"My Lord, I really don't know anything about these things. Everything is under the command of the former head of the family, Daoyuan!" Si Yicheng cried hysterically.

But Xue an did not respond at all, just looked at him with a sneer.

Si Yicheng only felt that his heart gradually fell to the bottom, because Xue an's eyes clearly told him three big words.


This also makes the division to become a sense of being a biting killing intention.

He has no doubt that if he has not been able to let the other party believe, then he will die.


An idea flashed through his mind.

Although he had never thought about it in advance, and doing so would make many of his plans go to waste, in order to survive, he couldn't care about it now.

He suddenly raised his hand and pointed to simingqi, who was not far away from him, and yelled: "my Lord, I tell you the truth, this simingqi planned everything behind his back, including the patricide. I don't know anything else."

With this remark, all the members of the Si family have turned pale.

Many people never thought that this si Yicheng could say such words at this time.

Isn't that the same as betraying two house owners?

Si Yicheng also understood that doing so would lead to public anger and fear, but he still said that as long as he could live, everything else was not important.

But at this time, instead of seeing the slightest bit of forgiveness from Xue an's face, he saw some banter in his eyes.

This discovery shocked Si Yicheng, and he suddenly realized something. He just wanted to turn around.

But in this instant, a cold dagger stabbed into his neck. Where he passed, the sharp blade directly cut off the blood vessels and trachea, and then came out from his throat.

"Cluck..." Si Yicheng opened his mouth and gave out a few unwilling groans, but he couldn't say a word.

Because this knife has cut off his vocal cords.

Therefore, the smooth tongued Si Yicheng could only stand there trembling all over at the moment, letting the blood take away his strength.

There was a dead silence.

All the people in the Si family were stunned and looked at the siminqi who was standing behind Si Yicheng and holding the handle tightly in his hand.

No one thought that things would suddenly turn around like this.

There was only a meaningful sneer on Xue an's face.

At the same time, but see simingqi slowly stirring the dagger in his hand, the whole body of Si Yicheng trembles and the blood splashes out.


Si Mingqi pulls out the dagger in his hand, then Si Yicheng turns around and looks at Si Mingqi one last time.

The resentment in that look was enough to make people feel frightened.

But Siming Qi was completely unmoved, just a cold smile, and then it is a knife into the center of the eyebrow of Si Yicheng.

This time, Si Yicheng's eyes finally darkened, shook a few times, and then the body fell to the ground.

No one spoke. In fact, up to now, there are still many family members who don't understand what's going on.

But at this time, I heard a burst of applause.

Xue an gently clapped his hands and said in an indifferent tone, "it's wonderful. It's a wonderful play."

Simingqi took a deep breath, threw away the dagger in his hand, and then fell to his knees with a plop.

"Spare your life, my Lord!"

He didn't have too many explanations, not even an explanation. Everything condensed into this simple four words.

My Lord, spare your life!

Xue an stares at him.

Simingqi didn't move, just knelt down on the ground, as if waiting for his hair.

After a long time, a faint smile gradually appeared on Xue an's face.

"You are very clever!"

"At least it's much smarter than this guy who is playing with the wind and clouds in the dark, but still thinks outsiders don't know!"

"Because you know where you are and what you should do! That's good! "

Siming Qi to head pestle ground, "thank you for your praise!"

But Xue an's next words made the atmosphere tense again.

"But have you ever heard a word that wise people don't live long!"

Simingqi trembled all over, but soon he raised his head and said, "my Lord, there are no smart people here, only those who are willing to listen to you!"

Xue an laughed. In the laughter, he turned around and said faintly, "in this case, I'll give you a chance!"

In this way, the affairs of Si family ended in an unexpected way.

The people of the Si family are still in a state of muddle.

But Jiutian Xuannv was very satisfied.

Because this time, she didn't intend to uproot the whole family. After all, it's not conducive to the development of pharmacist alliance.

All she wanted was to reestablish rules that had been forgotten.

But now Xue an has brought the whole family to pieces with no blood. Even if Si Mingqi continues to be the head of the family, he will not have any prestige.

The only thing he can do is to try his best to cater to himself and Xue an, which is the only way he can stand.

In this way, the disaster of the Si family is completely eliminated, and the Revenge of the Lou family has been paid.

But the whole process oneself didn't even move a hand, this how can not make nine days Xuan female feel satisfied.

Therefore, when Xue an returned to the camp, Jiutian Xuannv could not help whispering: "how did you do it?"

Xue an said with a smile, "it's very simple. I've seen that it's not easy for a long time. There's definitely a troublemaker behind it. Although he helped simingqi become the head of the family, simingqi is not a fool!"

"He knows very well that he is only the master of his family now. When the situation is stable, he will become a puppet like his father

"I believe he would never like to see such a situation, so I provided him with an opportunity! And he's smart enough to catch it

"But doesn't he know what the price is?" Nine days Xuan female can't help but ask a way.

"Of course, I know, but this is what happens in the world. There must be a choice. Compared with the price he had to pay before, this price is not worth mentioning, at least..."

"Now he is no longer a puppet who is supported by others. In this way, even his Patricide and power grabbing will gradually fade away, so he will not hesitate to make this decision!"

Looking at Xue an, who looks calm and talks, even Jiutian Xuannv, who has experienced the world, can't help but be a little stunned.

She naturally understood the way, but the key was that the boy only used a few words to make everything achieve the effect he wanted.

She was stunned by the insight and the manipulation of the human heart.

She couldn't help asking, "where did you learn all these things from? Are you a military strategist? "

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