Looking at Si Daoyuan, whose muscles and veins were all broken, even his tongue had been cut off, Xue an raised his eyebrows slightly.

"This is your master?"

Si Yicheng stepped forward with a smile on his face, "yes! This is our master! At the same time, it's also our new owner's explanation to you and the empress! "

There was silence.

In fact, many people in Si's family are still in a state of ignorance.

The shock in the study last night and the killing that lasted all night put great pressure on the spirit of many people.

But this kind of pressure has finally reached the limit after seeing the overwhelming army.

So even now this once invincible Si Daoyuan is lying on the ground in such a miserable way, it can not attract anyone's sympathy.

Nine days Xuan female didn't speak.

In fact, she never said a word after she came to the Department's house. All the negotiations were conducted by Xue an.

This is the reason why Si Yicheng will be so respectful to him.

Xue an takes a look at the smiling Si Yicheng in front of him, and then turns his eyes to simingqi not far away.

In fact, he is no stranger to this simingqi.

At the beginning, the men with eyes tried to intercept Lou Yingshi, and the messenger behind the scenes was Si Mingqi.

But I didn't expect that in just a few days, he became the current head of the family.

As for what happened, we can guess one or two from the numb look on the faces of these family members.

Siming Qi naturally felt Xue an's gaze. He trembled all over, and then lowered his head deeply.

It's not only because of the strong man in the sky, but also because he recalled the amazing battle in Yangcheng County.

The magnificent sword that almost cuts the whole planet apart is his nightmare that he can't get rid of up to now.

Feeling simingqi's evasion, Xue an smiles faintly, and then waves to Lou Yingshi, who is already in tears in the crowd.

Lou Yingshi immediately came forward, "my Lord!"

Xue an pointed to Si Daoyuan on the ground, "this man is the original head of the Si family. Now he's handed over to you!"

Lou Yingshi clenched her silver teeth and nodded, "yes!"

Then she came forward trembling, and when she came to the front of Sidao, she cried with a crying voice.

"Si Daoyuan, have you ever thought of today as an old thief?"

Hear her shout, this division road far whole body a quiver, originally tightly closed eyes slowly open.

When he saw that Lou Yingshi, the only orphan girl in the Lou family, was standing in front of him, his eyes could not help showing infinite fear and despair.

Because he was very clear, if anyone in the world hates himself most, he must be a member of the Lou family.

So he struggled crazily and seemed to want to stay away from Lou Yingshi.

But it's impossible to hide.

The red eyed Lou Yingshi takes out her knife and cuts off one of Si Daoyuan's ears.

Blood gushed out, and Si Daoyuan gave a vague wail.

Lou Yingshi grabs the falling ear, throws it into her mouth and begins to chew.

Creak, creak, creak.

The raw meat is torn down by the teeth, making the teeth creak, while the blood drips down the corner of Lou Yingshi's mouth.

Eat it raw!

This is Lou Ying's hatred for Si Daoyuan.

But this is just the beginning. In the next quarter of an hour, Lou Yingshi started to cry and finally killed the culprit in her mind.

After killing, the dagger in Lou Yingshi's hand fell to the ground with a clatter, and then she fell to her knees and uttered a cry of sadness.

"Dad, mom, sister, the culprit who killed our lous family at the beginning has been put to death now, and our lous family's Revenge has been avenged!"

With that, Lou Yingshi burst into tears.

The family members were silent.

The bloody scene just now makes many people in the family feel creepy.

But they couldn't say a word.

After all, this matter is really the first action of the family, and it has caused a devastating blow to the house that did not know in advance.

No matter how she treats Si Daoyuan, she can't go too far.

At least Si Yicheng thought so, so he looked at it with a smile, and there was not even a touch in his eyes.

At the same time, after crying for a moment, Lou Yingshi turns and rushes to Jiutian Xuannv and Xue an, kneels down and says sincerely.

"Thank you for the help of the empress and Mr. Xue. Without your help, there will be no Zhaoxue day for the blood feud of my house!"

With that, she banged her head.

Xue an waved casually and said faintly, "don't be so. Since I said I want to help you, I will help you to the end."

With that, Xue an turned to see Si Yicheng, revealing two tiger teeth, and said with a meaningful smile, "does the elder think I'm right?"

Si Yicheng's heart clapped, but the smile on his face remained unchanged.

"Yes, my Lord is right!"

"Now that I want to help you to the end, do you think the Revenge of this building family has been completely avenged?" Xue an light way.

Si Yicheng's eyes flashed a look of panic, forced to smile.

"My Lord, I don't know what you mean by that, but it's true that Si Daoyuan, the former head of the family, did his own thing to attack the Lou family. Now he has been put to death, and his followers have been bloodwashed. Isn't that complete?"

"Oh? According to you, all the people involved in this matter have been punished as they should be? "


Xue an stares at Si Yicheng and suddenly laughs.

"What's your name, elder?"

"Dare not, the villain's name is Si Yicheng!"

"What's the position in this family?"

"There are no specific duties, just idle people!" Si Yicheng's answers are flowing.

But at this time, Xue an suddenly said, "it's your duty to give advice to the family leader?"

The question made simingqi pale.

But Si Yicheng's face was as usual, "my Lord, I don't know what you're talking about!"

Xue an ha ha a smile, but didn't respond to his words, but turned to the nine days Xuan female road who didn't speak from the beginning to the end.

"Empress, do you think the explanation given by the Si family is satisfactory enough?"

Jiutian Xuannu shook her head, "not satisfied!"

"Yes, I'm not satisfied either!"

"The dead can't speak. Do you think that if you put all the blame on Si Daoyuan, you can clean the blood from your hands?"

Xue an's face was satirical, "you think it's too naive!"

"Today, the empress and I have come in such a huge battle to make your family pay the price of bleeding!"

Hearing this, Si Yicheng suddenly turned pale and couldn't keep his consistent smile any longer.

His biggest dependence before was that no matter what, jiutianxuannv would not kill the whole family.

At most, it's just killing the chief villain and frightening others.

That's why he's so calm.

Can listen to Xue an now this meaning, seem to want to the whole division family pain under killer.

How could he not be shocked.

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