"Get out of here now, and stay as far away as you can!" Xue an said in a deep voice.

In fact, they didn't need to be reminded. These people on the scene already knew how urgent the situation was, so they immediately began to run out of the planet crazily.

After all, they just survived that sword, but can they have such good luck next?

Until then, many people just understood why Shen Hongyi was called a heartless swordsman again.

Because in her eyes, human life is nothing but grass that can be cut at any time.

Nine days Xuan female slightly hesitated, "Xue an you......"

"Don't worry, I'm sure I'll win her, but I can't do anything here!"

Then Xue an gave her a smile, "what? Don't you believe me? "

Jiutian Xuannv pondered for a moment, and finally nodded, "OK, be careful!"

Then she got up and left.

Because she saw his determination in Xue an's eyes.

So she understood that at this time, any persuasion is useless. It's better to leave here and let him fight freely.

In an instant, nine days Xuannv already, the person that she brings then walked clean.

And it's not only them, but also the family members who run faster than anyone else.

After all, the war just happened in the sky, the people of Si family also saw it.

The shocking lethality shown by both sides makes many people creepy.

Now that there is a chance to escape, it is natural to run as far as you can.

Simingqi is no exception, but he didn't run too far. He just came to the corner of the void outside, then stopped and looked at the planet with a dignified face.

There is no other reason. He just wants to know the result of the war as soon as possible.

Because the outcome of this war is directly related to his life and death.

Although he is now the head of the family, he knows better than anyone what kind of volcano is hidden under his position.

After killing his father and seizing power, he will kill his own Si Yicheng.

Now, in the eyes of his family, he seems to have no father and no mother, and he exists by all means in pursuit of interests.

The reason why no one spoke before was that Xue an and nine days Xuannv were under pressure, and no one dared to have any doubts.

But now, Shen Hongyi, a soldier of the Shen family, suddenly arrived, disrupting all plans.

Siming Qi can't even imagine what kind of end Xue an would have if he was defeated and died.

So if anyone is most concerned about Xue an now, it must be him.

At the same time, on the silent planet, Shen Hongyi looked at Xue an and said faintly, "are you finished?"

Xue an nodded, "OK, let's go!"

Shen Hongyi chuckled, "seriously, I really can't imagine what other means you can have to deal with me. Your realm is obviously very high, but your strength is very poor, which is equivalent to a child who has all kinds of skills but no strength. There is no chance of winning in front of me!"

"If you have a chance of winning, you have to fight before you know! Cut the crap and make a sword Xue an said softly.

"Well, I'll let you die today to understand!"


Liantianqing's sword is like thunder. It strikes Xue an with the power of ten thousand soldiers.

you 're right.

Is to abandon all the skills, naked direct drop.

But it was Xue an who rose to the sky faster than Jianguang. As if he was looking for death, he met Jianguang with his body.

A look of consternation flashed in Shen Hongyi's eyes.

But the next moment, Xue an's body will surge up bright brilliance, and then a set of extremely beautiful armor will completely wrap him in.

After that, one person and one sword shook them together.

Pee pee pee.

Although the light of the sword was like washing, it could not damage Xue an. It was completely blocked by the armor.

Seeing this, Shen Hongyi was stunned and immediately chuckled.

"Is that your last resort? The power of fake objects is not the duty of sword repair! "

But Xue an turned a deaf ear to these words. After smashing the sword, he flashed again and went straight to Shen Hongyi, launching his first counterattack since the war.

Shen Hongyi doesn't panic. She slowly shakes the sky clear in her hand, and then blocks Xue an who appears on her side in the interval of time.

"Although the armor is beautiful, I still want to say... It's too slow!"

After that, Xue an flew out.

And a sword light followed.

The two men were fighting in the same place.

Boom boom!

Even standing outside the planet, you can still see the huge burst of light, even the whole planet seems to be shaking slightly.

Seeing such a violent scene, many people turned pale.

"Sure enough, he is one of the top swordsmen of the Shen family. He can be so powerful by himself. I don't think Mr. Xue can be good at it!" Someone sighed in a low voice.

The rest of them didn't respond because all their attention was drawn to the World War I.

As for simingqi, he clenched his fists and stared at the two sword lights running across the planet.

There is only one thought in my heart, that is to expect Xue an to win as soon as possible.

But at this time, I only heard a loud noise that even the void was shaking, and then I saw the planet shaking violently. There was a huge vortex in the center, and it was obvious that there was a tragic explosion.

"What's the matter?" Someone exclaimed.

And on the planet, Shen Hongyi looks at the deep pit on the ground, indifferent.

"I said, are you still too slow to understand?"

There was no response in the pit, as if Xue an had been swallowed by the darkness.

Shen Hongyi raised her eyebrows slightly and just wanted to talk.

Just at this time, a golden light rose in the pit and rushed to Shen Hongyi with frightening power.

Shen Hongyi slightly dodges the blow, but before she reacts, she bursts countless swords around her body and entangles Lian Tianqing in her hand.

In the middle of the sword, Xue an, who was wearing armor, punched again and took Shen Hongyi's face.

In the face of the perfect blow, Shen Hongyi just sneers and turns her wrist.

Liantianqing's sword handle was broken directly. Then Shen Hongyi pulled out a small sword from it and cut Xue an.


The sword stabbed Xue an's chest and aroused countless sparks. Then Xue an's armor, which seemed to be unbreakable, burst out fine lines after a slight sound like the opening of porcelain.

But just at this time, a little red sword appeared behind Shen Hongyi like a ghost and cut her neck.

The speed is like a dream.

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