At the same time, in this battlefield, many people have noticed the difference.

"What's the matter? How did I lose contact with the outside world? " Someone said in a startled voice.

"Yes, so am I!"

"Me too!"

The crowd began to clamor.

Just at this time, nine days Xuannv said in a deep voice: "don't shout, you are disconnected from the outside world because the void of hundreds of thousands of miles has been completely shrouded by the sword spirit leaked out when they fight!"

"Apart from the sword, there is no other spiritual power in this territory, even the divine thoughts are blocked, and the news from the outside world will not come in naturally!"

Hearing this, many people were shocked.

"Is it just the sword's meaning that blocks the void of hundreds of thousands of miles? What a terrible strength it is Someone lost his mind and whispered.

Others suddenly asked, "my lady, when will this war end?"

Jiutian Xuannv shook her head gently. "I don't know, because no one can see the situation in the battlefield through the sword meaning of this layer of blockade. I can't even detect the change of the sword meaning of both sides!"

"So what we can do now is to wait, and we can only wait!"

People are all silent.

Because if even the empress could not see through the war, no one could see through it.

Time went by, and soon came. After a day, Anyan and his party finally rushed to the battlefield.

But when they are ready to enter the battlefield, they are blocked by an invisible boundary.

"What is this? Why can't you get in? " Mo Changhong asked.

Zha Wenliang came forward, pushed it gently with his hand, and then a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"The void in front of you has been completely blocked by a great energy. No wonder you can't get in touch with the empress before!"

"What about that?" Mo Changhong said.

"There is no way. The blockade is so powerful that no human force can cross it!" Cha Wenliang said with a bitter smile.

"Then wait here? You know, it's not far away from home Mo Changhong said hastily.

Cha Wenliang can only smile bitterly.

Just at this time, Aoshu suddenly came to temper, "no matter what blockade it is, I'm going to go there today!"

Say, Ao Shu will sleeve up a smooth.

"Sister Yan, you should think about them first. Get out of here!"


After waiting for everyone to get out of the open space, Ao Shu takes a deep breath and shakes her arms.

There was a loud bang in her body, and then she exhaled.

"Open it for me!"


With a dull loud sound, Ao Shu pushed her palms forward, dead against the boundary.

But the next second, Aoshu was abruptly shocked back dozens of steps.

"Sister long!" Two little girls exclaimed.

"Aoshu!" Anyan can't help shouting.

Aoshu embarrassed stand, only feel arm numb, the boundary is still.

This can not help but stimulate her that hidden in the blood of the fierce.

"Brother Xue is in it. Open it for me!"

With the voice, Ao Shu suddenly shakes her body, and the whole person shows its original form.

A dragon appeared in the void, and then she opened her mouth, roared and rushed to the boundary again.


There was another loud noise.

This time there was a slight ripple in the boundary, but it was only a ripple.

Then the huge anti shock force will fly Ao Shu again.

An Yan a flash body then flew to her behind, make an effort to push, just calculate to let her can stop.

Aoshu panting, but under the restoration of human form.

Look at the boundary again, there is still no change.

Aoshu this also can't help showing the color of despair.

"What the hell is that? Why are they so strong? "

Chawenliang sighed, "I have said it's useless, because if I guess correctly, the power to block this void comes from Xue an and his enemies."

The whole party was silent.

Anyan's eyes showed infinite despair and sadness.

Mingming has already come near, Mingming has another distance to the battlefield, but this seemingly not far distance is like a natural moat.

"Can we just wait here?" Mo Changhong murmured.

Just when an Yan and his party were blocked out of the battlefield, they were helpless.

The battlefield is full of changes.

But see this originally was divided into two planet suddenly tremble again.

Before, the planet was cut in half by Shen Hongyi, but because of the effect of gravity, the two halves of the planet were not far away, but attached to each other as if they were apart, and even there was a faint sign of re bonding.

This is self-help from the will of the planet itself.

In fact, it has a more well-known name, which is the law of heaven.

Every planet has its own law of heaven, strong or weak.

And the laws of the way of heaven on Sijia are obviously very powerful.

So even if it's hit hard by a sword, it's still trying to repair it.

But just then, half of the planet that had been glued together suddenly began to shake.

Then, the peaks, the rocks and everything on the planet began to crumble.

It's like an invisible hand is crushing all this.

In an instant, the whole planet completely disintegrated into pieces in a howl containing infinite reluctance.

It was a lament from heaven.

The whole audience was shocked.

Many people are shocked because they clearly feel that there is a breath emerging in the stars and gravel.

Nine days Xuan girl is also the whole body micro shock.

Is the battle finally over?

And then he looked.

At the same time, an Yan and others who are helpless before blocking the boundary suddenly feel the disappearance of the boundary.

Naturally, they were overjoyed and rushed here immediately.

The distance of hundreds of thousands of miles is just a cup of tea for them.

And when they arrived here, just in the boundless star gravel, appeared a figure.

Everyone held their breath and watched quietly.

Because everyone knows that whoever can walk out of this debris is the winner of this war.

An Yan is to mention the heart to the throat eye, attentively looking at.

The figure is more and more clear.


You can see a hand carved like sapphire stretching out the edge of the sea of stars and gravel.

There was a commotion.

At the same time, the edge of the sea of stars and gravel began to shake violently, and then a boy in white came out of it and came to the public. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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