Shen Gaoge trembled with fright, and his face turned white.

It wasn't until a long time later that he swallowed hard and said in a voice that only he could hear.

"Isn't it a weak period? How can you control the meaning of the sword? What's more, it's so violent. How can I get married after that... "


After a sword flash, Shen Gaoge's ears fell in response to the sound, splashing out pieces of blood.

It's still the skyscraper, the majestic sword Tower!

But Shen Hongyi used to fly directly into it, but now she is in the weak period of reincarnation of the sword soul. She can only endure the threatening sword power and walk to the sword tower step by step.

With each step, her anger will be more intense, and her hatred for Xue an can be described as deep-rooted.

If it wasn't for that guy, how could he be like this?

She won't accept the key!

From the bottom of my heart!

It is clear that his accomplishments in other aspects are far inferior to his own except the realm, but he did not expect that he was defeated by such a person in the end.

This is a great shame for Shen Hongyi, who has always been arrogant.

I must have been careless, so I was taken advantage of by that guy!

Yes, it must be!

This time I ask the owner or the shopkeeper to help me through the weak period. I will never take it lightly again. I will defeat him completely!

Let him kneel down and beg for mercy!

Shen Hongyi was ruthless in her heart.

At the same time, she finally came to the sword tower.

There is no guard in front of the door.

Joke, this is the core of the Shen family. I don't know how many rebellious beings live in it. Unless this person is crazy, who dares to make trouble here?

Shen Hongyi wants to go to the building.

But she walked several times, and was finally forced back by the majestic meaning of the sword tower.

It made her even more angry, and she could not help shouting.

"Didn't you see that it was my aunt and I came back? Why don't you open the door? "

With this rebuke, but see hanging on the door of the two characters slowly stirred up a strange brilliance.

Then two illusory figures appeared.

A sword is carved on one forehead, and a building is carved on the other.

you 're right!

These two figures are just changed from the plaque of the sword tower.

One is a sword and the other is a building.

Strictly speaking, they should also be considered supernatural.

But it is estimated that the whole Tianwaitian is not more wonderful than the two of them.

Because even if the utensils become fine, there must be a specific object, but the two of them are actually pure seal characters.

This is enough to overturn many people's imagination.

But it would not be so strange if it was placed in the Shen family, where the strong came out in large numbers.

Because this sword tower has experienced thousands of years of baptism, I don't know how many amazing people have lived here.

The majestic sword spirit they left behind has already been integrated with this sword building.

And these two big words are said to have come from the sword emperor who founded the Shen family in those years, which implies that Kendo is very reasonable.

After so much nourishment of sword spirit, it's not surprising that wisdom sprouted.

This is why the door of Shen family is open.

Because of these two guards, no one with a bad heart can enter.

It's just that they seldom show up, so few people know.

At the moment, when they saw Shen Hongyi standing in front of the door, they were all stunned.

Then the sword character essence asked strangely: "girl in red, how did you suddenly reborn the sword spirit?"

"Yes, I think it's too boring, so I'll play again?"

Shen Hongyi rolled her eyes as she looked at these two strange and simple people.

"You are reborn to play. I have to be reborn!"

The two monsters in the sword tower looked at each other, and immediately showed a sudden color.

"Oh, I've been talking for a long time, but I was defeated!"

Shen Hongyi's face became more ugly.

"Don't talk nonsense. If you don't get out of the way, I'm going to see the owner and the shopkeeper!"

"Oh, don't be so anxious. As the saying goes, if you are anxious, you can't eat hot tofu. Let's come step by step." The sword character spirit says with smile.

"That's right. Our two brothers finally show up, so we can talk more with each other." Lou Zi Jing also said with a smile.

"Aunt, I don't have time to entangle with you now. Don't make me angry!" Shen Hongyi was very impolite.

But the two spirits didn't look angry at all. In fact, they didn't know what anger was, so they gave way.

Shen Hongyi rushes into the sword building and goes straight to the core of the elder hall.

And these two monsters are looking at her back and making endless comments.

"The girl in red seems very angry!"

"I guess I was defeated. I'm in a bad mood!"

"But who can beat her?"

The two spirits were talking outside, while Shen Hongyi had already broken into the hall of the elder.

There was no assembly at the moment, so the hall was empty, and only a mysterious high platform stood in it.

Shen Hongyi converges the anger on her face and kneels down respectfully.

"Disciple Shen Hongyi, I'd like to see the master and the chief shopkeeper!"

The sound reverberated through the hall.


The high platform sparkled.

Then they see a fuzzy figure began to emerge.

Each figure contains a very strong breath.

And in the middle of the high platform, after a flash of light, there is an old man with an old face.

After seeing the old man, Shen Hongyi kowtowed deeply again.

"Disciple Shen Hongyi, I've met the shopkeeper!"

After seeing Shen Hongyi kneeling below, the big shopkeeper's face also flashed a look of surprise.

"What's the matter? Why are you reborn? "

Shen Hongyi, looking aggrieved, bowed his head and said, "back to the chief shopkeeper, when I was avenging my brother, I was accidentally attacked by Xue an. As a result... I was defeated and died, but I had to reborn my sword spirit!"

As soon as this was said, the quiet Hall of elders began to be lively.

There were incredible exclamations from these vague figures.

"How can it be? With Xue an's strength, it's inconceivable that he can surpass Gao Ge. This time, he even lost red clothes in his hands. Is this man a hidden master? " Someone said in a startled voice.

"Yes, we can all see the Kendo of red clothes. It can be said that she is the first one among the young generation of Shen family. How can she also lose?" Some people lament.

Hearing these comments, Shen Hongyi's face became more and more ugly and kowtowed again.

"Chief shopkeeper, you elders, the defeat was completely due to my being too light on the enemy and careless. As a result, Xue an took advantage of the situation." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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