When I saw the boy, there was a tsunami like commotion.

"It's the boy!"

"My God, he won?"

"In that case, two members of the Shen family have been defeated by this young man!"

"It's incredible. It's incredible. It's Shen Hongyi, who makes thousands of troops avoid it! Even defeated by this young man? "

Si Mingqi, who had clenched his fists, was relieved to see this behind the scenes, and then a faint smile appeared on his face.

Good! It seems that I am right!

But in this exclamation, nine days Xuannv's face can not see the slightest joy, on the contrary, her eyes are full of worry.

At the same time, Xue an's eyes fell on an Yan and others after touring the whole court, and then smile.

All of a sudden, Anyan's tears burst out of his eyes, and the two little girls rushed up immediately.

"Dad! Are you all right? "

Xue an held them in his arms and said softly, "Dad is OK. Don't you see that dad is OK?"

Two little girls pinched Xue an's shoulder and looked at Xue an's smiling face carefully. Then they relaxed.

Niannian can't help but clap her chest and let out a breath.

"It's OK. It's OK. Dad, we were scared to death before. Mom cried more than once."

Thinking about it, she said: "well, it's all due to Hulu. She talks nonsense, saying that something must have happened to you, Dad. That's why we are so worried!"

Said to think, also glanced at the distance of a small gourd, that means this see you how nonsense.

After seeing Xue an, xiaohulu's eyes flashed a strange light. As soon as he wanted to speak, Zha Wenliang suddenly said solemnly.

"Don't say anything, keep silent for a while!"

Little gourd mouth moved, and finally shrugged, "OK!"

At the same time, Aoshu and Anyan also rushed to Xue an.

"Yan'er, you are worried!" Xue an said softly.

Anyan looks at Xue an deeply and doesn't speak.

Ao Shu is extremely excited to say: "brother Xue, is the planet behind you broken?"

Xue an nodded, "yes!"

"Wow, brother Xue, you are so good!" Aoshu eyes worship said.

Xue an smiles, and then kisses the two little girls in her arms. She says in a soft voice, "well behaved, you two follow shu'er to play!"


Two little girls cleverly follow Ao Shu to go.

It was only after they had gone away that Xue Anfang raised his head and his face became more and more serious.

"Yan'er, I need you to help me with something!"

Anyan nodded immediately, "OK!"

Xue an took a deep breath, "next I will be closed for a period of time, in this period of time you have to watch these two little girls!"

An Yan a Zheng, immediately ask a way: "you want to shut up how long?"

"I don't know the time yet. It may be a month or a year. In a word, you don't have to worry too much about me during this time. Just have a good look and miss them!"

Looking at the indifferent smile on Xue an's face, an Yan suddenly realized something, and her face became very serious, then nodded solemnly.

"Well, I promise you! And no matter how long it takes, I'll wait for you to get out of the pass

Xue an said with a smile, "don't be so nervous. I've just gained something in this war, so I need to shut up and digest it!"

With that, Xue an's eyebrows suddenly flashed. The Fubao building, which was originally stored in the sea of knowledge, flew out, and then fell into an Yan's hands.

"During this time, you can let two little girls rest in Fubao building. If there is an emergency, you can also enter it!" Xue an said.

Anyan gradually clenched her fist and took a deep breath, "OK!"

Then a golden light appeared in the palm of Xue an's hand. In the golden light, there was a suit of armor rotating, but the armor was very dull and obviously seriously damaged.

Xue an looked at the little gourd and said, "thank you for the armor you gave me!"

Small gourd indifferent said: "you are welcome, this is what I devour you! I'm just going back to the owner! "

Xue an laughed, then looked at the golden light in his hand and said, "I believe you can see that the armor has been seriously damaged!"

"Of course, in fact, I didn't expect anyone to make such a strong armor like this in such a short time!"

"Is that a compliment?" Xue an asked with a smile.

"It's up to you. I don't care!"

After a period of growth, this little gourd's words have become very skilled, and even can be described as aggressive.

Xue an looked at the little gourd deeply and suddenly handed the golden light in his hand.

"Next, please repair it again!"

"I'll try! As for the success or failure, it depends on whether there is a suitable alchemy vessel to swallow! " Small gourd is very indifferent to the golden light in the hands, and then turned away.

Only after turning around, she said in a voice that only she could hear.

"Strange, it's reasonable to say that such injury should have been dead long ago! It's unbelievable that they can still hold on to the present and explain their future affairs! "

Of course, she was the only one to hear these words, and no one else knew.

At this time, Xue an's tired state in his eyes was hard to hide, but he still said with a smile: "Yan'er, go ahead, take two little girls and shu'er into Fubao building first!"

Anyan seemed to have a thousand words to say, but when she came into contact with Xue an's indifferent smiling eyes, she swallowed them all and turned them into a low voice.

Then she turned to leave, with two little girls and AO Shu into the Fu Bao building.

Before leaving, the two little girls waved to Xue an happily.

"Goodbye, Dad!"

Xue an also laughed and waved, "goodbye!"

Guanghua flashed by, and Anyan and his party disappeared.

The next moment, Xue an opened his mouth and spat out a big mouthful of blood. At the same time, the smile on his face all died away, turning into a deathly white.

The sudden change surprised the whole audience.

Zha Wenliang is the first to rush forward and hold the tottering Xue an.

"How's it going?"

Xue an shook his head gently. "It's bad!"

Cha Wenliang's face suddenly became extremely dignified.

Because the word "very bad" can be said from Xue an's mouth, it clearly shows that his situation has reached a certain degree, and even makes it unnecessary for him to cover up.

At the same time, nine days Xuannv also rushed to the front.

"Is it going to be closed next?"

Xue an nodded.

"What's the outcome?" Nine days Xuan female then asks a way.

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