Words fall, an indescribable sword light then straight through this layer of pouring rain curtain, point at Xue an's eyebrow.

Momentum refers to the indomitable.

It's hard to imagine that such a majestic sword came from such a weak woman.

Instead of seizing the front, Xue an stepped back.

But he can't back as fast as sword light.

Therefore, in a moment, the light of the sword came to Xue an's eyebrow.

See the next second will pierce into the eyebrow, but at this time, Xue an Huoran lift eyes, eyebrow in a red lotus rapid bloom, just in front of this sword light.


There was a sharp sound like a split silk.

The lotus is broken, and the sword light dissipates.

Shen Hongyi's eyes brightened, "are you the one who beat my brother seriously with the intention of this sword? That's interesting

With that, Shen Hongyi suddenly turned the oil paper umbrella in her hand.

Click, click!

With the sound of gold and iron, the delicate oil paper umbrella began to change rapidly, and the surface of the umbrella closed quickly, which turned into a cold sword.

Then Shen Hongyi stabs out with a sword. People follow the sword. The sword borrows people's power.

She came straight to xue'an like a fairy from Lingchen.

This sword is tangible and not fast.

But in the face of the attack with the umbrella as the sword, Xue an's face suddenly became very dignified.

Then his body slightly shakes, and the whole person instantly connects with the heaven and earth.

At this moment, he is heaven and earth, heaven and earth is him.

Then he raised his hands to his chest and clapped them together.


Under this attack, Shen Hongyi's sword was caught by Xue an's hands.

Just a contact, heaven and earth will shake up violently.

The raindrops that had fallen on the ground were shaken up and evaporated into nothingness.

A look of surprise flashed across Shen Hongyi's face.

Because Xue an's hand seemed ordinary, but he broke his sword force.

Of course, there are also costs. For example, now a wisp of blood is winding down Xue an's wrist.

But this is far less than Shen Hongyi's idea of killing when he put out his sword.

"An can't bear to move like the earth. It's really interesting that he even integrated Buddhism into the sword technique?" Shen Hongyi couldn't help exclaiming.

Although she was admiring, the sword in her hand didn't stop at all. She picked it up, and the body of the sword broke through the shackles of Xue an's palms and went straight to his throat.

There's a tinkle.

A little red sword blocked Shen Hongyi's umbrella sword, and the tips of the sword hit each other, which broke out a bright spark.

Xue an and Shen Hongyi touch each other and then Shen Hongyi takes a deep look at Xue an's sword.

"It's really the heart of the Shen family's sword, and it's very pure. The blood can't be condensed. How did you get it?"

"I said it was a gift from a friend, but you don't believe it!" Xue an light way.

"Ha ha!" Shen Hongyi chuckled, "believe it or not, the heart of Shen family's sword appears in the hands of outsiders. This is an unforgivable crime of death! Because... Shen family's dignity can't be violated! "

Xue an was silent.

"To tell you the truth, I appreciate your unique view on kendo. Without it, we might have become good friends, but today, you have to die!"

Shen Hongyi talks, a pair of cat like eyebrows and eyes are more and more bright and bright, and it is obvious that they are gaining momentum.

Xue an was not moved. He just crossed his sword and said, "since this is the case, come on!"

As soon as the words fell, a sword cut the sky. Where it passed, the originally dense cloud was directly cut out a long gap.

Xue an didn't dodge, because he knew that by this time, any dodging had lost its meaning.

He held up his sword to greet him, just as Shen Hongyi's sword went against him.

There was no sound, only a violent shock wave dispersed in an instant, dispersing the clouds.

The sun fell on the earth again, and at this time, Xue an stepped back several steps, and a trace of blood came down from the corner of his mouth.

Nine days Xuan female eyes a coagulate, just want to talk.

Xue an gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said in a cool voice: "is this the real strength of your Shen family's sword intention?"

"To be exact, it should be 60% strength!"

With the voice, Shen Hongyi's figure appeared in the flowing light.

At the moment, she is still dressed in red, white wrist like snow, it seems that there is no change.

Xue an nodded, "very good!"

And then again, the sword goes forward, "come again!"

Shen Hongyi's eyes showed a touch of respect, and then slowly raised the umbrella sword.

"This sword is called liantianqing, and the next one is my ten successful swords, named shengmie! Please take it

With the voice, Shen Hongyi's power began to soar at a crazy speed.

Nine days Xuan girl's face although appear the color of worry, but finally did not come forward to stop.

Because she is very clear about Xue an or the Chinese temperament.

Since he chose to face up to the strong enemy, it shows that he doesn't want others to interfere.

At this time, Shen Hongyi's sword was like a dragon, cutting Xue an.

At that moment, anyone who saw the sword had an illusion.

It's as if heaven and earth suddenly split into two, one is real and the other is illusory.

The two stand opposite, like a mirror.

This sword appears in two illusions at the same time and cuts at everyone.

you 're right!

Although the meaning of the sword was directed at Xue an, anyone who saw it felt as if it had been cut to himself.

Under the panic, there is the timid man, even if he is scared silly.

Even people with high strength are pale and unable to struggle.

But at this time, I just heard a soft drink.

"Three feet green front, there is no me in the world!"

With the words, Xue an, who was unable to raise his head because of the power of the sword, suddenly opened his mouth.

A white air burst out, and immediately condensed into a sword meaning, straight to meet the sword.

Shen Hongyi's pupil suddenly shrinks, "spit out the heart of his sword to fight me?"

Before the words were heard, the two swords collided and then completely annihilated.

Shen Hongyi snorted and stepped back half a step.

This is also the first time that she has stepped back since she appeared.

At the same time, all the people who were in great fear were shocked, and then they regained consciousness.

Then there was a tsunami like uproar.

Everyone's face was full of panic.

Because they have no doubt that if Xue an didn't wake them up with that sword, all of them would be dead now.

It's a terrible idea.

Just a glance is enough to subvert life and death.

At this moment, Xue an took a deep breath. Although his face was a little pale, his eyes were as deep as the sea.

"Why?" He slowly spat out the three words.

Shen Hongyi chuckled, "no why, I mean like a sword, and human life is like grass. Since they are here today, their life and death will not be controlled by themselves!"

"You too!"

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