"How can I forget? You don't know the process of the war. If the boy surnamed Xue didn't rely on the armor, it would be very difficult to win, and the armor was obviously provided by the thing of the Lou family. Doesn't it just mean that the thing of the Lou family is powerful? "

Si Yicheng chuckled, "it's not impossible. It's just that we need to plan carefully."

"Ha ha ha, I knew that no problem could defeat you, OK! As long as there's hope, come on, let's go on drinking! "

Si Daoyuan, who was already at ease, was extremely excited. He even put the grief of his son's fall behind him and began to drink one after another.

Si Yicheng's interest today is obviously quite high. As usual, he always tasted the wine, but today it is not normal. He not only drank the wine, but also toasted himself.

After only one or two hours, Si Daoyuan got drunk and fell on the table.

Although the cultivation of Si Daoyuan was not too high in the outer heaven, he was not drunk as he is now.

So even the concubine nianshuang felt very strange.

"Mr. chief, why did you get drunk so fast today?" Nianshuang asked with a smile.

But the next second, she couldn't laugh.

Because at this time, Si Yicheng turned his head slowly. There was no smile on his smiling face, and his eyes were even colder.

"What did you say?"

Nianshuang's heart thumped and said with a strong smile: "I mean, how could the master get drunk so fast today? It's really strange!"

"Strange? I don't think so, because... " A strange look flashed in Si Yicheng's eyes.

"This is the result I want!"

Nianshuang's eyelids beat wildly, because she felt a chill from Si Yicheng's words.

"What... What do you mean? Old director, why can't I understand? " Read double stammer to say.

But Si Yicheng didn't look at her. He just looked coldly at Si Daoyuan lying on the table and said indifferently: "a package of Xiaoyaosan from the old man juedou of Qianji Valley is enough to put down a huge beast. It's very valuable that you can persist until now to get drunk!"

With that, he turned his head slowly and said, "what do you think of the second lady?"

But nianshuang couldn't laugh now. Instead of laughing, she was almost ready to cry.

"Mr. Secretary, what are you doing?" Nianshuang said with a cry.

"What are you doing? Naturally, it is to save the whole family

As soon as the voice fell, a sound of footsteps came from outside the hall, and then simingqi stepped in.

After seeing him, nianshuang understood a lot in a moment. He suddenly got up and stared at Si Yicheng with his eyes wide open.

"You... You collude with this villain to plot against the law. What are you..."


Before she finished what she said, a dagger came out of her throat and blocked all the words.

Read a pair of big mouth, blood quickly overflowed the mouth, and then fell from the corner of the mouth, and in her eyes, it is full of infinite horror and incredible.

It seems that until now, she didn't expect that simingqi would dare to attack herself.

But simingqi was like killing a pig and dog. With a sharp turn of his wrist, the dagger stirred up in nianshuang's throat.

After he cut out a big hole that could make light, siminqi pulled out the dagger in his hand.

With a plop, nianshuang's body fell to the ground.

"Well, the young master is really a person who does great things. He's really ready to do it!" Si Yicheng clapped his hands and exclaimed.

But simingqi didn't even have an expression on his face. "It's just a bitch relying on the power of family sovereignty. It doesn't take much effort to kill her!"

As he said this, simingqi wiped the dagger in his hand and came to Si Daoyuan, who was sleeping on the table.

"Now the most important thing is, what should he do with it?"

Si Yicheng laughs, "how to deal with him, I believe the young master has already made up his mind."

"I have fulfilled my promise, so what to do next is between you father and son!"

Siminge nodded, "good!"

As soon as the word fell, he suddenly waved the dagger in his hand and cut it down according to Si Daoyuan.

The speed is like a flash.

But Si Yicheng didn't even blink his eyelids, because he believed that Si Mingqi must have a sense of propriety.

Although he hated Si Daoyuan, he would never kill him now.

Sure enough.

The dagger didn't run to the key of Si Daoyuan, but only on a acupoint.


With a dull sound of flesh and blood being cut by a sharp blade.

The blood splashed out, and then the body of Si Daoyuan trembled violently.

But even so, under the dual effects of medicine and wine, he still did not wake up.

But he could not help sighing, "destroy all his accomplishments? It seems that your hatred is really strong enough! "

While speaking, simingqi waved the dagger in his hand, which made the symphony of flesh and blood ring out in the room.

Blood spatter, siminqi's face is full of crazy color.


After the last stab, simingqi stepped back and gasped.

Looking at Si Daoyuan again, his whole body has been stained with blood. The key is that with the blood flowing out of the wounds, his momentum is rapidly withering and dissipating.

Finally, when the last ray of momentum also dissipated.

Si Daoyuan groaned in pain, and then slowly woke up.

His memory still stays in the picture before he got drunk, and the pain makes him feel like a nightmare.

"What's the matter? How did I get so drunk? " Si Daoyuan groaned.

Si Yicheng said with a smile, "master Si, I'm sorry. Your son seems to have a lot of opinions on you. Don't blame me for that. After all, we are also thinking about the long-term interests of the Si family!"

Hearing this, Si Daoyuan was shocked. Then he noticed that his whole body had been stained with blood, and he couldn't help crying out.

"What do you... What do you want to do? Ah, woo woo. "

The later words suddenly stopped and turned into a painful sob, because at this moment, simingqi stabbed into Si Daoyuan's mouth and stirred it hard.

The dagger cut off the teeth and tongue in his mouth.

His eyes instantly opened, looking at simingqi in front of him in disbelief, as if he knew him for the first time.

Simingqi is a face of indifference, "don't look at me with this kind of eyes, if it wasn't for you, now you are dead!"

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