Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "Some of them are, but more of them come from my experience!"


What can such a teenager experience?

Nine days Xuan female some funny thought.

Although Xue an has experienced more than 3000 years, she is only a child in her eyes.

It's over, and everyone is ready to leave.

But at this time, Xue an suddenly frowned slightly, and then looked up to the sky.

"It's going to rain!"

you 're right.

At this time, the originally sunny sky suddenly overcast.

It's just that the cloud is very strange. Before, there was no wind. It's as if someone suddenly pulled a gray curtain on the sky. Suddenly, it's dark.

Nine days Xuan female is also a Leng.

"What a strange rain it is!"

You know, with the momentum of the powerful people gathered here, there will be no storm at all.

So this sudden cloud is very strange.

Xue an's face became dignified gradually, and her eyes calmed down quickly. She said slowly, "it's not strange, because someone is coming!"

Words fall.

The sky began to rain heavily.

But the rain also seems very strange, because there is no wind, so the raindrops fall vertically, draw a straight track, and cover the whole world in the fine rain curtain.

Nine days Xuan girl's complexion also quickly becomes dignified, because powerful as she, already felt that there was an indescribable momentum approaching here.

"What's the matter? Who's here? "

Xue an took a deep breath and her eyes were as bright as stars.

"The spirit of the sword envelops the heaven and the earth, and condenses into the true. The only one who can reach this level is the Shen family!"

Shen family!

Hearing this word, Jiutian Xuannv's face suddenly became more dignified.

"Is this revenge coming so fast?" Nine days Xuan female whispers a way.

In fact, after Shen Gaoge was defeated and fled, Jiutian Xuannv knew that this was never the end, but she did not expect that the Shen family would come so soon.

Just then, there was a commotion among the crowd in the distance.

You know, those who can follow Jiutian Xuannv here are all good at it, but at the moment, these experts are all in a panic, and they have to escape.

In an instant, the crowd that had occupied most of the sky separated into a straight passage.

And in the end of the passage of rain and fog, slowly out of a woman holding an oil paper umbrella.

This is a very delicate oil paper umbrella. Under the umbrella, the woman is dressed in red. Her wrist is as white as snow, and her eyebrows and eyes are like cats.

To tell you the truth, such a scene should not appear here, but in the spring rain alleys of Jiangnan.

But when the woman appeared, the audience was quiet in an instant.

Quiet can only hear the sound of rain and people because of panic and back scattered sound.

Nine days Xuan female suddenly light sigh.

"Thousands of troops and horses avoid red clothes. Shen family sent her. Today's event is hard to come to an end!"

Seems to be heard nine days Xuannv's words, the woman suddenly stopped, and then slowly raised his eyes, looked to this side.

This is a delicate woman with red lips and white skin. Her eyebrows and eyes are as lazy as a Persian cat sleeping in the afternoon.

Especially when she laughs, she is so cute that she can't help touching her head.

But none of these people here dare to have this idea.

Because it's so crazy, even the insane don't dare to do that.

Even if there is a choice, these people really want to escape as far as they can now. It's better to stay away from this woman as far as possible.

All because of this woman's identity.

Shen family, Shen Hongyi!

Shen Hongyi, the one who avoids red clothes with thousands of troops!

This is a name that can make ordinary friars scared.

Because it is said that no one who saw Shen Hongyi survived.

Holding an oil paper umbrella, she is like death walking in the world. No matter where she goes, she will harvest countless souls.

Some people or forces did not believe this rumor. As a result, their bones have not been found.

But I didn't expect that they met this murderer here today.

How could it not frighten them.

At this time, Shen Hongyi's eyes stayed on Xue an with great interest after a tour.

"Hello! My name is Shen Hongyi. Are you Xue an? "

The tone is cold, revealing a little childish, just like a girl who is not familiar with the world is asking questions curiously.

Xue an nodded, "yes, I am!"

Shen Hongyi smiles.

When she laughs, her eyes and eyebrows, which are like Persian cats, are even more charming.

"Very well, since you beat my bad brother seriously, I'll kill you next. Please... Don't be angry!"

Words fall.

All over the sky, the rain first stagnated and then shot at Xue an.

Every drop of rain water in an instant incarnated as an invincible sword, penetrating the space, appeared in front of Xue an.

This blow came so fast that many people didn't even react. The rain had already killed Xue an.

Xue an snorted coldly. He didn't move, but there was a sword in his eyes.

All of a sudden, around his body, countless strands of pure white swords suddenly appeared, and then they went straight up to the raindrops.


The sword and the raindrop collide together, causing countless waves in an instant.

People who are close to each other only feel that their faces are cut, and they can't help retreating in horror.

Even Jiutian Xuannv is no exception.

Although she was not hurt by the leakage of the sword Qi, the terrible meaning of the sword still made her suffocate slightly.

There was a huge whirlpool of exploding sword Qi. Xue stood still and didn't move.

Because he knew that this blow was just the beginning, and the real killing move was still behind.

Sure enough.

Just as the sound of the sword's Qi had already become one, a slender jade finger suddenly penetrated the waves and gently pointed at Xue an.

Although it's just a soft finger, it's just an understatement. The rain curtain that originally shrouded heaven and earth seemed to be suddenly pulled. Qi Qi poured in towards Xue an.

Not only that, these raindrops kept gathering and condensing in the middle of the journey. By the time Xue an came near, they had already condensed into a huge dragon. They opened their mouths and swallowed them fiercely.

"Is the sword like a dragon?" Xue an slightly raised her eyebrows, "it's a good way. It's a pity that she almost killed me!"

Then Xue an stepped forward.


A dull sound, heaven and earth are shocked!

Then the dragon, which was made of sword Qi, disintegrated in an instant and turned into rain all over the sky again.

But at this time, a woman said with a smile, "what about this sword?"

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