faintly, "master, please don't be impatient. I'm here to talk about this."

"Oh, no hurry, come on, serve the food and wine!"

In the blink of an eye, a grand banquet was set up.

After they were seated, nianshuang poured wine and tea.

Just after three rounds of wine, Si Daoyuan said impatiently, "Yi Cheng, what's going on? Have you found out what I asked you to investigate? "

Si Daoyuan was not a fool either. Naturally, he knew it would not be so simple, so he asked Si Yicheng to help him investigate the specific cause of Si Guangzhong's death.

Hearing this, Si Yicheng smiles and puts down his glass. "Naturally, we have made a clear investigation. In fact, this matter has nothing to do with him. Master Guangzhong died because of the leakage of sword Qi!"

Si Daoyuan was slightly stunned. As for this nianshuang, he turned pale.

"How can it be? Why did he come back alone after so many people went? I don't care. He just has to pay for my loyalty! "

"Well, well, since the two ladies have spoken like this, it's not too late to find a way to kill him after the matter is over." Si Yicheng wrote lightly, then looked at Si Daoyuan.

"Master, this is not the main reason for me this time!"

"Oh? What's that for? "

"Do you know why the Shen family suddenly appeared here?"

Si Daoyuan immediately sat upright and asked with bright eyes: "because of what?"

"The Shen family didn't come for the sake of our family and the Lou family. Their real purpose is only one, that is the young man named Xue an!"

Si Daoyuan was shocked. "Is this really true?"

"It's true

Si Daoyuan felt that a big stone hanging in his heart suddenly fell to the ground. He could not help laughing three times.

"Good, good! No matter what it is for, as long as they are not for our family! Come on, you've worked so hard. I'll give you a toast! "

Si Yicheng drank the wine with a smile, then cleared his throat, and then went on to say: "the matter has been inquired into clearly, and the man surnamed Xue is actually the young soldier who was passed on a while ago!"

"Oh?" Si Daoyuan put down his glass.

Although they are far apart, he has also heard about what happened to the strategists.

"What's going on behind that? Why did the Shen family bother him? "

"I don't know. It's just that I heard that the boy had a sword of the Shen family in his hand. Naturally, the Shen family should investigate it."

Si Daoyuan's face changed when he heard that.

There is no doubt about the importance of the Shen family's sword heart. In addition to this war, Xue an actually killed all the people sent by the Shen family. Under the superposition of the two, it's more difficult to do good.

"Hiss, it would be more complicated if the strategists were involved in it!" Si Daoyuan took a cold breath.

"Who said no, but anyway, these things have nothing to do with our family!" Si Yicheng said with a smile.

"Yes, that's good, that's good. I'd better be old and prudent. Fortunately, I didn't act rashly after listening to your advice! Come on, have another drink. "

Another glass of wine.

I don't know why, today, Si Daoyuan seems to be a little too strong to drink, but after a few glasses of wine, his face is red, but he looks very excited.

"Yicheng, do you think we have a chance to get something like that in that building?" Speaking of these words, Si Daoyuan's face is full of greed.

"Why?" In his eyes, Si Yicheng flashed a little cold light, and said calmly, "that thing... Do you still remember it, master?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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