But in this time, Shen Hongyi cut a sword from an almost impossible angle.


When the sparks flashed, the fierce sword Qi scattered in an instant, most of which were offset by Shen Hongyi's own sword spirit. Only one sword Qi avoided all the sword power of Shen Hongyi and came straight to the front door.

Shen Hongyi almost subconsciously put his head to the side, but he could avoid the inevitable sword.

But after all, she hid a little slower, and the sword Qi swept Shen Hongyi's cheek.


The delicate skin is cut a deep cut in an instant, and extends from the chin to the temples.

The blood gushed out and dyed Shen Hongyi's whole cheek red.

Shen Hongyi snorted with pain, and his eyes immediately showed infinite anger.

for the first time!

This is the first time that she has been seriously injured since she was crowned in Chengjian mountain!

The key opponent is still a person who is far inferior to himself.

How could it not make her angry.

"I've ruined my face. Die for me!"

Shen Hongyi's sword will be crazy in a moment, and then cut off with one sword.

The sword is beyond description.

It's like the ancient gods who have been sleeping for a long time have finally opened their eyes, which is enough to create the world.

And it's true.

See this sword light cut the sky and the Jedi, and then the whole planet trembles.


The sword light directly cut the deep gap in the ground and kept extending down.

At the same time, deep in the earth, there was a sound like something breaking.

Then, the whole planet is separated by the gap.

Standing in the void of the outside world, the crowd was in an uproar when they saw the scene.

"A sword! Just a sword will cut the planet in half? " Someone exclaimed.

"The key point is that this is not an ordinary planet, but a planet guarded by aristocratic families and stable in the way of heaven." Some are pale.

"Si, is this the real power of Shen Jia Jian Yi? It's really powerful enough! " Some people sigh.

Si family is boiling up.

After all, it's my family residence!

But in this chaos, simingqi was looking at it like water, even without blinking his eyelids.

Seeing that he was so calm, the boiling family gradually calmed down.

Although many people are still reluctant to give up, and even some people have tears down.

But no one dares to move without saying anything.

But under the seemingly calm surface of simingqi, it was a rough sea.

He is very clear about his present situation, in a word.

Xue Ansheng lives by himself, and Xue Ansheng dies by himself!

So when he saw the destruction of his family's planet, he couldn't even care about the heartache. He had only one idea in his mind.

So what's the situation like for Xue an?

In the sense of Shen's family sword, which is similar to the horror of gods and demons, can he survive?

At the same time, Jiutian Xuannv's face is also very dignified.

She is not sure whether this Chinese posterity can survive the war.

The only thing she can do is stand here and pray for him.

Because she knew what Xue an meant by letting herself lead the people away.

He obviously wants to face Shen Hongyi alone, so as to temper himself.

If he wins, he will go a step further.

If it fails.

Then there's nothing.

So her heart is heavy.

Xue an, you have to hold on!

And at the time of the battle here, in Yangcheng County, far away from the pharmacist alliance, in the medicated food shop.

Originally is looking down to think about the idea of playing games of small gourd Huoran head, innocent face also emerged a dignified.


"What's broken?" Think about raising your head and asking.

"The armor is broken!"

An Yan, who was sitting on one side chatting with AO Shu, was shocked by the sound of the words, "gourd, what do you say?"

"I can feel that his armor has been seriously damaged," he said softly

The whole audience was shocked by this remark.

Because people all know who he is!

And that armor is Xue an's unique way to protect his life. If it is broken, it means that Xue an must have suffered a very serious crisis.

Anyan was obviously aware of this, and her face became pale little by little.

Cha Wenliang frowned and immediately asked, "what else do you feel? How is Sean himself

Little gourd shook his head. "I didn't feel anything. Now the connection has been broken. As for him..."

Small gourd waves of displeasure said: "estimated to have died!"

This sentence made the audience have three or five seconds of silence.

Then Aoshu jumped up.

"You're bullshit. How could brother Xue die? He'll be fine! "

"Believe it or not, anyway, according to the probability, even the armor can be seriously injured, and the possibility of his own survival is very small!" Xiaohulu talks with a calm and indifferent tone.

"Enough!" Cha Wenliang stopped the little gourd and went on.

Because he knows that little gourd seems to be a little girl, in fact, there is no human emotion.

If she is allowed to go on, it will obviously make a mess of things.

But even if he stopped the little gourd in time, Anyan's face was still bloodless and trembled all over.

As for thinking about these two little girls, you look at me, I look at you, and then burst into tears.

Although the two of them did not feel Xue an's danger, it proved that Xue an's danger was more terrible?

Anyan took a deep breath and tried to calm down her flustered heart. Then she said in a deep voice, "I'm going to find him!"

Cha Wenliang frowned, "but..."

"Nothing, but I'm going to find him!"

"Yes, I'll go too!" Aoshu also immediately stood up and said.

When Cha Wenliang saw an Yan's resolute face, he knew that persuading could not be stopped. What's more, it was impossible for anyone to keep calm.

Even he was worried.

So he nodded, "OK! In that case, let's go together! "

"I'll lead the team. I know the location of Sijia planet!" Mo Changhong, who had not spoken for a long time, said immediately.

"Are you going too?" Cha Wenliang asked.

"Of course, just now I tried to contact the empress, but I found that I couldn't contact her, which means something must have happened there, so I naturally want to go and have a look!" Mo Changhong said in a deep voice.

In fact, Mo Changhong tried several times to contact the empress when she heard xiaohulu speak, but all failed.

It also made her anxious.

All the people felt deeply when they heard the words.

If even Mo Changhong was disconnected from the empress, it would be a big deal.

Before it's too late, they all set out to the home territory.

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