"Mom, what did dad do?" Think about it.

"Yes, why hasn't dad come back yet?" Niannian echoed.

Anyan chuckled, "Dad, he's busy with business. He should be back soon!"

"But how can I hear sister Aoshu say that my father left with a very powerful aunt? Is he in danger? " Niannian worried.

Before waiting for an Yan to answer, Mo Changhong said with a smile, "you can rest assured that my empress is the first-class existence in the pharmacist alliance, and this time he helped your father, so your father will never be in danger!"

"But they have been gone for several days. Where on earth have they gone?" Nianniandu said.

Just at this time, xiaohulu, who had been silent since Xue an left, suddenly said, "come back soon!"

"Well? What's coming back soon? " Think about it.

"They're coming back soon!" Xiaohulu calms down.

"How do you know?"

"Because I can feel the armor on him, and now he's fast approaching here!"

As soon as the voice fell, two beams of light crossed the sky at a very fast speed and landed in the courtyard.

After showing her figure, it was Xue an and Jiutian Xuannv.

As soon as I saw them, I thought about Niannian and rushed up immediately.

"Dad! You're back at last

"Dad, are you ok?"

Looking at the two worried daughters, Xue an smiles and rubs their little heads.

"Don't worry, dad is OK!"

At the same time, Mo Changhong and cha Wenliang also came to see Jiutian Xuannv.

"I have seen your majesty!"

Mo Changhong is the subordinate of the nine heaven Xuannv. It's needless to say.

Zha Wenliang's presence was due to his respect for Jiutian Xuannv.

After all, she created the alliance of pharmacists.

Jiutian Xuannv waved her hand and then laughed at Zha Wenliang, "Mr. ghost needle is too polite. Just call me Xuannv!"

"Dare not dare not, the female emperor is the founder of the pharmacist alliance, naturally worthy of the title of female emperor!"

Nine days Xuan female also no longer insist, just a smile, and then will look at the distance standing Lou Ying poem.

"Are you the only orphan in the Lou family?"

Lou Yingshi trembled all over. She quickly came forward and knelt down on the ground. Then she lowered her head and said in a choking voice, "yes!"

Nine days Xuan Nu nodded, "you don't worry, this matter I already know, naturally want to give you a floor home to explain!"

"Thank you, empress. Thank you very much." Lou Yingshi bangs her head, shaking all over her body.

Because as long as it's the pharmacist alliance, who doesn't know the name of the empress?

It can be said that she is superior to the top ten families of pharmacists alliance and many experts.

Such as Lou Yingshi's identity, in the past, only looked up to the share, and even the qualification to connect with the near are not.

Now it's such a big man to stand out for the Lou family. The blood feud of the Lou family is really hopeful!

Jiutian Xuannv waved her hand and lifted Lou Yingshi from the ground with a soft force. Then she sighed.

"Don't thank me. That's what I should have done. It's just that I'm too lazy to do many things. As a result, these families are more and more reckless! It's also my responsibility. "

After that, Jiutian Xuannv turns her head and nods to Mo Changhong.

"Issue the order of assembly!"


Mo Changhong immediately took out a jade slip with a peculiar shape from her personal space, and then crushed it.


In the jade slips, there is a light rising from the sky, and then exploding in the air like fireworks.

Every flame of explosion goes straight to all sides.

In an instant, the four sides were shocked.

The guards of the nearest medicated food workshop rushed over immediately. As for the guards and forces of other places, they left everything at hand at the moment of receiving the notice and came here at a very fast speed.

The reason is that Jiutian Xuannv once made a rule that as soon as the order was issued, all the members under her command would come here immediately.

Those who violate the order will be killed!

Although this rule hasn't been used since it was established, these people still dare not slack off. After all, it's no joke for the violator to chop four words.

Not only that, many people are still a little excited.

Because it obviously proves that the empress will make a big move.

However, in one hour, all the members who are near are in place.

Only at this time can Fang see how terrifying the potential power of nine days Xuannv is.

Because although the number of visitors is less than half, it has occupied more than half of the sky of Yangcheng County.

This spectacle also made many onlookers take a breath.

Jiutian Xuannu and Xue an look at each other, and then Jiutian Xuannu flies up to the sky.

At the sight of her, all the visitors bowed.

"I've seen the empress!"

Jiutian Xuannv looks calm. "Recently, the Department's family acted recklessly and killed Loujia, who belongs to the pharmacist alliance. They have already broken the rules. I ordered you to go with me. Do you have any objection?"

"Here it is

Her answer was a uniform promise.

Nine days Xuan female satisfaction of nod.

"Very good. In that case, let's go now!"

At the time when Jiutian Xuannv and Xue an led a great army to Si's home.

The atmosphere at home has become bloody and weird.

After a whole night's killing, the men loyal to the former family leader Si Daoyuan have disappeared.

The rest were the timid people who were so frightened by the sudden change.

Even the members of the Presbyterian group dare not say no.

Because the last elder who asked questions, the body was still nailed to the pillar of the hall.

As a result, the seemingly impeccable power of family sovereignty collapsed overnight and disappeared.

And the new leader, Siming Qi, has won the recognition of all people with the power of destroying the withered and decaying.

Because those who don't approve are already dead.

Once upon a time, this commoner, who was not worth mentioning in many people's eyes, finally gained great power.

But even in this case, simingqi is still sober, without the slightest complacency.

Because he knew it was far from over.

The real test is yet to come.

Compared with his indifference, Si Yi's achievements are much more active.

Although he didn't move a finger during the whole night's killing, people who really know the inside story all know that in fact, there is his shadow behind all the plans.

It can be said that at the moment he really ascended the peak of power and became the uncrowned king of the family.

But he didn't feel proud for long, because before noon, Jiutian Xuannv arrived with a mighty army.

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