"If you give me another chance, I'll cut this man off! So

Shen Hongyi raised her head and looked at the big shopkeeper with a full face of hope. "Hongyi dares to ask the big shopkeeper to help me through the weak period after the rebirth of the sword spirit as soon as possible. Then I will find Xue an again and wash the shame with the sword in my hand!"

Hearing Shen Hongyi's sincere request, the whole audience's eyes were focused on the big shopkeeper.

After all, when the owner is away, the words of the big shopkeeper are the imperial edict.

However, the shopkeeper pondered for a moment, and then said in a deep voice, "I'll ask you, what's Xue an's cultivation like?"

"The realm is very high, but the cultivation is very poor!"

"Why did your brother and sister lose to him? What's the matter? You have to tell the situation in detail before making a decision! "


Shen Hongyi bowed her head and said yes. Then she looked up and said, "when I saw that my brother was defeated in the war, and even the heart of the sword almost didn't escape back, I couldn't help but get angry. I immediately asked for your instructions, and then set out to find Xue an for revenge!"

"Everything went well at the beginning. As soon as we arrived at the alliance of pharmacists, we met Xue an who was on a mission in a star, and then we had a big war!"

"This man is very strange. He has a very high level of sword spirit, even strange sword spirit that I have never seen before, but his cultivation is very poor. At the beginning, I didn't take it seriously, but after a few moves, I knew I was wrong!"

"This man is by no means an easy man, and it's not a fluke to defeat my brother, so we started a fight to the death, and even broke the planet!"

With Shen Hongyi's story, the room gradually quiets down, and the elders listen quietly.

This big shopkeeper's eyes are slightly flickering.

Because he read a lot of information from Shen Hongyi's words.

Combined with Shen Gaoge's words before, we can draw a conclusion that at least Xue an's realm is seriously inconsistent with his true cultivation.

But this phenomenon is very strange.

Because in general, people's realm lags behind cultivation.

I've never heard of anyone with a high level but poor strength.

How to explain the situation of Xue an?

The shopkeeper couldn't help thinking.

Until Shen Hongyi finished, he said in a deep voice: "and then? Tell me how you were defeated by him, and how the soul of the sword was reborn? "

Shen Hongyi smelled a look of humiliation on Yan's face. She lowered her head and said, "according to the normal situation, it was only a matter of time before I defeated Xue an!"

"But in the most fierce battle, Xue an suddenly used a kind of almost rogue fighting method!"

"Oh?" The big shopkeeper slightly raised his eyebrow, "what kind of rogue play?"

Shen Hongyi took a deep breath, and a complex look appeared in her eyes.

"He's starting to trade with me!"

There was a commotion among the elders on the stage.

Because they all know what the five words "one move for another" mean.

That is a kind of regardless of their own life and death, just want to die with the opponent.

If what Shen Hongyi said is true, it's really a kind of almost rogue playing method.

Because it's almost unsolvable.

Unless you are going to die with the other side, even if you win, it will be a tragic victory.

Of course, the premise of this game is that the gap between the two sides is not too great.

If one side is Kendo and the other side is ordinary people, it's impossible even if you want to change one move.

The big shopkeeper's eyes also flashed a touch of meditation, and immediately said in a deep voice: "and then!"

"And then I lost!" Shen Hongyi lowered her head, and her tone was very low.

The big shopkeeper sighed, "if I guess correctly, at the beginning of the change, do you want to try not to let yourself be infected with the sword, and you'd better easily kill the other side under the sword?"


"Ha ha, I have this idea, so it's not surprising that you are defeated. After all, the other side was playing with you at that time, but you were still timid. Your sword is not his opponent, of course

Sure enough, he is the boss of the Shen family. What he said is to the point.

Shen Hongyi's face was a sudden color.

Before, she had been dazzled by anger, and did not think about the reason for her failure.

Only after hearing the analysis of the shopkeeper did she realize that she had lost in her mentality.

After all, at that time, he just held the mentality of revenge for his brother, and despised Xue an who was not as powerful as himself.

But Xue an took out all his strength to fight against him. In this way, he was not wronged.

And when she realized this, she couldn't help taking a deep breath, and her face became more and more serious, with a solemn kowtow.

"Shopkeeper, red clothes understand. Red clothes implore the shopkeeper to help me get through the weak period as soon as possible. I will prove myself again with my sword!"

The big shopkeeper's eyes were full of praise.

It's the Shen family's rule to get up from wherever you fall.

So he nodded, just about to speak.

But at this time, a small sword suddenly flew to the hall, and then flew to the big shopkeeper and fell into his hands.

At the sight of this sword, the big shopkeeper's face suddenly became very serious.

Because it's a sword to pass on important information.

He immediately immersed himself in it.

The whole audience then quieted down for fear of disturbing the shopkeeper.

A moment later, I heard the big shopkeeper's voice.

Then he looked up at the crowd.

"It's from the second young master!"

"Second young master?"

"That's great. Since the second young master wrote, it means that he is not far away from the customs clearance!"

And people are very excited about it.

Someone asked, "what did the second young master say?"

The chief shopkeeper said, "the second young master said in his letter that he already knew about it, and told us not to interfere. He wanted to meet Xue an in person after going out of the pass."

Hearing this, Shen Hongyi, who had been ready, was stunned.

"What? Do you want to do it yourself

"Yes! He also said in his letter that Xue an had already been shut down because of his heavy injury after the fight with you, so let's not have too much pressure on you, especially don't act rashly, and wait for him to go through the customs! "

Shen Hongyi's mouth moved, and finally he lowered his head helplessly.

Because she is very clear, with the identity and strength of the second childe, since he said he would intervene in this matter, then no one can touch it again.

Even myself.

Although the heart is full of unwilling, but she finally gently nodded.

"Yes! Red clothes, please obey the order of the second young master

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